
shé rǔ tóu
  • lingual papilla
舌乳头[shé rǔ tóu]
  1. 舌乳头微血管和周围组织图像分析及其组织通道探讨

    Image Analysis of Microvessel and Perivascular Tissues of the Lingual Papilla and Observation of Tissue Channel

  2. 大鼠舌乳头酶组织化学及扫描电镜的研究

    Study of enzymic histochemistry and scanning electron microscopy on lingual papillae in rat

  3. 舌癌鼠舌乳头及结缔组织芯扫描电镜观察

    Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of Lingual Papillae and Connective Tissue Core in Rats Tongue Cancer

  4. 目的:探索味觉的传递机制是否系味蕾细胞所接受的信息直接通过神经递质受体作用于舌乳头的感觉神经来完成。

    Objective : To study whether the transfering mechanism of taste sense is from taste bud path to sensory nerve fiber of lingual papillae .

  5. 结果:舌乳头、味蕾、唾液腺体组织结构,恒河猴与人最近似,犬、大鼠则处于较低层次。认为研究舌诊:观察舌背以恒河猴为理想;

    Results : The histological structure of lingual papillae , taste buds and salivary glands in rhesuses was most similar to that in human beings , and the structure of lingual tissue in dogs and rats was in lower levels .

  6. 舌轮廓乳头误诊为尖锐湿疣1例

    A Case Report : Vallate Papillae of Tonge Misdiagnosed as Condyloma Acuminatum

  7. 甲状舌管乳头状癌诊断及治疗

    Papillary carcinoma in a thyroglossal duct remnant

  8. 味腺仅分布于轮廓乳头和舌根部位,主要由粘液性腺泡组成.舌轮廓乳头误诊为尖锐湿疣1例

    The taste glands , which nearly contain mucous acini , are present in the regions of the circumvallate papillae and the root of the tongue . A Case Report : Vallate Papillae of Tonge Misdiagnosed as Condyloma Acuminatum

  9. 方法:回顾分析1例甲状舌管乳头状癌患者的临床资料,并结合文献对甲状舌管癌的起源、组织学类型、临床表现、诊断、治疗及预后进行讨论。

    Methods A retrospective study was made on the clinical data of one case of thyroglossal duct papillary carcinoma . With a literary review , the genesis , histological types , clinical manifestation , diagnosis , therapy and prognosis of thyroglossal duct carcinoma were discussed .

  10. ~(60)Co照射SD大鼠对舌菌状乳头及味蕾的影响

    Changes of Taste Bud and Fungiform Papillae after ~ ( 60 ) Co Radiation in Rat

  11. 目的研究临床治疗剂量60Co照射头颈部恶性肿瘤后,舌菌状乳头及其味蕾的形态学变化和再生能力。

    Objective To observe the morphological changes and the regenerating ability of the fungiform papillae and taste buds after + { 60 } Co radiation with clinical doses in rats .

  12. 目的探讨更年期味觉障碍和舌菌状乳头、味觉功能之间的关系。

    Objective To study the taste function of the menopause females with taste disorder .

  13. 对照组即D组小鼠舌粘膜呈粉红色,舌乳头分布均匀,无白色斑块,溃疡和新生物形成。

    D group ( the control group ) mice had pink tongue mucosa , tongue papillae evenly distributed , had no white patches , ulcers , and their tongues could not be seen the formation of new objects .

  14. 目的:了解舌神经损伤后味蕾的变化,以及切断的舌神经用神经外膜吻合修复后舌菌状乳头和味蕾的再生能力。

    PURPOSE : To investigate the changes of taste buds following injury to lingual nerve and the regeneration of the fungiform papillae and taste buds following microsurgical epineurial anastomosis of transecting injured lingual nerves in rats .