- 网络lateolabrax japonicus;sea bass;japanese sea bass;lateolabrax maculatus

The results showed that the growth of Japanese sea bass was significantly improved when dietary chitosan level was0.5 % or1 % , but there was no signiticant impact on survival rate .
Effects of copper and Ascorbic acid interaction on growth performance and immune function of Japanese sea bass
The primers of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene of Chinese sea bass were designed by referencing the sequences of Anguilla species .
In this study , MSTN gene was cloned from sea perch by homology cloning and genomic walking .
The results showed that replacing Ca ( H_2PO_4 ) _2 with neutral phytase had no significant effect on growth performances , fish body composition and apparent digestibility coefficients ( ADC ) of protein and phosphorus ( P ) of sea bass ( P0.05 ) .
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of neutral phytase on growth performances and metabolism of phosphorus of Japanese sea bass ( Lateolabrax japonicus ) fed with soybean meal-based diets .
Sea-bass fry caught from estuary were acclimatized and graded in cement tank , and were further reared in the net pen inside pond when they reached 4  ̄ 5 cm in body length .
Nramp gene is driven by CMV promoter . And different Exogenous genes including GFP gene , Nramp gene and Magainin gene were injected into the cytoplasm of newly fertilized sea perch and zebrafish embryos at one cell stage .
The phagocytosis activities decreases after the fish experienced starvation .
Establishment and differentiation in vitro of sea perch embryonic stem cell line expressing GFP gene
The MSSS of Lateolabrax maculates and Sebastes schlegeli at20 ℃ were not significantly different from those at15 ℃ .
But variance analysis of the experimental results showed that the stocking density of fish had not significant effect on growth rates and survival rates .
Cu2 + stress not only damaged the liver antioxidant system , liver and gill tissues , but also had definite genetic toxity to the juvenile perch .
Effect of fish-meal replacement by fermented soybean meal on growth , flesh quality , nitrogenous and phosphorus metabolism of Japanese seabass ,( Lateolabrax japonicus ) under digestible amino acid profile
46 ) oAdopts the instrument for determining activity metabolism of fish designed independently , activity metabolic rate ( Ma ) of 7 different body weight Japanese seabass were measured at 8.3 ?