- Color adjustment;transformation of color

Medico-color is a method to adjust medico-environment by using color .
The Color Environment and the Color Conditioning for Foundry Shop
The Color Mapping controls let you refine the overall saturation and brightness levels of the rendered image as well .
The color management can ensure that the visual effects of the final color is in line with the original color .
The application of colours to modern design includes the . differentiation , beautification and regulation of colours , totally in three ways .
Based on the theory of industrial psychology , the psychology features of the foundry worker and me influence of color environment on the psychology of the foundry worker are analysed .
The paper introduces color illusion and the application value in the research of accident precaution . It describes the phenomenon of color illusion and the application of color adjustment in accident precaution , and simultaneously , looks forwards to the good prospect of the application of color illusion .