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Preliminary study on the background value of chlorine , sulphur and fluorine in the leaves of deciduous plants from the xinxiang 's City
Evergreen and deciduous plant allocation ratio is suitable .
Blueberries are deciduous , which means they 'll lose their leaves in winter .
The results are as follows : Phenological observations showed that deciduous species dominated the Yuanjiang dry-hot valley .
The value of noise attenuation of plant community was 4-5 dB bigger in growing period than in defoliating period .
Larvae of a gregarious North American moth that spins a carpet rather than a tent ; serious defoliator of deciduous trees .
Average daily Pn of the three evergreen broad-leaved species were higher than layer species such as Sargentodoxa cuneata and deciduous species such as Heptacodium miconioides .
Deciduous plants allow winter sun through and exclude summer sun .
Litter affects plant growth and community structure .
Bushy deciduous shrub of the eastern United States with long racemes of pinkish flowers .
Hardy deciduous vine having large leaves and flowers with the calyx tube curved like the bowl of a pipe .
Dusty jade green vigorous deciduous climber of Europe to Afghanistan and Lebanon having panicles of fragrant green-white flowers in summer and autumn .
Deciduous climber for arches and fences having ill-scented but interesting flowers and poisonous yellow fruits ; cultivated for its dark shining foliage ; southeastern Europe to Asia minor .
Some houses are decorated with evergreens ( plants which do not lose their leaves in winter ); a wreath of holly on the front door and garlands of holly , ivy and fir indoors .
Schisandra chinensis ( Magnoliaceae ) is a perennial deciduous woody liana with valuable medicinal materials in Heilongjiang Province .
Any of numerous conifers of the genus Larix all having deciduous needlelike leaves . The blades of the electric fan are covered with dust .
Effects of different climbing angles on metallic element contents and their correlations in leaves of Pharbitis nil any of numerous conifers of the genus Larix all having deciduous needlelike leaves .
In the late rainy season , 30 out of 32 species began to shed their leaves , and the evergreen species fell 1 / 3 to 1 / 2 current-year leaves .
The high proportion of deciduous tree and shrub in North China makes it important to make scene of deciduous tree and shrub form in winter .
Kinds of evergreen trees , 2 defoliate trees , 12 shrubs , a woody vine , 6 herbage flowers as well as 4 lawn and ground cover plants are included and most of them are defoliated .