
  • 网络Ship Auction;auction of ship
  1. 船舶拍卖是海事审判中独具特色的法律制度。

    Ship auction is a unique system in the maritime trials .

  2. 未到期债权在船舶拍卖中的法律地位

    Legal Status of Undue Claims in Ship Auctions

  3. 本文撷取其中一例加以探讨,即船舶拍卖中未到期债权的法律地位。

    One of the problems is selected here , which is the legal status of undue claims in ship auctions .

  4. 文章认为,决定船舶拍卖所适用的法律,取决于船舶拍卖主持机构,而不取决于船舶拍卖的类型。

    The thesis concludes that the application of law when auctioning ships does not depend on the kinds of ships but the institutions which sponsors the auction .

  5. 从国际立法视角看船舶司法拍卖的正当程序问题

    Due process in judicial sale of ships

  6. 拍卖被扣押船舶通知书拍卖船舶公告售船通知

    Notice of Ship Auction