
biàn mài
  • sell off;liquidate;realization;sell out one's estate
变卖 [biàn mài]
  • [sell out one's estate] 变价卖出

  • 变卖家产

变卖[biàn mài]
  1. 特德和他的律师们预计这家公司在11个月的时间内将变卖所有东西。

    Ted and his lawyers gave the company 11 months to sell off everything .

  2. 昨日,一名法官称,通用公司已经可以变卖自己经营不起的品牌,商标和工厂。

    Yesterday , a judge allowed the automaker to sell off its most unaffordable brands , its dealerships and plants .

  3. 三分之二的继承人会把他们继承得到的房产迅速变卖。

    Two-thirds of inheritors promptly sold the houses they were left .

  4. 迷你车车主们正变卖旧车换进“真正的”汽车。

    Mini-car owners are trading up to ' real ' cars

  5. 该公司正在变卖几块地皮,全力削减债务。

    The company is selling off some sites and concentrating on cutting debts

  6. 我们不得不变卖东西以偿付啤酒厂的账单。

    We had to sell things off to pay the brewery bill .

  7. 公司停止了各项业务,于1月份开始变卖资产。

    The company closed down operations and began liquidating its assets in January .

  8. 博物馆现在已经深感羞愧,不再变卖他们收藏的珍宝了。

    Museums have now been shamed out of selling the treasures from their collections .

  9. 私房主会感到更安心,可能愿意变卖旧房购买更贵的房子。

    Homeowners will feel more comfortable and they may feel ready to trade up .

  10. 他们早就变卖了祖上传下来的产业。

    They sold their ancestral estate long ago .

  11. 中国移动(chinamobile)延续了最近的涨势,尽管该公司表示“目前并无任何有关收购或变卖的商谈或协议”。

    China Mobile extended its recent gains even as it said it was not in " negotiations or agreements relating to intended acquisitions " .

  12. 例如,壳牌(Shell)在过去的12年中通过变卖资产剥离了40%的炼油业务。

    For example , shell has cut 40 % of its refining capacity in the last 12 years through asset sales .

  13. 像许多处于相同处境的CEO一样,郭士纳也采取了精简人员、削减产品、变卖资产等一系列做法。

    Like many in his position , he cut jobs , killed products and sold assets .

  14. 彼得当时还是斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)的学生。他选择变卖了手里的股票,得到了约九万美元,并离开了学校。

    A student at Stanford University at the time , Peter opted to sell the shares , collect roughly $ 90,000 and leave college .

  15. 现正通过eBay拍卖网站变卖自己所有财产,还有自己的人生。

    is using the online auction site eBay to sell not only his belongings , but his entire life .

  16. 本公司有一套很好的管理来维护客户的利益,同时承诺绝不变卖客户的OEM产品。

    The company has a well management to maintain the clients interest , and promises never to sell customers OEM products .

  17. 今年,它变卖了传家之宝:出售巴克莱全球投资者(barclaysglobalinvestors,简称bgi)将使其核心一级资本比率升至8.8%。

    This year it hawked the family silver : the sale of Barclays global investors will lift its core tier one capital ratio to 8.8 per cent .

  18. 琼斯破产后,债主们把他的全部财产都变卖了。

    Jones went bankrupt and was sold up by his creditors .

  19. 买卖赃物的非法交易进行变卖商品的交易

    A fencing operation for stolen goods . trafficked in liquidation merchandise

  20. 我们将一些旧家具变卖成了现金。

    We 're cashing in on some of our old furniture .

  21. 2.迷你车车主们正变卖旧车换进“真正的”汽车。

    Mini-car owners are trading up to ' real ' cars .

  22. 破产企业可以全部或者部分变卖。

    Bankrupt enterprise can be sold off in whole or in part .

  23. 通过变卖这些资产获得的钱。

    The money obtained from the realisation of these assets .

  24. 他知道自己必须变卖些东西来换钱了。

    He knew he had to sell something to raise some money .

  25. 她变卖了自己所有的首饰自费去了日本留学。

    She sold all her jewelry and went to Japan to study .

  26. 首先,他要变卖一切捆缚他心灵的财物。

    First , the man should sell the possessions that imprison him .

  27. 企业失去了资金来源,只好关闭变卖资产。

    It was shut down and its assets were sold .

  28. 他们可能会变卖财产来为企业注入现金。

    They may sell the property to inject cash into the business .

  29. 变卖资产应该能使公司扭亏为盈利。

    Selling off assets should return the company to profitability .

  30. 船舶变卖后债务清偿顺序之探讨

    A Research on Sequence of Debt Performance after Sale-of-the-Vessel