
hánɡ kōnɡ mó xínɡ
  • model airplane
  1. 螺旋桨是航空模型中最重要的零件之一,是航模飞机获得动力的关键部件。

    The propeller is in the model airplane one of most important components , is the model ship airplane obtains the power the key component .

  2. 空中有三架航空模型飞机在飞行。

    There are three model planes in the air .

  3. 我于2009年加入美国航空模型协会。

    I joined Academy of Model Aeronautics in2009 .

  4. 惠达航空模型有限公司专业生产无线电控制键。

    POWER HD , a professional and enthusiastic manufacturer of radio control key components .

  5. (六)三角翼、滑翔伞、热气球、航空模型、风筝等可升空物品;

    ( vi ) delta wings , paragliders , hot air balloons , model airplanes , kites , or any other flying objects ;

  6. 产品广泛用于各类通讯、视听、电子玩具、航空模型、医疗保健等领域。

    The products are widely used in all types of communications , audio-visual , electronic toys , model aviation , health care , and other fields .

  7. 在惠达航空模型每个产品都会被检查和测试通过一系列严格和精确的质量控制程序。

    In POWER HD , each single product is checked and tested through a series of strict and accurate QC ( Quality Control ) process by leading edge technology facilities .

  8. 考虑到航空发动机模型不确定性以及飞行过程中遇到的各种不确定性干扰,采用H∞混合灵敏度设计方法设计航空发动机H∞鲁棒控制器。

    Considering the uncertainty of model and the disturbance in flying , the mixed sensity H ∞ design method is used to the aeroengine .

  9. 基于T-S模糊模型的航空发动机模型辨识

    Identification of aero-engines model based on T-S fuzzy model

  10. 本文结合航空摄影模型给出的灭点几何约束,利用自适应模糊Hough变换,提出了一种建筑物垂直边缘检测方法,并用窗户纹理分析技术来验证高层建筑物的垂直边缘。

    In this paper , Combined with vanishing point geometrical restriction given by the aerial photogrammetric modeling , a method for extracting vertical lines based on the adaptive fuzzy Hough transform is presented . Then the extracted vertical lines are validated by analyses of window texture .

  11. 时序分析用于航空预测模型的研究

    The Study of the Forecast Method of Air with Time Series Analysis

  12. 线性插值方法在某型航空发动机模型控制器设计中的应用

    Application of Linear Interpolation Method in Aeroengine Model Controller Design

  13. 航空发动机模型参考自适应控制综述

    Summary of Model Reference Adaptive Control of Aeroengine

  14. 航空发动机模型参考模糊自学习控制

    Fuzzy Model Reference Learning Control of Aero-Engine

  15. 结果表明,我们所设计的航空发动机模型跟踪控制系统在应用中具有可实现性。

    Research results show that aero engine GVSC model following system designed in this paper has certain feasibility in practice .

  16. 通过UG/KF语言编写的工程规则,实现了航空管件模型各几何参数的知识驱动以及法兰类型的变结构设计;

    Through the engineering rules compiled byUG / KF language , the parameters of aeronautic tube can be driven by knowledge , and the flange can be design by structure .

  17. 该软件最初用于航空发动机模型制作,经验证该软件是世界上应用最广泛的工具,事实上可以用于任何方面。

    The software was originally used in aviation engine modeling , validated the software is the world 's most widely used tools , in fact , can be used in any way .

  18. 喧哗的展示大厅里,充满了按比例制作的航空母舰模型、全尺寸海军炮、以及各种显示着业内对“战争”委婉说法的显示屏。周四,日本以这样的方式,宣示着自己正在跻身进入国际军火出口国之列。

    In a bustling exhibition hall crowded with scale-model aircraft carriers , full-sized naval cannons and displays bearing industrial euphemisms for war , Japan on Thursday celebrated its coming-out as an international weapons exporter .

  19. 采用BP网络辨识航空发动机数学模型

    Aeroengine model identification with back-propagation neural networks

  20. 基于AHP的航空反潜概念模型专家确认方法研究

    Research on Aviation Anti-submarine Concept Model Expert Accreditation Method Based on AHP

  21. 基于RBF网络的航空发动机辨识模型

    An Identification Model of Aeroengine Based on the RBF Network

  22. 基于RBF神经网络的航空发动机起动模型辨识与仿真

    Identification and Simulation of an Engine Start Model Based on RBF Neural Networks

  23. 航空发动机T-S模型模糊广义预测控制算法设计

    The Design of Fuzzy Generalized Predictive Control Algorithm for T-S Model in Aviation Engine

  24. 介绍了改进的Newton-Raphson方法和Bmyden方法,以之计算航空发动机数学模型的收敛,提高了模型的收敛性。

    The modified Newton - Raphson method and Broyden method are presented . Convergence of aeroengine mathematical model is calculated by the two methods , and the convergence of the model is also improved .

  25. 本手册提供一个对航空信息概念模型(AICM)的结构和内容的高水平的介绍。

    This Manual provides a high level introduction to the structure and the content of AIXM Conceptual Model ( AICM ) .

  26. 本文以提供简单可靠的航空发动机控制模型和控制方法为目的,系统地开展了平衡流形展开模型的相关研究。首先,研究了线性参变数(LPV)控制方法在航空发动机应用中的局限性。

    Motivated by the need of simple but reliable control oriented aeroengine model and control techniques , this dissertation is devoted to a systematical research on the EME model . Firstly , application problems of linear parameter-varying ( LPV ) control for aeroengines were studied .

  27. 基于大系统理论的航空物流企业模型构建研究

    Design and Construction of Aviation Enterprises Based on Large System Theory

  28. 粒子群算法在航空发动机部件模型求解中的应用

    Application of Particle Swarm Optimization in Solution to Aeroengine Component-Level Model

  29. 基于逐级叠加法的航空发动机起动模型研究

    Research on Startup Model of Aircraft Engine Based on Stage-Stacking Method

  30. 案例推理和神经网络在航空发动机稳态模型中的应用

    Application of CBR and Neural Network for Steady-State Model of Aeroengine