
  1. 他们在机上供应航空明信片,而且邮票是不用钱的。

    They offer airline postcards on the plane and they 'll post them free .

  2. 请告诉我寄一张航空明信片到中国要多少钱?

    Could you tell me how much it is to send a post card airmail to China ?

  3. 寄到北京的航空风景明信片邮资要多少?

    What is the airmail postage on postcards to Beijing ?

  4. 甲:请问用航空邮寄一张明信片到欧洲要多少钱?从邮戳上可以看出,这张明信片是从纽约寄来的。

    A : Could you tell me how much it is to send a postcard airmail to Europe ? I see from the postmark that this postcard was mailed from New York .