- 名tariff barrier;tariff wall

Post-WTO , an undervalued currency is a tariff barrier by other means .
Green barriers will become a major impediment to China 's export along with China 's accession to the WTO and the gradual disappearance of the tariff barrier .
It is a part of the multilateral agreement of non - tariff wall in WTO law frame .
Economies will also eliminate non-tariff barriers , including local content requirements that distort environmental goods and services trade ( see Annex C ) .
Our export of textiles and garments will face with the limit of non-tariff barrier especially after we enter into WTO .
Google 's threat to quit China has brought into the open previously muted complaints about non-tariff barriers and allegedly arbitrary regulation .
Mr Mandelson is concerned at the increasing use of non-tariff barriers by China to manage imports following its full accession to the World Trade Organisation .
The safety fact that many accidents happened these years and our countries coming into WTO compels us to recognize the importance of occupational safety and health .
WTO 'S Agreement on Trade and Technology Barriers , as an important aspect of the non-tariff barriers , lays down some strict technological regulations and standards .
The high tariff duties of every country in the world have been weakened greatly while China entered WTO successfully . Market internationalization has become an irresistible general trend .
According to estimates by World Bank economists , non-tariff barriers , including other distortions such as subsidies , price control measures and technical standards , make up 70 per cent of all global barriers to trade .
After china joined WTO , the trade restricts brought by the tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers are decreased so that it 's a good chance to develop the exportation of farm products .
Her conclusion is that : When transport costs or tariff barriers are higher , plant-level fixed costs compared to the firm-level fixed costs lower , FDI will be more prevalent .
As with the " Uruguay Round " of WTO negotiations end and the establishment of tariff barriers substantially reduced , non-tariff barriers gradually become the main measures of trade protectionism , especially technical barriers to trade .
With China 's entry into WTO and abolishment of textile quota , green trade barrier , the non-tariff barrier , has growing into a main trade barrier which developed countries throw in export of China 's textiles .
MS Le Pen campaigns to withdraw France from the euro , impose tariff barriers and roll back the Schengen Agreement on free movement of people across the EU .
China should actively develop bilateral and multilateral FTAs with other countries and steer clear of nontariff barriers , so as to expand export and promote economic development .
Many multinational companies setting up the technical standards that more higher and more formidable non-tariff barriers than TBT or intellectual property barriers for developing countries .
The non-tariff wall such as social accountability 8000 has more and more effect to China 's textile and apparel industry in post-quota age .
At the same time , it challenges our enterprises that the none-trade barrier especially for SA8000 that was carried out by European and American countries .
China , by contrast , has only 12 FTAs ( though it aims to create 20 more ), so its products hit tariff barriers upon entering North American and South American markets .
SA8000 and anti-dumping are two major non-tariff barriers for China in the international trade with western countries , which have negative impact for the economic development of China .
Technical Barriers to Trade ( TBT ), owning to its characteristics of concealment , rationality , flexibility , etc , are becoming the main form of non-tariff barriers in recent years .
In fact , not only the special safeguard , but also TBT , SA8000 and standard of origin are all the non-tariff barriers imposing on China 's textile companies .
Along with development and the establishment of GATT and WTO in multilateral trading negotiation promote , tariff barriers reduces gradually , the protective role of its trade had been replaced gradually with the non-tariff barrier mainly with technical barriers .
After joining WTO , the enterprise of our country faces unprecedented opportunity and challenge , cutting down the internationalization which has caused the market range gradually of international tariff barrier , has increased the degree of freedom of management of the enterprise , has expanded the profit-making space .
This essay analyses the averse impacts on the foreign trade of China caused by technical barriers to trade under the framework of WTO , under the situation that the impacts of tariff and non-tariff barriers on the foreign trade development have gradually weakened ever since China joined WTO .
This article , proceeding from the considerations of clearing up of non - tariff barrier by WTO and assessing of unified conformity , analyses the problems existing in implementing Standard ISO9000 by our iron & steel enterprises and puts forward the countermeasures .
With the rising of the new trade protectionism , TBT , one of non-tariff Barriers with the most remarkable results , is being carried out by western countries in profusion , which gradually hinders the healthy development of international trade .
As the most hidden barriers to trade and the most difficult breakthroughs in present international trade , Technical Barriers to Trade ( TBT ) have been important non-tariff barriers in China 's foreign trade following quota , origin and antidumping measures .