
  • 网络slave state
  1. 只要在马萨诸塞可以把一个黑人从汽车里推出去,马萨话塞就是一个蓄奴州。

    While a black man can be turned out of a car in Massachusetts , Massachusetts is a slave State .

  2. 北方各州的人一直瞧不起梅森一狄克森线以南的昔日的蓄奴州。

    The former slave states south of the Mason-Dixon line have always been looked down on by northerners .

  3. 1860年12月20日,南卡罗来纳州脱离联邦,其他十个蓄奴州旋即效仿。

    December 20 , 1860.South Carolina secedes from the Union . The ten other slave states soon follow .

  4. 同时,也有另外一种担心,害怕在新的领土里面增加蓄奴州会加剧南北之间的分化。

    There was concern that an increase in slave holding states created out of the new territory would exacerbate divisions between north and south , as well .

  5. 在就职典礼上,亚伯拉罕·林肯勉强承诺允许蓄奴州继续保持奴隶制,但退步太小且为时已晚。

    At his inauguration , Abraham Lincoln reluctantly pledges that states with slaves will be allowed to keep them , but it 's too little , too late .