
  • 网络Eric;alec;Erik
  1. 艾立克?罗勃兹恰巧是茱莉亚?罗勃兹的哥哥。

    Eric Roberts just happens to be Julia Roberts big brother .

  2. 艾立克发飙,蛮恐怖的。

    Eric just flipped out , it was kind of scary .

  3. 他曾获得过罗兹奖学金。举艾立克?罗勃兹为例。

    He was a Rhodes scholar . Take Eric Roberts for example .

  4. 说不定艾立克能拿到证据。

    And perhaps Eric can even get proof of that .

  5. 丹尼尔与艾立克在同一家公司工作。

    Danielle and Eric work at the same company .

  6. 丹尼尔想撮合艾立克与新的女同事珍妮佛。

    Danielle wants to set Eric up with the new woman , jennifer .

  7. 举艾立克?罗勃兹为例。

    Take Eric Roberts for example .

  8. 艾立克:有啊,听起来罗氏药厂可能会允许克流感在台湾制造。

    Eric : Yes , it sounds like Roche may allow Tamiflu to be made here in Taiwan .

  9. 老师叫艾立克不要说悄悄话,当他依旧我行我素时,老师就送他到教务处。

    The teacher told Eric to stop whispering . When he persisted she sent him to the dean .

  10. 她几乎跟我说了一个小时,告诉我她和艾立克在一起的时光是多么的愉快。

    I listened to her talk for almost an hour about what a wonderful time they had had together .

  11. 让我们一起祝愿你们,艾立克和玛丽,愿你们婚姻美满、幸福快乐。

    I 'm sure everyone here joins me in wishing you two , Eric and Mary , the very best that life has to offer you in your marriage .

  12. 行政主席艾立克•斯契米迪特表示他们之所以做出这种决策,原因是“人们既可以利用这件东西做好事,也可用它来做非常非常坏的事。”但这种技术依然在发展。

    Eric Schmidt , the executive chairman , has said it took the decision because " people could use this stuff in a very , very bad way , as well as a good way . " But face-recognition methods may still spread .