
  • 网络SAL;thrall;Saar;saarland
  1. 德国萨尔州大学的计算机科学家们已研发出了一种自行车无线刹车装置,据悉此举将彻底变革控制系统。

    Computer scientists at Saarland University , Germany , have developed a wireless bicycle brake they say could revolutionise control systems .

  2. 凯恩回去之后会立刻找萨尔谈话。

    Cairne would speak with Thrall immediately upon their return .

  3. 她听出了萨尔诺夫博士刺耳的嗓音。

    She recognized the grating voice of Dr. Sarnoff .

  4. 萨尔是这伙人的头儿。

    Sal was the leader of the pack .

  5. 对于男性来说,预期寿命缩短幅度最大的地区是滨海绍森德,沃尔萨尔和怀特岛。

    For men , the falls have been greatest in Southend-on-Sea , Walsall and the Isle2 of Wight .

  6. 数月前,萨尔•可汗准备在达拉斯举办的州立大学未来论坛(theFutureofStateUniversitiesConference)上发表讲话之前,《财富》杂志(Fortune)借机对他进行了专访。

    Fortune caught up with Khan a few months ago while he was just about to speak at the future of state universities conference in Dallas .

  7. 请以及指出,有没有从萨尔E2库存管理的所有权。

    Please well noted there are no ownership for E2 stock management from Sal .

  8. 决心增强公司内部领导力的企业或许会对麻省理工学院斯隆商学院(SloanSchoolofManagement)讲师兼伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)教授唐纳o萨尔青睐有加。

    Firms determined to ramp up their internal leadership may look to Donald Sull , lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management and a professor at London Business School .

  9. 萨尔蒙德倡导独立的论调一直是温情的、包容的,回避了愤怒的反英格兰式悲情政治(politicsofgrievance,指煽动和利用民众的委屈感为自己争取票数&译者注)。

    Mr Salmond has built his argument for independence around a cuddly , inclusive pitch that eschews the angry politics of anti-English grievance .

  10. 拉文在2013年从华盛顿州的一所高中[巴萨尔]毕业,在UCLA读了一年后,2014年参加选秀,在第13顺位被球队选中。

    LaVine graduated high school in Washington in 2013 and became the 13th overall draft pick out of UCLA in 2014 .

  11. 西尔维娅•纳萨尔(SylviaNasar)撰写的纳什传记,为好莱坞大片《美丽心灵》(ABeautifulMind)提供了情节素材。该片一举夺得四项奥斯卡大奖(AcademyAwards),罗素•克劳(RussellCrowe)在片中出演纳什。

    A biography by author Sylvia Nasar provided the basis for the plot of A Beautiful Mind , a blockbuster featuring Russell Crowe as Nash , which scooped four Academy Awards .

  12. 如果就像George,Dardess所说,这是个爱情故事,那么这是萨尔和迪安的爱情故事。

    If George Dardess is right that this is a love story , it 's the love story between Sal and Dean .

  13. 2012年,JCrew聘请《Tank》杂志总裁兼时尚总监卡洛琳•伊莎(CarolineIssa)、设计师朱丽娅•萨尔-加莫娃(JuliaSarr-Jamois)以及法国记者穆扎(VirginieMouzat)出任广告片主角,算是开了这种合作风潮之先河。

    J Crew kicked things off in 2012 with a campaign starring Caroline Issa ( chief executive and fashion director of Tank magazine ) , stylist Julia Sarr-Jamois and French journalist Virginie Mouzat .

  14. 民意调查显示,该党仇外主义领袖兼欧洲议会议员马泰奥•萨尔维尼(MatteoSalvini)是继伦齐之后人气最高的政客。

    Opinion polls show Matteo Salvini , the party 's xenophobic leader and an MEP , is the most popular politician after Mr Renzi .

  15. 我们已经触及到我们希望触及的人群,但愿影响了他们的观点,CRV风险投资人萨尔•古尔(SaarGur)说。

    We reached everyone we wanted to reach , and hopefully influenced opinions , said Saar Gur , a CRV venture capitalist .

  16. 这是看这本小说的一个很清晰的视角,对Kerouac为萨尔这个角色赋予的东西而申诉。

    Well , I think that 's a pretty clear-eyed view , and a clear indictment , of what Kerouac is doing through the character of Sal .

  17. 除了坚称苏格兰会将三叉戟(Trident)核导弹系统从克莱德(Clyde)海军基地撤出,以及苏格兰不会卷入中东争端以外,萨尔蒙德没有为他的新国家提出一套外交政策。

    Beyond insisting that Scotland will banish the Trident nuclear missile system from the Clyde and that it will not be drawn into conflicts in the Middle East , Mr Salmond does not have a foreign policy for his new state .

  18. 此外,UNIVPM和UB的科学家,其他如西班牙萨拉曼卡大学、格拉纳达,萨尔维亚的贝尔格莱德大学的研究人员都参与本项研究。

    Furthermore , as well as scientists at the UNIVPM and the UB , others from the universities of Salamanca and Granada in Spain and of Belgrade in Serbia have participated in this research study .

  19. 他们对国家充满了真实的仇恨,城市社会工作者巴斯·科纳特(BassiKonaté)说,他补充说,许多抗议者来自萨尔塞勒附近的穷人区。

    They have a real hatred against the state , said Bassi Konat é, a city social worker , who added that many of the protesters came from poorer districts near Sarcelles .

  20. 现在萨尔死了,这钱归你了。

    With sal gone , I assume it belongs to you .

  21. 我们的女儿在瓦萨尔学院的学习非常成功她…

    Our daughter 's going gangbusters at Vassar . She 's. ..

  22. 布什特别称赞了法国总统尼古拉.萨尔科齐。

    And he singled out French President Nicholas Sarkozy for praise .

  23. 萨尔在路上不断的追寻,他在追寻身份认同,追寻超越,追寻自我的拯救。

    Sal is seeking his identity , transcendence and self salvation .

  24. 新疆萨尔布拉克金矿床热液蚀变与金矿化关系

    Hydrothermal alteration and gold mineralization in Sarbulak gold deposit , xinjiang

  25. 我上一个男朋友小萨尔也是个混蛋。

    My last boyfriend sal junior , is a scum bag .

  26. 芒萨尔和勒布伦最惊人的成就

    This was Mansart and Le Brun 's most stunning achievement ,

  27. 给你点提示,地名以“萨尔”开头。

    Little hint - it starts with an " El . "

  28. 萨尔说:教练,因为他要成为董事长。

    Sal said : Coach , because he wants to be Chairman .

  29. 萨尔建议我们去游泳。

    Sal suggested that we should go for a swim .

  30. 其首府萨尔提略,过去曾经向美国提供大量出口品。

    Saltillo , its capital , had grown rich exporting to America .