
  1. 保险代理人在保险代理合同的授权范围内,以保险人的名义在保险市场展业,从事保险业务活动,其在授权范围内所产生的一切法律后果,均由保险人承担。

    Within the range of authority from the contract , the agent develops businesses in the name of the underwriter , who bears the effects .

  2. 保险人和保险代理人之间的关系是依靠保险代理合同来确认和维系的。

    The relationship between them is based on the insurance agency contract to identify and maintain .

  3. 我国现行的保险代理人制度是保险代理人与保险公司签订业务代理合同,保险代理人按业绩抽取佣金,公司不为其提供底薪,不提供福利及保障。

    Our current insurance agency system means the signed business agreement between the insurance agents and the applicants . The insurance agents get some commission in terms of their performance ; the company does not provide them the basic salary or the welfare .