
  • 网络Tea;tea aroma;Tea fragrance;tea leaf
  1. 铁观音茶香枕,系原生态健康睡眠产品。

    Tieguanyin tea pillow , ecological health will sleep products .

  2. 同一个世界,同一壶茶香!

    One world , one cup of tea .

  3. 比如,由于有顾客投诉称,包装容量太大以致茶香流失,Teabox现在只出售100克真空包装的茶叶。

    For example , Teabox now sells tea only in 100-gram vacuum packs after complaints that tea in larger packs lost aroma .

  4. 茶香物质及其提取方法探讨

    Studies of the aromatic substances in tea and their extraction methods

  5. 在所以茶叶中,我最喜欢龙井茶的茶香。

    I like the flavor of longjing tea best .

  6. 御茶香系列之茶开富贵茶香枕,系原生态健康睡眠产品。

    The series will open on tea pillow , will rich original health products .

  7. 顾客可以边欣赏京剧,边以传统的方式品尝着茶香。

    You can sip the tea in the traditional way while watching peking opera .

  8. 茶香瓜子的研制西域香茶生产工艺的研究

    The Development of the Tea tasted Seeds

  9. 茶香清馨醇和,让孩子在自然条件下保持充分的睡眠质量。

    Elegant and beautiful , lets the child will keep sufficient conditions on the quality of sleep .

  10. 御茶枕系列之一路平安茶香车枕,系原生态健康车载用品。

    Royal tea pillow series of road car pillow , department of peace will & scrafts ecological health .

  11. 青城之恋茶香枕根据不同人的生理结构自行调解,让科技提升睡眠。

    Love of exotic according to different people will pillow physiological structure conciliation , let technology to sleep .

  12. 它是用花香增加茶香的一种产品,在我国很受喜欢。

    It is used to increase floral fragrance of a product , like very popular in our country .

  13. 茶香凝聚于枕周尺余,清馨醇和,久而不散,枕眠其上,茶与中药相得益彰。

    Will the pillow week , feet long and travel . like , and sleep on the pillow , tea and medicine .

  14. 茶香车枕将传统配方与现代科技完美结合,运用独到的加工工艺精心制作而成。

    Traditional formula will be car cushion and perfect to combine modern science and technology , using special processing technology and elaborate .

  15. 产品成本初始计算:本研究采用品种法对茶香盐煽鸭翅的成本进行了模拟计算,主要考虑了产品原材料费用。

    In this study , the cost of tea salt-baked duck wings were simulated by using the varieties of products cost calculation method .

  16. 闻&深呼吸闻茶叶香。上等的茶叶应该有浓浓的茶香但挥之不去的味道。

    Smell & Smell the tea-leaf with a deep breath . A good tea-leaf should have a strong fragrance but no lingering odor .

  17. 朋友,冲上一杯香茶,打开音乐,茶香里,默默感受那份音乐的气息吧。

    Friends , rushed a cup of tea , open music , tea , the share of the music feel the atmosphere of quiet bar .

  18. 其中本身具有不同的香味,既有花香,草香,也有果香,茶香;

    Itself have different perfume among them , have fragrance of flowers , grass fragrant , have fruit to be fragrant too , tea is fragrant ;

  19. 沁人心脾的茶香、精致的茶具、可口的茶点,昨天的吴山广场处处洋溢茶的清香、人的欢歌。

    Yesterday , with refreshing tea scent , exquisite tea sets and tasty tea snacks , Wushan Square was filled with tea scent and joyous people .

  20. 以绿豆粉为主要原料,对茶香绿豆糕的加工工艺进行研究,并制定质量标准。

    With the main ingredients of mungbean powder , mung bean cake with Biluochun tea processing technology was studied , also the quality specification was discussed .

  21. 接着,你可以尝尝口味极佳的茶香熏子鸭,上面配有麻豆腐和夹着暗绿色野菜的玉米面小饼。

    Afterwards , you might try the divine smoked duck , served with a spicy bean relish and cornbread buns speckled with the dark green of wild vegetables .

  22. 中式优雅的用餐环境,随着阵阵飘扬的茶香,品尝着粤式小巧、精美的茶点,为您一天的生活加油添彩。

    The elegant environment of a Chinese restaurant , together with the pervading fragrance of tea and the exquisite Cantonese refreshments , will cheer you up for the day .

  23. 绝代双骄茶香枕将中国茶养生与传统吉祥文化巧妙结合,融入时尚元素,彰显其独到的原创魅力。

    Double arrogant * if will be keeping Chinese tea pillow with traditional auspicious culture and clever union , and reveal the fashionable element in the original creative charm .

  24. 人生可能是一杯苦涩的茶,但是,当你以执着的勇气把它喝完,杯中剩余的就是最清新的茶香。

    Life may be a bitter tea , but when you do in persistent courage put it after drinking , the cup is the most pure and fresh the rest will .

  25. 同样有趣的是,与茶香有关的某些分子很可能是因为为了茶叶免于被鸟类、昆虫和其他生物吃掉而进化而来的。

    It 's also interesting to note that some of the molecules involved in the flavour of teas likely evolved as defenses against being eaten by birds , insects and other creatures .

  26. 御茶枕系列之本草安神茶香枕,系原生态健康睡眠产品,茶枕根据中医“凉头热脚”理论和“闻香疗法”。

    Royal tea pillow series of nerves will pillow , herbal tea products , original ecological health morpheus pillow according to TCM " cool head hot feet " theory and " sniff therapy " .