
Lín Kěn
  • Abraham Lincoln
  1. 他们总是等待并要求得到更多资财的倾向让林肯总统甚感不快。

    Their inclination to wait and demand more resources desolated President Lincoln .

  2. 他的写作得益于他感到已故的林肯一直在他身后激励着他。

    His writing benefits from the shade of Lincoln hovering over his shoulder .

  3. 这匹马在林肯郡夺冠,在洛斯比获得了第二名。

    The horse had already won at Lincolnshire and come second at Lowesby .

  4. 林肯总统废除了美国的奴隶制。

    President Lincoln abolished slavery in the United States .

  5. 1865年,林肯遇刺事件震惊全美国。

    Lincoln 's assassination in 1865 shocked the whole nation .

  6. 大人物常常出身贫寒,例如林肯和爱迪生。

    Great men have often risen from poverty -- Lincoln and Edison , for example .

  7. 他读了林肯的传记后,能讲出许多关于这位总统的故事。

    After reading a biography of Lincoln he was able to tell many stories about the President .

  8. 林肯坚决主张解放奴隶。

    Lincoln insisted that the slaves should be emancipated .

  9. 全世界把林肯与解放黑奴联系在一起。

    The world identifies Lincoln with emancipation .

  10. 林肯具有伟大的人格。

    Lincoln had a grand character .

  11. 我们参观了林肯纪念堂。

    We visited the Lincoln memorial .

  12. 他粗鲁,酗酒,对法律懂得甚少,因此配不上当一个与林肯平起平坐的合伙人。

    He was crude , drank too much , knew little law , and hence was undeserving to be lincoln 's equal partner .

  13. 林肯非常惊讶,但是他假装镇静自若。

    Lincoln was very surprised , but he pretended to be calm .

  14. 小威利:亚伯拉罕林肯过他的三周岁生日。

    Little Willy : Abraham Lincoln had5 his third birthday .

  15. 林肯在演说中表扬阵亡将士

    Lincoln commemorated the soldiers killed in the battle in his address .

  16. 年,林肯遇刺事件震惊全美国。

    Lincoln 's assassination in 1865 shocked the whole nation.1865

  17. 林肯是著名的伟大的解放者

    Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator .

  18. 小威利:亚伯拉罕林肯诞生。

    Little Willy : Abraham Lincoln was2 born3 .

  19. 林肯的诚实在下面的例子里得到最好的证明。他与他的伙伴记有详细的账目。

    His honesty was strongly illustrated by the way he kept his accounts with his law-partner .

  20. 那个人手中拿着枪,瞄准林肯的鼻子。

    The man had a pistol in his hand . He aimed at Lincoln 's nose .

  21. 一天,林肯正在街上散步,这时他突然被一个丑人拦住了。

    One day , Lincoln was walking in the street when he was stopped by an ugly man .

  22. 林肯建议斯坦顿,写一封内容尖刻的信回敬那家伙

    Lincoln suggests Si Tan pauses , the letter that writes acrimonious of a content retaliates that fellow .

  23. 林肯非常乐意为那些他认为受到冤屈的人辩护,但是他却拒绝为那些确实有罪的人辩护。

    Lincoln was delighted to advocate the cases of those whom he knew to be wronged , but he would not defend the cause of the guilty .

  24. 林肯仔细端详那个人的脸,急切地说,“请瞄准我吧,如果我比你更丑,我也不想活了。”

    Lincoln looked at the man 's face carefully and said eagerly . " Please take aim at me , sir . If I was uglier than you , I would not want to live . "

  25. 当被问到他这样做的原因,林肯回答道:“因为我曾经答应我的妈妈永远不拿属于别人的钱。”

    When asked why be did not make a record of the amount and , for the time being , use the whole , Mr. Lincoln answered , " Because I promised my mother never to use money belonging to another person . "

  26. 揭竿而起推翻现存政府的权利(b亚伯拉罕林肯)

    The right to rise up , and shake off the existing government ( bAbraham Lincoln )

  27. 修建一个延伸至林肯中心(LincolnCenter)广场的更大的玻璃大堂。

    A bigger glass lobby stretching into Lincoln Center 's plaza .

  28. 当林肯抵达NewSalem时,只有几户人家住在那儿。

    When Lincoln arrived at New Salem , only a handful of families lived there .

  29. 尊敬的A·B·林肯亲爱的先生我父亲刚从集市回来,带回了你和哈姆林先生的画像。

    Hon A B Lincoln Dear Sir My father has just come from the fair and brought home your picture and Mr. Hamlin ' s.

  30. 因此,像林肯(Lincoln)的TownCar、丰田(Toyota)的Matrix和三菱(Mitsubishi)的Eclipse这类车,你得去其他地方找它们的讣告了。

    So Lincoln Town car , Toyota matrix , and Mitsubishi eclipse & you will have to look elsewhere for your obituaries .