
A waste dumping area was set at the waters 4 . 5 km morth to Wai Lingding Island by the Hong Kong side and has been being used for dumping rubbish and silt for a long time .
Lead sensitivity gene ALAD of newborns in electronic waste recycle area had various statuses .
Genetics Analysis of Adverse Pregnancy for Couples of Childbearing-age Exposed to E-Waste
Then we add the picture to the " trash " zone .
Investigation on Children 's Blood Lead Level in an Electronic Waste Recycling Area
Residue Characters of PCBs in Soils of Typical Polluted Areas in Yangtze River Delta Region
Children Exposure to Heavy Metals Contamination at Electronic Waste Recycling Site Related to Temperament Assessment
Their mission is to witness some of the most devastating waste accumulation on our planet , including the Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch .
In order to process the solid waste , the kind we find in landfills , you had to pretreat the solids to turn them into sludge .
Objective : To investigate the children 's lead burden level in an electronic waste recycling area ( Guiyu ) and to discuss the effects of electronic waste on children 's health .
Professor : At the end of yesterday 's class , we were discussing landfills and the hundreds of millions of tons of everyday garbage which are deposited into them each year in the United States .
The quality variation of the soil nearby municipal waste landfill and its contamination situation
Pollution characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils from farmland around the domestic refuse dump
Artificial liners ( earth fabric , HDPE membrane etc. ) are the main materials of the anti - leakage body for the works of urban landfill waste site and refuse dam .
Moreover , this paper also reveals the constitute characteristics of the life refuse on the base of sampling , classifying and weighing in every functional areas .
Building up concentration dewater treatment model in dwelling area was suggested according to high water content waste , dewatered sewage directly discharging into city sewage conduits was analyzed .
Proceeding from antiseepage , the author discusses the possibility of using the cutoff curtain for the sanitary fill with favourable conditions , and takes an example to prove the technical feasibility of cutoff curtain .
Sarah Liao , the territory 's secretary for the environment , transport and works , recently warned that , in the absence of decisive and immediate measures to reduce waste , the three landfills could be filled in as little as four years .
Closure engineering design of Taiyuan City Shanzhuangtou Domestic Waste Landfill Site , and management of landfill site and control measure of environment pollution were introduced .