- pornographic;obscene;sexy;salacity;aphrodisiac;carnal desire

[aphrodisiac;obscene;pornographic;sexy] 挑起或激发起性欲的
Is there too much sex and violence on TV ?
Both men and women are stimulated by erotic photos .
He claimed that sex and violence on TV led to the corruption of young people .
They sell hard-core pornography .
Although he grew up in the country , he 's always had a taste for the bright lights .
Many people claim to be disgusted by the amount of pornography in the novel .
There has been an explosion in revenge porn over the past few years , largely because of the impact of new technology .
China Warns Google On Content A Chinese government-backed Internet watchdog admonished Google Inc. on Thursday for allowing access to pornography through its Chinese Web site .
HBO , before the " 90s a channel for movies , boxing and soft-core porn , decided to swing for the fences .
I spoke with researchers at the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire , who walked me through a number of long-term studies that the group has been conducting since 2000 on children 's exposure to pornography .
In one corner , workers scan Blued posts for illegal pornography .
Wang Xin , former CEO of Shenzhen-based Qvod Technology Co. Ltd. and three other executives , all admitted to spreading pornography on the Internet , Beijing 's Haidian District People 's Court heard .
An official account " iask-ca " on the WeChat social network , claimed Sunday that two Chinese students who were separately trying to enter the country were recently deported by Canadian customs for having child pornography on their mobile phones .
Penthouse , perhaps the most famous Playboy competitor , responded to the threat from digital pornography by turning even more explicit .
The parallels between Snapchat , the upstart " sexting " service , and social media behemoth Facebook ( FB ) in its early days are uncanny .
Lesley Ann Sharp faces charges of improper relationship between educator and student , possession or promotion of child pornography , tampering with physical evidence and perjury , according to the Dallas Morning News .
You 've spent four years percolating in a warm stew of beer , gender studies and online pornography which led to the subject of your senior thesis , ' Jacobean Dramatic Tropes in Modern ' Massage Surprise ' Videos . '
Talking about Ava being programmed to Caleb 's porn preferences , I tell Garland that this is a scary scene , given all the Julian Assanges of the world who are eager to spill our most private exchanges .
Her latest was a video of 12-year-old Cruz whipping up pancakes in the kitchen , which showed that - in keeping with her fashionista 's love of black - Victoria chose dark gloss units for the room , which is littered with on-trend accessories .
Elissa Shevinksy , a co-founder of Glimpse Labs , emphasized that " the best V.C.s and angels are very professional . " Then she told me a story about a well-liked investor who brought up pornography , sex and reincarnation as she tried to pitch her company to him .
Longstanding federal law bars the military from policing civilians , but this case has revealed that the naval criminal investigative service or NCIS routinely scans civilian-owned computers when it searches the Internet for military personnel that have traded in child porn .
Companies that sponsor sexually explicit TV shows or art exhibitions ?
Sexting is certainly risky , like anything that 's fun ,
I wrote a book on the moral panic about sexting .
You 're probably thinking , my kid would never sext .
Cookies and porn , you 're the best mom ever ! !
She mocked their intolerance of dissent in a poem on pornography :
Hustler , a pornographic magazine , released an incendiary new cover .
But I could never live across the street from that pornographic statue .
On one hand : in another of Nancy Meyers 's bourgeois pornographies .