
  • 网络Blue barriers
  1. 为了减少、消除蓝色壁垒的不利影响,我国必须尽快与国际通行的社会责任管理制度相衔接。

    In order to reduce and eliminate the Blue barriers adverse effects , our country must link up with the international general social responsibility control system as soon as possible .

  2. 蓝色壁垒对我国汽车零部件产业出口的影响

    Impact of Blue Trade Barrier on China 's Parts Export Industry

  3. 对经济衰退阴影下蓝色壁垒问题的理性审视

    Rational Examination on the " Blue Barrier " under the Shadow of Economic Recession

  4. 以价值工程应对蓝色贸易壁垒SA8000

    To Answer Blue Trade Barrier SA8000 with Value Engineering

  5. 蓝色贸易壁垒源自社会条款,它的典型代表是SA8000标准。

    The blue trade barrier is derived from social terms , and its typical representative is SA8000 standards .

  6. SA8000对我国出口贸易带来巨大的挑战,基于价值工程的现代管理技术的应用,是应对这个蓝色贸易壁垒的有效途径。

    Tht SA8000 becomes Blue Trade Barrier , a great challenge to Chinese foreign trade . Based on Value Engineering , the application of modern managerial techniques is an effective solution to this .

  7. 辽宁省出口产品应对蓝色贸易壁垒研究

    On countermeasures to blue barrier to trade of exports in Liaoning Province

  8. 蓝色贸易壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响及对策

    Impacts on China ′ s export trade caused by blue barriers and the countermeasures

  9. 蓝色贸易壁垒具有双重效应,既有负面影响,也有正面影响。

    It is of dual effect , having not only positive but also negative influences .

  10. 积极应对蓝色贸易壁垒&SA8000

    Against the Blue Trade Barrier - SA8000

  11. 蓝色贸易壁垒是新出现的非关税贸易壁垒之一,对国际贸易产生了巨大的影响,而辽宁省企业并未对其内容充分重视。

    Blue barrier to Trade is one of the newly emerged non tariff barriers , which has an enormous effect on international trade .

  12. 蓝色贸易壁垒的提出是为了削弱发展中国家的劳动力成本优势,主要针对的是其劳动密集型产品。

    The blue trade barrier is created to weaken the labor cost advantage of developing countries , mainly taking effect on their labor-intensive products .

  13. 中国是发展中国家,是个贸易大国,中国的企业多是劳动密集型企业,由于经济、教育文化等多方面的原因中国的劳工标准确实比较低,是发达国家实施蓝色贸易壁垒的主要对象。

    Enterprises of China which is a big trading country are almost labor-intensive . Because of the economic and historical reasons , there is a low labor standard in our country .

  14. 近几年我国钢铁行业经历了井喷式的发展,成就了世界第一大粗钢生产国的地位,我国钢铁产品在国际市场上具有相当占有量,遭遇蓝色贸易壁垒是必然趋势。

    In the recent years , steel products from China have accounted for quite a portion of international market and it is inevitable that the steel industry shall encounter blue trade barrier .

  15. 从自身来看,不管是政府还是企业都应该树立正确的意识和态度,做到规范好自己才是积极应对蓝色贸易壁垒的良药。

    From their own point of view , whether government or enterprises should establish a correct awareness and attitudes , so that regulate their own trade barriers is a positive response to the blue pill .

  16. 微观层面,希望我国企业能够提高自身竞争力,树立正确的应对蓝色贸易壁垒的意识,积极进行技术创新工作,注重市场的多元化发展。

    The micro level , give suggestions that Chinese enterprises should improve their competitiveness , establish the correct consciousness of the blue trade barriers , actively carry out technological innovation , and focus on market diversification .

  17. 蓝色贸易壁垒是继技术贸易壁垒和绿色贸易壁垒等非关税贸易壁垒的一种新型的贸易壁垒,它是以保护劳动者生存权利和劳动环境为借口采取的一种贸易保护措施。

    The blue trade barrier is one of the various forms of new non-tariff trade barriers , it is a trade measure which is taken on the pretext of protecting the labor right and work environment .

  18. 中观层面,希望我国的行业协会能够建立实用的蓝色贸易壁垒预警机制,切实发挥和完善其作为政府和企业间纽带的作用,制订好行业内规则。

    The meso level , make advices that our industry associations should establish a practical early warning mechanism under the blue barrier , play an effective role as a link between the government and enterprises and formulate the rules well in the industry .