
  • 网络Shipbuilding;shipping industry
  1. 支持可能会针对那些由国有企业中国船舶工业集团公司(chinastateshipbuildingcorporation)运营的船厂。

    Support is likely to be aimed at the yards operated by the state-owned China State Shipbuilding Corporation .

  2. 国有的中国船舶工业集团公司(ChinaStateShipbuildingCorporation)本周交付了第一艘中国设计并建造的超大型集装箱船。迄今为止,这类船舶只在韩国、日本和丹麦生产。

    This week , state-owned China State Shipbuilding Corporation delivered the first very large container ship designed and built in China , a category until now only produced in South Korea , Japan and Denmark .

  3. 他补充称,嘉年华可能还将与中国船舶工业集团公司(ChinaStateShipbuildingCorporation)和中国招商局集团(ChinaMerchantsGroup)共同创办一家合资企业,来打造中国本土邮轮品牌。

    He adds that Carnival may also launch a joint venture with the China State Shipbuilding Corporation and China Merchants Group to build a domestic Chinese cruise brand .

  4. 本文研究了船舶工业过程中关于焊接变形的径向基函数(RBF)神经网络建模及应用。

    In this paper , the modeling and application of RBF Neural network about welding distortions in ship-building industry are proposed .

  5. 船舶工业新的驱动力&协同产品电子商务(CPC)CPC环境下的协同设计平台的设计与实现

    New driving force for shipbuilding industry-CPC ; The Design and Implementation of Collaborative Design Platform System Based on Collaborative Product Commerce

  6. 现在FBG传感器已广泛应用于航天工业,船舶工业,民用工业,电力工业,石油化工,医学等众多领域。

    FBG sensors have been widely used in space industry , ship industry , civil structures , electric industry , oil and chemical industry and medicine fields .

  7. 随着航运事业的发展,AIS技术不仅可以应用于航海、船舶工业,而且还可以应用于航空工业乃至整个交通行业。

    With the development of shipping industry , AIS technology can be used not only in the navigation and shipbuilding industry , but also in the aviation industry and even the entire transportation sector .

  8. 另一家主要的国有造船企业&中国船舶工业集团公司(CSSC)正考虑在香港上市。

    The other major state-owned shipbuilder , China State Shipbuilding Corporation ( CSSC ), is considering a share sale in Hong Kong .

  9. 3月27日,负债累累的国营造船厂越南船舶工业公司(vinashin)的9名高管因被控对国家资源处置不当而出庭受审。

    Nine executives from vinashin , a debt-ridden state-owned shipbuilder , went on trial on March 27th charged with mismanaging state resources .

  10. 介绍了实现CPC的需求及目标,结合船舶工业的发展要求探讨了CPC在船舶工业中应用的重要性及Windchill在船舶工业中可实施的功能。

    This paper introduces the requirement and objective of CPC ( Collaborative Product Commerce ), discusses the importance of CPC in shipbuilding industry combined with developing demand . As CPC ′ s powerful tool Windchill , the author also discusses the function of implementing Windchill in ship industry .

  11. 人民币汇率波动对船舶工业的影响&与中船重工经济研究中心季建伟博士一席谈

    The effect of RMB exchange rate fluctuation on the shipbuilding industry

  12. 造船、拆船及修船厂船舶工业企业技术创新风险评价研究

    Research on Risk Assessment of Technical Innovation in Shipbuilding Industry Enterprises

  13. 我国船舶工业造船能力的发展研究

    Development research on the shipbuilding capacity of shipbuilding industry in China

  14. 长三角区域船舶工业的结构优化研究

    Study on Optimization of Shipping Industry in Zone of Yangtze Delta

  15. 对船舶工业列入支柱产业的再认识

    The further understanding of shipbuilding being classified as a pillar industry

  16. 世界船舶工业的现状与趋势

    The Present Situation and Development Trend of the World Shipbuilding Industry

  17. 我国船舶工业技术水平分析

    Analysis on the Technical Level of Marine Industry of Our Nation

  18. 依靠科技进步发展船舶工业

    Depending on progress of science and technology for developing shipbuilding industry

  19. 中国造船驶向世界之巅&《船舶工业中长期发展规划》解读

    Chinese shipbuilding industry is climbing up the summit of the world

  20. 上海船舶工业国际竞争力研究概要

    The Research Summary of the International Competition of Shanghai Shipbuilding Industry

  21. 虚拟理论在船舶工业中的应用&虚拟船厂

    Application of Virtual Enterprise Theory to Shipbuilding Industry & Virtual Shipyard

  22. 江南造船厂与跨世纪发展的中国船舶工业

    Jiangnan Shipyard and the Development of Chinese Shipbuilding Industry in Trans-Century

  23. 船舶工业已成为舟山的支柱产业。

    The shipbuilding has become the mainstay of industries in Zhoushan City .

  24. 自主创新&船舶工业发展的推动力

    Independent Innovation & the Drive to Shipbuilding Industry 's Development

  25. 迎接新世纪促进上海船舶工业大发展

    Welcoming New Century , Promoting Great Development of Shipbuilding Industry in Shanghai

  26. 知识经济、海洋世纪和造船业的振兴&新世纪中国船舶工业发展的战略思考

    Knowledge Economy , Ocean Century and Promotion of Shipbuilding Industry

  27. 温台地区船舶工业发展战略的探讨与研究

    Research on the Development Strategy of Shipbuilding Industry in Wenzhou & Taizhou

  28. 大力加强技术创新推动船舶工业更大发展

    Accelerate technical in - novation and promote further development of shipbuilding industry

  29. 青岛船舶工业能促进海港城市的大发展

    Ship industry in Qingdao will accelerate the development of the port city

  30. 温州市船舶工业发展战略研究

    A Research on the strategies of Development for Shipping Industry in Wenzhou