
  • 网络pigment proteins
  1. 在叶绿体中,光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)是类囊体膜上的一个大的色素蛋白质复合物,利用光能催化水的氧化以及质体醌的还原。

    Photosystem II ( PSII ), which catalyzes light-dependent water oxidation and plastoquinone reduction in chloroplasts , is a large pigment-protein complex in the thylakoid membrane .

  2. 镉离子对菠菜叶绿体色素蛋白质复合物及激发能分配的影响

    The effects of cadmium on chlorophyll-protein complexes and distribution of excitation energy in spinach chloroplasts

  3. 电泳方法测得3种褐藻同一种色素蛋白质复合物的表观分子量相近。

    The apparent molecular weights of complexes from different algae are similar by means of gel electrophoresis .

  4. 结果益智口服液可以降低细胞色素C蛋白质表达、减少白介素-1β转化酶mRNA含量、升高B细胞淋巴瘤mRNA含量。

    Results YZ decreased cytochrome C expression and ICE mRNA content and increased Bcl-2 mRNA content .

  5. 叶片光合色素、蛋白质、可溶性糖含量高,过氧化物酶(POD)活性高,丙二醛(MDA)积累少,功能强,衰老慢。

    The content of the leaf photosynthesis pigment , protein and soluble sugar and the activity of the leaf peroxidase are high . Its leaves are with strong function and slow senescence .

  6. 40d后处死大鼠,应用分子生物学、免疫组化等方法对AD鼠脑内细胞色素C蛋白质表达、白介素-1β转化酶mRNA、B细胞淋巴瘤mRNA等方面进行研究。

    The rats were killed 40 days later to observe cytochrome C protein expression , IL-1 β converting enzyme ( ICE ) mRNA , Bcl2 mRNA in brain of AD rats with molecular biology and immunohistochemical assay .

  7. 用去污剂SDS、DOC、DMG和DIG增溶裙带菜类囊体膜,经PAGE分离色素-蛋白质复合物,并测定其光谱特性。

    The pigment-protein complexes were separated by the SDS-PAGE , and their spectrum characteristics were determined . The results of PAGE separation varied with detergents . DOC solubilization yielded 10 pigment-containing bands and resulted in a large number of free pigments .

  8. 植物系统演化研究中的旁证&光合作用色素-蛋白质复合体

    Collateral Evidence of Plant Systemic Evolution Study : Photosynthesis Pigment - Protein Complexes

  9. 双水相体系中食用色素与蛋白质作用光谱行为研究

    The Spectroscopic Study on the Interaction between Edible Pigment and Human Serum Albumin in Two-Phase Aqueous Systems

  10. 测定了发育过程中小麦叶片的超弱发光,以及叶片中的色素、蛋白质含量和几种抗氧化酶活性。

    The changes in ultraweak biophoton emission , several antioxidant enzyme activity , protein content and pigment content during wheat leave development were measured .

  11. 据《科学》杂志报道,其他一些专家则表示,“第六感”来自于铁矿和磁铁矿,有点类似于“指南针”,而其他人则认为“第六感”来源于视网膜中一种被称为隐花色素的蛋白质。

    Other experts say this ' sixth sense ' harnesses its power from iron mineral and magnetite to act as ' compass needles ' , while others say it relies on protein in the retina called cryptochrome , reports Science magazine .

  12. 利用该酶反应器对马心细胞色素C等蛋白质进行了酶解并且对酶解的条件进行了进一步优化。

    Cyt-C was chosen as a model protein for evaluation of the performance of the multi-layer open capillary immobilized enzyme reactor , and its digestion conditions were optimized .

  13. 通过HPLC对多肽分子量进行分段,分析各段多肽变化,结合SDS-PAGE图谱分析主要参与黑色素形成的蛋白质降解物的主要来源。

    The molecular weight of the peptide segment of HPLC , analysis the main source of polypeptide changes , combined with the SDS-PAGE mapping analysis mainly involved in protein degradation of melanin formation .

  14. 硅是硅藻生长发育的必要元素,除作为细胞壁结构成分外,还参与光合色素合成、蛋白质合成、DNA合成和细胞分裂等多种代谢和生长过程;

    Si is the essential element for growth and development of diatom , and plays an important role in the construction of cell wall , in the formation of pigment , protein and DNA as well as in the process of cell division .

  15. 采用不同剂量的UV-B辐射极地雪藻,测定了致死率、色素含量、蛋白质和总脂含量以及自由基清除活性的变化。

    Studied in this paper are some changes of lethal rate , pigment content , protein content , total lipid content and scavenging activity on radicals of Chlamydomonas nivalis exposed to UV-B with different dosages .

  16. 此外,五味子乙素能显著促进~(14)C-苯丙氨酸掺入肝脏蛋白质,并使肝细胞微粒体细胞色素P-450及蛋白质含量显著增加。

    In addition , Schizandrin B Was found to enhance-the incorporation of ~ ( 14 ) G-phenylalanine into liver protein , and to increase hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 and protein contents significantly .

  17. 视网膜色素上皮细胞蛋白质组学研究中二维电泳条件的优化

    Optimized Two-dimensional Electrophoresis for Proteomic Analysis of Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells

  18. 方法分别取不同时期的rds鼠和正常C3B鼠视网膜,用双向电泳(2-DE)技术,对比、分析其表达蛋白质点的差异,寻找rds鼠视网膜中与色素变性相关的蛋白质。

    Methods Proteins , prepared from the retinas of rds mice and normal C3B mice at different ages , were separated by using two dimensional electrophoresis and then analyzed by 2 DE imaging analyzer .

  19. 黑粒小麦76富含天然黑色素,全粉蛋白质含量高达17.71%,面粉蛋白质含量高达18.26%,有机硒含量高达1.04g/kg,开发利用黑粒小麦76为酿造优质酱油的好原料。

    And protein content of its flour is high to 18.26 % . Content of its organic Se is high to 1.04g/kg . Exploitation and utilization of black wheat 76 will be good materials of brewing high quality soy sauce .

  20. 小麦旗叶衰老过程中,光合色素含量与色素&蛋白质结合牢固程度降低的顺序为:类胡萝卜素早于叶绿素a,叶绿素a早于叶绿素b;

    ? During the senescence of flag leaf in winter wheat , the sequence of decline of photosynthetic pigment content and pigment-protein combined degree was that carotenoid ( car ) was earlier than chlorophyll a ( chla ), and chla was earlier than chlorophyll b ( chlb ) .

  21. 在聚乙二醇-2000(PEG)-硫酸铵-食用色素双水相体系中,研究了PEG相中食用色素与蛋白质复合物光谱行为。

    In polyethylene glycol 2000 ( PEG ) - ( NH4 ) 2SO4-edible pigment two-phase aqueous systems , the spectroscopic behaviour of the complexes of edible pigment and human serum albumin in PEG phase was investigated .