
  • 网络something for nothing;What Is and What Should Never Be;FICTION and FACT;Synthetik
  1. 虚实之间的辗转&论20世纪非写实性小说之盛衰流变

    True or False & The Rise and Fall of Non-realistic Fiction in 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  2. 已敲响于虚实之间的生态文明警钟,预示着生态文明对人类幸福的重要意义。

    Ecological civilization is more and more closely related with human being , indicating its great significance to human being 's life .

  3. 南宋洪迈充分肯定了小说的价值,他徘徊于小说的虚实之间,怀疑鬼神怪异的真实却又相信天命。

    Hong Mai in South Song Dynasty had a firm belief in the value of novels , He wavered between the reality and imagination of novels , doubting the existence of ghosts while believing in destiny .

  4. 虚实隐显之间&罗马法与希腊精神

    Roman Law Greek Spirit

  5. 为了解决虚实分裂问题,我们必须想方设法促进虚实之间的良性互动从而实现虚实和谐。

    In order to resolve this conflict , we should try our best to promote virtuous interaction between virtuality and reality , thus realizing the harmony between them .