
  • 网络suzhou dialect
  1. 苏州话的话题结构比普通话更发达。

    This paper discusses the topic structure of the Suzhou dialect .

  2. 这些差异有可能预示着苏州话声调未来的发展趋势。

    These differences may predict the development trendy of the tones in Suzhou dialect .

  3. 小议苏州话与普通话的同形异义词

    On Homograph between Suzhou Dialect and Putonghua

  4. 问问你自己你能听懂温州话(或者苏州话)吗?

    Just ask yourself if you can understand the Wenzhou dialect ( or Suzhou dialect ) .

  5. 和苏州话并列第三的是福建省的闽南话。很多台湾人和东南亚华侨也说闽南话。

    Suzhou shares third place with southern Fujian province 's Minnan dialect , also widely spoken in Taiwan and among diaspora populations in Southeast Asia . '

  6. 和温州话一样属于吴方言语系的苏州话排名第三。

    In addition to the Wenzhou dialect , another linguistically related tongue of the wu family from the city of Suzhou comes in in the top three .

  7. 同时,把普通话、兰州话、苏州话、太原话的塞音格局图作一比较,从而分析各地的塞音声学特征之异同性。

    At the same time , we make a comparison among Beijing Mandarin , Lanzhou dialect , Suzhou dialect and Taiyuan dialect to analyze their acoustic similarities and differences .

  8. 目的是去探讨苏州话单音节声调的基频和时长结构,并舆过去的研究作比较。

    The study aims to determine the fundamental frequency ( F0 ) contours and the temporal patterns of the citation tones , as well as to compare with the past studies .

  9. 据该帖子的作者称,苏州话有种古意和书卷气,苏州女孩子说苏州话时更为温软动听。这也不足为奇,因为苏州历来都是文化中心,也是盛产美女的地方。

    According to the post 's author , the Suzhou dialect has an air of ' bookishness ' and sounds especially mellifluous when spoken by Suzhou women -- and no wonder , as the city is known throughout history for being a center of culture , while its women are celebrated as among the most beautiful in China .

  10. 苏州评弹是评话和弹词流传到江南,与以苏州话为代表的吴方言结合的产物。

    Suzhou Pingtan , a combined term for Pinghua and Tanci is a flower in the art circles of Southern Yangtse River .