
  • flight delay;Flight Delayed
  1. 基于SOA的民航航班延误波及分析与预警系统

    Flight Delay Propagation Analyzing and Predicting System of Civil Aviation of China Based on SOA

  2. 基于关键飞行资源的航班延误波及DAG模型的研究

    Research on Flight Delay Propagation DAG Based on Critical Flight Resources

  3. 基于Petri网的航班延误链式反应模型研究

    Research on the Models of Flight Delays Chain Reaction Based on Petri Net

  4. 基于融合先验知识SVM的航班延误预警模型

    Early Warning Model of Flight Delay Based on SVM with Incorporated Prior Knowledge

  5. 美国联邦航空管理局(federalaviationauthority)可能会将日常人手暂时裁减10%,这会造成全国范围内的航班延误。

    The Federal Aviation Authority would temporarily lay off 10 per cent of its workforce daily , causing airport delays throughout the country .

  6. 航母编队航渡过程中预警机阵位确定方法研究基于SOA的民航航班延误波及分析与预警系统

    Research on the Position of Early Warning Aircraft Carrier Formations in Navigation ; Flight Delay Propagation Analyzing and Predicting System of Civil Aviation of China Based on SOA

  7. 与此同时,计划和全美航空公司合并的美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)排名倒数第四,FlightAware网站的数据显示,该公司航班延误率达到19.7%。

    Meanwhile , American Airlines , with which US Airways plans to merge , was the fourth worst , with 19.7 percent of flights arriving late , according to FlightAware .

  8. Unit3投诉篇1.航班延误投诉亲爱的先生或女士:我写这封信是为突然而未经通知地取消了7月24日从丹佛到底特律的航班。这次航班的确认号是772WB7,票号是0122150942247。

    Dear sir or madam , I am writing in regards to the sudden and unannounced cancellation of my reserved flight for July 24 from Denver to Detroit ( Confirmation Number : 772WB7 ; Airline Ticket Number : 0122150942247 ) .

  9. 大多数航空公司有自己的app,你可以在智能手机上下载,若航班延误或取消,它甚至会在你赶往机场之前就提醒你。

    Most carriers have apps you can download on your smartphone that will alert you if your flight is delayed or canceled , even before you leave for the airport .

  10. 哥伦比亚大学商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)教授丽塔·冈瑟·麦格拉思(RitaGuntherMcGrath)是那种不会担心航班延误、取消或改变降落地点的商旅客人。

    Rita Gunther McGrath , a Columbia Business School professor , is one of those business travelers who do not care about delays , cancellations or navigating a new location .

  11. 八年前,欧盟(EuropeanUnion)制定了似乎可以切实保护消费者的措施,要求航空公司对长时间的航班延误和航班取消给予乘客赔偿,这样做的目的是强制承运商减少航班延误以及由于订票数量少而取消航班的行为。

    Eight years ago , the European Union established what seemed like far-reaching consumer protections , requiring that airlines compensate passengers for long delays and cancellations . The intent was to force carriers to reduce delays and cancellations due to light bookings .

  12. 由于艾雅法拉(Eyjafjallajokull)火山继续释放出火山灰,还会有更多的航班延误。

    And there could be more delays as the Eyjafjallajokull volcano continues to release ash .

  13. 英国最大的机场运营商BAA表示,在旅客对希思罗机场航班延误和安检问题议论纷纷多达一年后,公司行政总裁将要离职。

    BAA , Britain 's biggest airport operator , said its chief executive was going , after a year of grumbling from travellers about flight delays and security queues at Heathrow .

  14. 在资源充足情况下,航班延误的地面作业控制主要采用AOE方法,缩短关键路线的作业时间。

    When the resources are enough , the method of AOE can be used to deal with the ground services when the flights delay . The key point is to cut the time of key paths .

  15. 阿姆斯特丹的史基浦机场也报告航班延误及取消。

    Amsterdam 's Schiphol Airport is also reporting delays and cancellations .

  16. 航班延误预警图形组件包的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Graphic Component Package for Flight Delay Prediction

  17. 航班延误赔偿法案&欧洲航空业不能承受之重

    Flight Delay Compensation Bill Puts Heavy Burden on European Aviation Industry

  18. 大型枢纽机场大面积航班延误预警方法研究

    Method for swept flight delay early warning of large aeronautic hub

  19. 基于生物免疫算法的机场航班延误状态检测研究

    Research in Detection of Flight Delay Based on Biological Immune Algorithm

  20. 旅行者今天早上遭遇了许多重大的航班延误和取消现象。

    Travelers are seeing some major delays and cancellations this morning .

  21. 基于改进贝叶斯网络结构学习的航班延误波及分析

    Flight Delay Propagation Analysis Based on Improving Bayesian Networks Structure Learning

  22. 面向航班延误预警的数据挖掘系统分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Data Mining System for Flight Delay Alarming

  23. 多等级模糊评价方法在航班延误中的应用

    Application of Multi-grade Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method to Flight delay

  24. 大规模航班延误恢复调度模型及管理研究

    Large-scale Recovery Scheduling of Flight Delays Model and Management Study

  25. 努力提高处置航班延误的水平&在民航运输地面服务现场会上的讲话

    Making An Effort to Raise the Level of Handling the Flight Delay

  26. 我们终于在航班延误三个小时以后登上了飞机。

    After a three hour delay , we finally boarded the plane .

  27. 航空公司航班延误预警管理模型与分析

    Modeling and Analysis of Airline Flight Delay Early Warning Management

  28. 柏林舍纳菲尔德和泰格尔机场也报道了航班延误和取消的消息。

    Schoenefeld and Tegel airports in Berlin also reported delays and cancellations .

  29. 大雾和清雪造成陕西交通中断,航班延误。

    Heavy fog , snow disrupt traffic in northwest China .

  30. 目前,在世界各地,航班延误已经是司空见惯的现象。

    At present , flight delay occurs everyday all over the world .