
  1. 天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。

    The greenness of grass can not be seen but afar .

  2. 青苔碧绿,长到台阶上,草色青葱,映入帘子中。

    Green lichen on the steps , to green grass color , view of curtain .

  3. 山坡上,有的地方雪厚点,有的地方草色还露着;

    The snow on the slopes , somewhere is thick , and somewhere the grasses are still exposed ;

  4. 蓝天白云,茫茫草色,开阔博大的寂寥,蕴酿着悠深绵长;

    The blue sky , vast grass , open the solitude of broad , deep lingering brewing with Yau ;

  5. 在镜头分类中,本文采用了黄金分割算法和最大非草色矩形算法来划分中、远镜头。

    It presents gold section and finding the max ungreen pixel rectangle algorithms to partition long shot and medium shot in shot classification .

  6. 品酿笔记:鲜明如稻草色般的酒泽,但又带著几许柠檬绿色。紫色水稻土胡敏酸的形成&稻草腐解试验

    Tasting notes : Vibrant straw in colour with flashes of lime green . The Formation of Humic Acids in Purple Paddy Soil-Based on Decomposition of Rice Straw