- herb layer

The structure of communities is complex which can be divided into tree layer ( I , II ), shrub layer and herb layer .
Whereas , for H ' , D , PIE and Jsw , it is herb layer > tree layer > shrub layer .
Study on the relationship between soil fertility properties and species diversity in grass layer showed that the main factor affecting species diversity was soil PH , then was the soil total phosphorus .
Biomass and nutrient element accumulation of Sabina przewalskii forest community of different types were measured in the Qilian Mountains .
The minimum sample area of the herb stratum is mainly affected by S but those of the tree and shrub stratum are mainly affected by J.
The Richness of herb layer , Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson index were higher than shrub layer . 6 .
2 ) communities at the sub climax stage also showed different trends in diversity among layers & diversity indices ( D and H ′) were lowest in the tree layers followed the herb and shrub layers sequentially ;
β diversity , indicated by the Cody index , declined with increasing altitude for all three layers .
Main species of herb included Violaceae , Rosaceae and Compositae with higher density .
Element enrichment except that of NO_3-N , Fe and Zn was stronger in the dripping of herb layer than in the through-fall of canopy and shrub layer .
Vertical structure of community was simple , The Shannon-Wiener diversity index of herbage layer was 3.6673 in the community .
With increasing altitude , α diversity , represented by the Shannon-Wiener index , decreased for both tree and shrub layers , with no clear trend for herb layer .
The TWINSPAN classification and DCA ordination were employed for the quantitative analysis of the shrub layer and herbage layer under different stands .
The Fe concentration in the through-fall of canopy and shrub layer as well as the Fe and Zn concentrations in the dripping of herb layer were lower , while the concentrations of other elements were higher than those in the rainfall .
In the herbaceous layer of 3 a communities , the overall connectivity appeared to be a significant positive correlation but the interspecific relations were not stable enough ;
The species richness of herb layer was fitted in the topographic and soil feature factors , as well as the topographic relative moisture index ( TRMI ) by the generalized linear models ( GLM ) .
J is higher and H is associated positively with S at the initial phase of the shrub and herb strata , and later J decreases and H relates to J positively . However , H of tree stratum is always not negatively correlated to J.
The ash free calorific value ( AFCV ) was the highest in the tree layer , the second highest in the shrub layer and the lowest in herbaceous layer . They were 21.19, 19.72 and 18.55 KJ / g , respectively .
Both Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou evenness index in the tree and shrub layers showed downward change with increasing altitude , with no clear trend for herb layer .
The mean ash content increased in an order from tree layer , shrub layer to herb layer , while those of GCV and AFCV decreased .
The modeled dynamics of shrubs and herbs were more complex .
The herb layer biomass is overall reduction through the succession .
The species diversity decreases from shrub , tree to herb layer .
Species and quantity of herbaceous plants in the forest are increased .
And herb layer 1 . 305t / ha .
Nutrient content of grass layers is higher than that of tree layers .
All the three layers had low species diversity .
But the field layer species diversity was mainly influenced by the habitat .
The community structure is simple , having only shrub and herb layers .
The vertical structure of the community is complex ;