
  • Chinese broccoli;Chinese kale;Kale
  1. 研究了芥兰种子经人工老化后各活力指标的相关性。

    Artificial aging of Chinese kale seeds was conducted .

  2. 芥兰老化种子活力指标相关性分析

    Analysis of the Correlation Among the Vigor Indices and Field emergence of Chinese Kale Aging Seeds

  3. 这些树卓号为西芥兰树,因为形状相似也。

    These tress are nicknamed Brocolli Tree due to their shapes .

  4. 芥兰牛肉,龙舟活鱼,最后吃菜捞面。

    beef with broccoli , shrimp with lobster sauce and vegetable lo mein .

  5. 长沙市郊区芥兰施用氮磷钾肥的效应研究

    Fertilizer Effects of Nitrogen , Phosphate and Potash Fertilizer on Kale in Changsha City Suburb

  6. 外源一氧化氮熏蒸处理对芥兰采后品质及抗氧化酶系的影响

    Effects of Nitric Oxide Fumigation on Postharvest Quality and Antioxidant Enzymes of Brassica alboglabra Bailey

  7. 烧半镬水,加油、盐及糖调味,放入芥兰度汆水;

    Parboil in boiling water with oil , salt and sugar , until kale slightly turns tender . Remove ;

  8. 芥兰营养生理的研究Ⅰ.养分吸收特性

    Studies on the Nutrient Physiology of the Chinese Kale ( brassica alboglabra bailey ) I. characteristics of nutrient absorption

  9. 只要切一块芥兰,用橄榄油和海盐在350的温度烘烤,烤到香脆就好。

    Simply chop up a bunch of kale , toss with olive oil and sea salt , and bake at 350 degrees until crispy .

  10. 外源NO处理对芥兰采后失重率无显著影响,但是能够显著抑制芥兰采后开花及叶片黄化。

    The fumigation of NO could effectively inhibit the ratio of flowering and the ratio of yellow leaves of the vegetable but showed no effects on the post harvest weight loss .

  11. 好的,我重复一下您点的菜,一瓶百威啤酒、一份北京烤鸭、一分清蒸芥兰,调料分开、一份蛋花汤带开胃品,对吗?

    Ok , I repeat your order , one Budweiser , one Peking duck , one steamed broccoli and sauce aside , egg drop soup and appetizers to follow , all right ?