
yīng gé lán
  • England
英格兰[yīng gé lán]
  1. 英格兰队必须拿下这场比赛才能确保获得资格。

    England must win this game to be sure of qualifying .

  2. 我大半生都住在英格兰。

    I 've lived in England for most of my life .

  3. 他对自己没有入选英格兰队感到失望。

    He was disappointed with his exclusion from the England squad .

  4. 英格兰队阵营中信心十足。

    There was an air of confidence in the England camp .

  5. 他离开英格兰,打算去非洲旅行。

    He left England with the intention of travelling in Africa .

  6. 英格兰和威尔士的大多数律师都是私人执业者。

    Most solicitors in England and Wales are in private practice .

  7. 英格兰的天气真是名副其实。

    The weather in England is living up to its reputation .

  8. 英格兰派出了一支年轻的队伍参加世界杯赛。

    England fielded a young side in the World Cup .

  9. 在中世纪,英格兰向法国发动了战争。

    In the Middle Ages England waged war on France .

  10. 你为何不在夏天来英格兰呢?

    Why don 't you come over to England in the summer ?

  11. 英格兰和威尔士共有5万多名律师执业。

    There are over 50 000 solicitors practising in England and Wales .

  12. 英格兰队已被淘汰出世界杯赛。

    England had been knocked out of the World Cup .

  13. 他首次被选为英格兰队的队员与法国队比赛。

    He won his first cap for England against France .

  14. 在第一轮比赛中英格兰队与德国队以2:2打成平局。

    England tied 2 – 2 with Germany in the first round .

  15. 英格兰内战协会的成员将再次展现那场战争。

    Members of the English Civil War Society will re-enact the battle .

  16. 那是他作为英格兰队教练的鼎盛时期。

    It was his finest hour as manager of the England team .

  17. 他们任命他为英格兰队队长。

    They appointed him captain of the English team .

  18. 英格兰板球队在同印度队的系列比赛中落败。

    England have lost the Test series against India .

  19. 我们在返回英格兰之前,先住在法国,后来住在意大利。

    We lived in France and then Italy before coming back to England .

  20. 他最近的表现使他得以入选英格兰代表队。

    His recent form has earned him a call-up to the England squad .

  21. 他因为将爵士音乐传到英格兰而为人们所熟知。

    He is best remembered as the man who brought jazz to England .

  22. 英格兰队幸运地通过了预选赛。

    England was lucky to get through the preliminaries .

  23. 英格兰队在一场势不两立的比赛中打败了新西兰队。

    England beat New Zealand in a grudge match .

  24. 他们从西班牙去了法国,再从那里去了英格兰。

    They made their way from Spain to France and thence to England .

  25. 报纸总是攻击英格兰队。

    The newspapers are always knocking the England team .

  26. 50名雄心勃勃的年轻人亟欲跻身英格兰队。

    50 young hopefuls are trying for a place in the England team .

  27. 这是具有典型英格兰风景特征的森林与田野。

    This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape .

  28. 头一段的引言描绘出中世纪前期的英格兰景象。

    The opening paragraph invokes a vision of England in the early Middle Ages .

  29. 英格兰队在下半场一开始就被攻入一球。

    England conceded a goal immediately after half-time .

  30. 所有英格兰队伍在比赛初期就被淘汰了。

    All the English teams were eliminated in the early stages of the competition .