
hánɡ kōnɡ zhàn
  • airport;air station;terminal;airfield
  1. 航空站用于指挥和观察周围飞机活动的一个用玻璃围成的塔。

    A glass-enclosed tower for the visual observation of aircraft around an airport .

  2. 费用可同时包含六名乘客,即使其它乘客在航空站排着长队,工作人员也会赶来优先接待他们。

    The fee covers up to six passengers , who are given priority treatment , even if airport staff are stretched by long queues inside the terminal .

  3. 第二个航空站是1998年开始运营的。

    A second terminal was opened in1998 .

  4. 离开;离去;起程;出发反义词:arrive飞往罗马的班机从3号航空站出发。

    to leave a place , especially to start a trip Flights for Rome depart from Terminal 3 .

  5. 这个项目的目标是LEED‘gold’&这将是世界上第一个达到这一环保认证水平的客运航空站。

    The project targets LEED'gold ' – it aims to be the first passenger terminal in the world to attain this level of environmental accreditation .

  6. 位于谢列梅捷沃的新机场航空站,通往莫斯科的门户。

    The new airport terminal at sheremetyevo , the gateway to moscow .

  7. 用公共汽车载送旅客前往航空站。

    Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal .

  8. 当时他则是在梅波特海军航空站,距离十哩。

    While he was at Mayport naval air station ten miles away .

  9. 先前的工作表明一架飞机在航空站每分钟的花费是30美元。

    Previous work has shown that every minute a plane spends at the terminal costs $ 30 .

  10. 表示问题的根源不在于产权结构而在于跑道和航空站容客量不足,

    says the root cause of the problem is not the ownership structure but a lack of runway and terminal capacity ,

  11. 在哈瓦那的国家航空站,那些机上乘客的亲属被与其他的乘客以及新闻记者分开。

    At Havana 's national terminal , relatives of those on board the plane were kept isolated from other passengers and journalists .

  12. 因此,如何建立一套完整的绩效评估模式,将是航空站追求营运成长与有效管理的重要基础。

    Therefore , how to create a complete set of performance assessment model will be the pursuit of operating an important foundation for effective management .

  13. 空间探险公司计划重新设计自身的联盟号宇宙飞船,该飞船曾经把7位旅客送进国际航空站。

    Space Adventures plans to re-engineer the veteran Soyuz craft that it has used to shuttle seven space tourists up to the International Space Station ( ISS ) .

  14. 该公司已开始与四名雇员在一个小二层在原海军航空站位于现在的墨尔本国际机场网站建设于1950年。

    The company had started in1950 with four employees in a small two-story building located at the former Naval Air Station on the site of what is now the Melbourne International Airport .

  15. (二)扰乱车站、码头、民用航空站、市场、商场、公园、影剧院、娱乐场、运动场、展览馆或者其他公共场所的秩序的;

    Disturbing the public order of stations , wharves , civil airports , markets , bazaars , parks , theatres , entertainment centers , sports grounds , exhibition halls or other public places ;

  16. 激起过一代人畅想的,独一无二的,永载青史的这架航天飞机最后一次驶入航空站,为旅程画上句号。

    Having fired the imagination of a generation , a ship like no other , its place in history secured , the space shuttle pulls into port for the last time , its voyage at an end .

  17. 麦凯恩出生于1936年在科科索洛海军航空站在巴拿马运河区,巴拿马,以海军军官约翰S麦凯恩小(1911至1981年)和罗伯塔(赖特)麦凯恩(湾1912年)。

    JohnMcCain was born in1936 at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the PanamaCanal Zone , Panama , to naval officer John S.McCain , Jr. ( 1911 – 1981 ) and Roberta ( Wright ) McCain ( b.1912 ) .

  18. 伤员运送及其它紧急事件包机,得向民航局所属就近航空站申请,不受前项所订工作日之限制。

    In the case of charter flight for evacuating the wounded and sick and for other emergencies , application may be filed with the nearest air terminal without being subjected to the restraint of working days related in the preceding paragraph .

  19. 1937年5月,兴登堡号在降落新泽西州莱克赫斯特海军航空站的过程中着火,短短37秒就被彻底焚毁,造成机上共97名乘客及机组人员中36人遇难。

    In May 1937 , during its attempt to dock , the luxury liner burst into flames above Lakehurst Naval Air Station in New Jersey . In 37 seconds the Hindenburg was destroyed by fire ; 36 of the 97 passengers and crew died .

  20. 航空集散站每天都有定点的客车服务。

    There are regular bus service from the air terminal .

  21. 基于C/S模式的分布式航空四站信息综合管理系统

    Distributed Aerospace Ground Information Integrated Management System Based on C / S

  22. 他从机场开车到伦敦的航空集结站。

    He drove in from the airport to the London air terminal .

  23. 机场管理局的官员对航空终点站进行了全面的检查。

    Airport Authority officials carried out a thorough inspection of the terminal .

  24. 航空集散站每半小时有一辆客车开往机场。

    Coach from the terminus go to the airport every half an hour .

  25. 基于模糊集理论的航空四站装备综合性能评价研究

    Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Research of the Aerospace Ground Equipments Based on Fuzzy Set Theory

  26. 航空货运站的消防设计

    Fire protection design of air freight station

  27. 甚至在拉斯维加斯的航空终点站,都有大批的吃角子老虎。

    Even the airport terminal in Las Vegas is full of one - armed bandits .

  28. 下了车后我突然想起还得在航空集散站买点东西。

    As I got off , I remembered some thing I 'd wanted to buy in the terminal .

  29. 航空货站物流执行监控制系统多层混合架构及关键技术航空货运出站物流派送的建模与优化研究

    Research of the Implementation of Multi-layer Hybrid Architecture and Key Technologies for Air Cargo Terminals Logistics Monitoring System

  30. 我们现在有了一个城市航空集散站,在来机场之前您可以在那儿办理行李托运。

    And we now have a city terminal so you can check your bags before you get to the airport .