
  • 网络Sartre;sutter;Jean-Paul Sartre;Satyr;sart
  1. 他觉得让-保罗•萨特(Jean-PaulSartre)的一幅照片看起来像史蒂夫•布西密(SteveBuscemi),还说表情痛苦的贝多芬(Beethoven)实际上是斯通。

    He thought that a print of Jean-Paul Sartre looked like Steve Buscemi and that a pained -- looking Beethoven was actually Stone .

  2. 赖特在博文中回顾了哲学家让-保罗•萨特(Jean-PaulSartre)的一句话,接着在解释一组加密密钥的验证过程之前写道:

    Reflecting on a quote from philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre , and before explaining the process of verifying a set of cryptographic keys , Mr Wright said in his post :

  3. 萨特是个存在主义者。

    Sartre was an existentialist .

  4. 我就想逛逛巴黎,读读萨特的作品,听听悉尼·贝谢的音乐。

    I just wanted to explore Paris , read Sartre , listen to Sidney Bechet

  5. 我对萨特怀有深深的敬意。

    I had a deep admiration for Sartre

  6. 马丁的这一理论概念基于对贝克汉姆转会至巴黎圣日耳曼队后状况的一番假设:假如他突然受到萨特、普鲁斯特、加缪等法国存在主义大师启发,并遭遇个人存在危机,他会怎么办?

    Martin 's concept imagines what would happen if Beckham had been hit by a sudden existentialist crisis after encountering the views of Sartre , Proust and Camus in Paris ' intellectual scene , following his transfer to Paris Saint-Germain .

  7. 历史上的今天-加利福尼亚淘金潮1848年的今天,加利福尼亚淘金潮:詹姆斯•W•马歇尔在萨克拉曼多的萨特磨坊附近发现金块

    California Gold Rush 1848 - California Gold Rush : James W. Marshall finds gold at Sutter 's Mill near Sacramento .

  8. 结果表明,文章的读者们更容易产生怀旧情绪,这也许是为了驱赶这种萨特(Sartre)式的绝望。

    Readers of the essay became more likely to nostalgize , presumably to ward off Sartrean despair .

  9. 1848年1月24日,詹姆斯W·马歇尔在加利福尼亚北部萨特的磨坊发现金块,这引发了49年的淘金热潮。

    On Jan. 24 , 1848 , James W. Marshall discovered a gold nugget at Sutter 's Mill in northern California , sparking the gold rush of ' 49 .

  10. 除了波伏娃和萨特(Sartre),还有哪些哲学家、理论家对您的女性主义学术工作有着影响和启发?

    Except for Beauvoir and Sartre , are there any other philosophers and theorists that inspired and influenced your academic work ?

  11. 最好的是陈年玛尔维萨,或者我最喜欢的纽约玛尔维萨特藏(NewYorkMalmseySpecialReserve),后者是稀有葡萄酒公司(RareWineCompany)按照18至19世纪的马德拉风格酿造的。

    Best of all would be vintage malmsey , or one of my favorites , New York Malmsey Special Reserve , a bottling from the Rare Wine Company made in the style of Madeiras from the 18th and 19th centuries .

  12. 他们是失败者,但又以惊人的热情,坚定不移地对抗他们是失败者这个事实,同时还不断驳斥伏尔泰(Voltaire)、卢梭(Rousseau)和萨特(Sartre);

    They 're the losers but , with incredible passion , they remain steadfastly in denial of that fact , churning away at their refutations of Voltaire , Rousseau and Sartre ; their verses vindicating Il Duce ;

  13. 新职介绍服务商RiseSmartInc.的首席执行长萨特(SanjaySathe)警告说,如果你在并购后公司中扮演的角色缺乏明确性,那么这可能意味着你上了离职名单。

    Lack of clarity about a post-merger role ' could be a sign that you 're on the list for outplacement , ' warns Sanjay Sathe , CEO of RiseSmart Inc. , another provider of outplacement services .

  14. 巴黎——在诞生了萨特(Sartre)和莫里哀(Molière)的法国,文学知识被认为是明智的标志,如果你是负责该国文化预算的那个人,或许更是如此。

    PARIS - In France , the country of Sartre and Moli è re , literary knowledge is considered a sign of savoir faire , and all the more so , perhaps , if you are the person presiding over the country 's culture budget .

  15. 存在主义的希望&萨特自由哲学述评

    THE HOPE OF EXISTENTIALISM & Criticism on Sartre 's Freedom philosophy

  16. 第三部分:加缪和萨特的哲学分歧。

    PartIII : The differences of philosophy between Camus and Sartre .

  17. 萨特认为自由是人类命定的状态。

    Sartre holds that freedom is the destined state of man .

  18. 感性,理性&萨特美学两维

    On Sensibility and Reason , Two Aspects of Sartre 's Aesthetics

  19. 我认为弗洛伊德、卡夫卡和萨特是对的。

    I consider that Freud , Kafka and Sartre were right .

  20. 关于匮乏的思想是萨特人学理论的基石。

    Scarcity is the core stone of Sartre 's anthropologic theory .

  21. 霍华德·葛灵杰,住在对面街萨特街10331号

    Howard Granger . Lives across the street at 10331 Sutter .

  22. 萨特伦理叙事和意识形态叙事的特点

    The characteristics of Sartre 's ethic narrative and ideological narrative mode

  23. 这是由其审美化的哲学和萨特的诗人气质所决定的。

    It 's determined by his aesthetic philosophy and poetry .

  24. 从《苍蝇》看萨特存在主义文学

    On Sartre 's Existentialism Literature through His Play The Flies

  25. 萨特是存在主义哲学家,又是作家。

    Jean Paul Sartre was an existentialist philosopher and writer .

  26. 存在、自由与积极介入的政治哲学&萨特《辩证理性批判》解读

    Existence 、 Freedom and Political Philosophy of Getting Involved Actively

  27. 同样,存在主义代表人物萨特也用手中的笔征服了世界。

    Similarly , Sartre sets out to conquer theworld with his pen .

  28. 麦卡勒斯在这一点上与萨特的存在主义哲学思想是一致的。

    At this point , McCullers is somewhat in accordance with Sartre .

  29. 对萨特本人来说,淘金最终是一个灾难。

    The Gold Rush proved a disaster for Sutter himself .

  30. 萨特模棱两可伦理学的特征与价值指向

    The Characteristics and Value Point of Sartre ' Ambiguous Ethics