
  1. 委付最初出现于海上保险中的船舶保险合同中。

    Abandonment appears in the ship insurance contract of marine insurance first .

  2. 英语船舶保险合同的文体分析

    The Stylistic Analysis of the English Hull Insurance Clauses

  3. 未经保险人同意,船舶保险合同从船舶转让时起解除;

    In the absence of such consent , the contract shall be terminated from the time of the transfer of the ownership of the ship .

  4. 双方在赔偿责任问题上产生了分歧,导致近年来船舶保险合同纠纷不断。

    The two sides on the issue of the liabilities to damages engender the divergence . In recent years it results the disputes on the ship insurance contract continuously .

  5. 对几种典型海上保险合同,包括船舶保险合同、海上货物运输保险合同、运费保险合同、船舶抵押权人利益保险合同及责任保险合同中的保险利益问题进行了探讨;

    Inquires into the insurable interest of several representative types of marine insurance contracts , including contract of marine insurance for Hulls , for the Carriage of Goods by Sea , for Freights , for Interests of Ship 's Mortgagees and for Liability ;

  6. 海事英语中,船舶保险合同是以共核英语为基础的,具有法律英语共同特点的语言,但它同时也有一整套自己独有的核心术语、逻辑严密的句法结构和成分扩展。

    In maritime English , the English Hull Insurance Clauses are based on common core English with the common features among law English , but it has also a full set of its particular terms and logically and closely tied sentence structures , and etc. .

  7. 船舶转让发生在航次之的,船舶保险合同至航次终了时解除。

    Where the transfer takes place during the voyage , the contract shall be terminated when the voyage ends .