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  • 网络yuan
  1. 这在敦煌壁画的中国北凉至元末的绘画艺术中有充分的体现。

    This is the North China Dunhuang Mural Painting in Late Yuan cool to have fully reflected .

  2. 秦汉至元明时期,匈奴、鲜卑、契丹、女真、蒙古等少数民族曾先后在此游牧。

    From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Yuan and Ming Dynasties , some minority nationalities had nomadic life in this region .

  3. 至元世祖忽必烈实现中国的大一统之后,蒙古民族的服饰又有了新的发展与变化。

    After Hub lie united China , Mongolian costume had a new development and change .

  4. 南京佛寺空间分布与城市结构演变关系&以六朝至元时段为例

    Research on the Relationship between Buddhist Temples Distribution with Evolution of City Structure in Nanking

  5. 蒙古汗国至元三年(1266),元帅汪完者帖木耳镇守西固。

    Yuan Mongol Empire three years ( 1266 ), who finished with Wang Marshal guarding Xigu fungus .

  6. 至元二十七年(1290)卒,年逾八十。

    He died over 80 ages old in the twenty-seventh year of the Zhiyuan age ( 1290 ) .

  7. 元至元五年(1268年),省马城入滦州及乐亭,县地属永平路滦州。

    Five million Yuan ( 1268 ), provincial income Maastricht Luanzhou and Laoting , County Road , an Luanzhou Yongping .

  8. 至元末元军征黎时间考辨

    An Examination of the Date on which the Army of the Yuan Dynasty Went on A Punitive Expedition to the Li People at the End of the Zhiyuan Reign

  9. 在额济纳见到了多种元钞,其中一张至元通行宝钞壹贯是国内仅此一张的文物,因而为我国文物宝库又增加了一个新的品种。

    Among kinds of banknotes in Yuan Dynasty found in Erjina , a banknote of " Zhiyuan Tongbao " is unique and has added a new variety to Chinese artifact repository .

  10. 面对元朝的种种威逼利诱,文天祥始终坚贞不屈,于至元十九年(1282)十二月就义于元大都。祥兴二年(1279)正月,元将张弘范率水军攻打崖山,与行朝进行最后决战。

    In the 2nd year of Xiangxing ( 1279 ) , The fleet of the , Yuan led by Zhang Hongfan assaulted Yashan , the last decisive battle with the remaining Southern Song .

  11. 中国古代纸币流通至元一代,已近四百年,而元作为第一个以统一的纸币作为基本货币制度的朝代,积累有丰富的纸币发行管理经验。

    It lasted nearly four hundred years until the Yuan Dynasty . The Yuan Dynasty , the first dynasty treated the paper currency as the basic monetary system , had accumulated a wealth of experience of issuance and management of paper currency .

  12. 该台为至元十三年(1276年)郭守敬、王询等人奉救所建,是当时全国修建的27个天文观测站之一。

    It was built in the 13th year of the Emperor Zhiyuan ( AD 1276 ) , ( in the Yuan ) by Guo Shou-jing and Wang Xun as directed by the emperor , and was among the 27 astronomi-cal observatories in the country at that time .

  13. 在危机时期,每桶石油价格在20元至40元之间波动。

    During the crisis , oil prices fluctuated between $ 20 and $ 40 a barrel .

  14. 这家餐馆现在提供的菜单上有30多种菜肴,一顿晚餐的平均费用约为40至50元。

    The restaurant now provides a menu with more than 30 dishes , and the average cost for a dinner is about 40 to 50 yuan .

  15. 中国运动品脾安踏的多啦A梦主题休闲鞋被炒至4599元,已经是原价499元的8倍之多。

    The price of Chinese sportswear producer Anta 's Doraemon-themed casual shoes on the platform was sold at 4599 yuan - eight times higher than the original price of 499 yuan .

  16. 金融分项指数上涨6.9%,国泰金融(cathayfinancial)大涨7%,至39.60元新台币。

    The financial sub-index rose 6.9 per cent , with Cathay Financial up 7 per cent to T $ 39.60 .

  17. 受铜价上涨因素的推动,江西铜业(jiangxicopper)连续第二个交易日涨停,至19.83元人民币。

    Jiangxi Copper rose by the daily 10 per cent limit for a second successive session to RMB 19.83 , helped by stronger copper prices .

  18. 目前,南非托管的数据通信根据所需服务的水平,价格为15至85元每GB(个别会多于这个数字)。

    Currently , data traffic for South African hosting options costs between R15 and R85 per GB ( some charge more ), depending on the level of service required .

  19. 据艾尔西汽车市场咨询(上海)有限公司(LMCAutomotiveConsulting(Shanghai))总监曾志凌估计,这类更换费用每辆车大概在人民币3000元至10000元之间。

    John Zeng , a director at LMC Automotive Consulting ( Shanghai ), estimates such replacement work would cost between 3,000 ( about $ 480 ) yuan and 10,000 yuan a vehicle .

  20. 随着价格从15元至40元,TRON的行动数字预计将立刻吸引收藏家和爱好者动摇了这个假期玩具过道。

    With prices ranging from $ 15 to $ 40 , TRON Action Figures are expected to immediately attract avid collectors and to shake up the toy aisle this holiday season .

  21. 该韧性剪切系统发生于晚太古代至早元古代的五台运动期间,经历过两期次韧性剪切作用,早期的差异应力约为12MPa,晚期的差异应力约为30MPa。

    This giant ductile shear system was formed during Wutai Movement from late Archean to Early Proterozoic and experienced two periods of ductile shearing . The differential stress in early period of shearing is about 12 MPa and the late is about 30 MPa .

  22. 请乘坐出租车到学校,费用一般在人民币50元至80元不等。

    Taking taxi will cost you RMB50 & 80 to school .

  23. 这项附加服务的价格在200至500元不等。

    The additional charge is from 200 to 500 yuan .

  24. 两人每餐平均消费:150至200元

    Average cost per meal ( for two ): 150-200 yuan

  25. 南方航空涨5.9%,至6.33元。

    China Southern gained 5.9 per cent to RMB 6.33 .

  26. 那大约需要三百至六百元。

    That 'll cost you about three hundred to six hundred dollars .

  27. 观众的月收入范围大多集中于800元至1500元之间;

    The audience 's monthly income ranges from 800 to 1500 yuan .

  28. 车费每程由2.4元至34.2元不等。

    Fares ranged from $ 2.40 to $ 34.20 .

  29. 人均消费在120至150元左右。

    The average cost per person is 120-150 yuan .

  30. 数码通基本通话时间1400分钟的月费由838元减至788元。

    Fees come down from $ 838 to $ 788 for1,400 minutes with Smartone .