
  • 网络Fan Chengda;Fan Ch'eng-ta
  1. 论陶渊明、王孟、范成大田园诗的异同酒是我国古代诗人(词人)特别喜爱、钟情的一个传统的审美意象。

    Similarities and Differences in the Pastoral Poetry of Four Ancient Chinese Poets Wine is the favorite and traditional aesthetic image for the ancient Chinese poets .

  2. 本文论述范成大的《吴船录》在形式及内容等方面都对日记体游记有所拓展。

    This article expounds further development of diary-style travels brought about 《 Wu chuan Lu 》 by Fan Cheng-da in the aspects of form and content .

  3. 范成大最富创作个性与特色的诗是地理诗,其熔地理内容与诗歌形式于一炉、集科学与艺术于一体。

    The most individual and distinctive of Fan Chengda 's poems are his geographical poems , which cast the geographical contents perfectly in the form of poetry and integrate science with art .

  4. 期间,范成大共创作诗歌九卷,占到其诗歌创作总数的近三分之一,是范成大诗歌创作最为丰富的一个时期。

    During this period , Fan created nine volumes of poetry , accounted for one third of his over all poetry , and it was the most fruitful period for his poetry creation .

  5. 但长期以来其文名一直被诗名所掩,故此学术界多从诗歌的角度来解读范成大,其他方面就很少涉及。

    But he has been a scholar by the cover of a poet for a long time , therefore academia interpreted on him more from the perspective of poetry , very little involve other aspects .