
  • 网络adaptive system;CAS
  1. 极经济地实现无内部运算误差的两模RNS权调整三模RNS加权对消的RNS自适应系统;

    2 , The two-modulo RNS weight-adjusting and three-modulo RNS weight-cancelling RNS adaptive systems without any error of internal operation ;

  2. 进而,提出了一种变步长ELMS算法(VSS-ELMS),理论分析和计算机仿真均表明该算法具有较快的收敛速度和更好的稳态性能,可以很好地应用于自适应系统中。

    Then , a variable step size ELMS algorithm is proposed , the theoretical analysis and computer simulation indicate that the new algorithm has quite fast convergence rate , better steady performance and can be applied to adaptive systems effectively .

  3. 本文给出按LMS准则设计的自适应系统达到稳态时,系统指向性的一般表达式.作为信号和干扰之间的广义夹角的函数,提出计算主瓣宽度、干扰方向零点深度和极限分辨力的方法。

    The general representation of steady state directivity of adaptive system designed under the LMS criteria is given .

  4. 用多微处理器实现的多素数模RNS自适应系统。

    3 , The multimicroprocessor-based poly-prime number RNS adaptive system .

  5. 使用本文方法设计的模型参考自适应系统(MRAS)可用于动力学容错控制系统。

    MRAS designed by the use of this method can be used in fault-tolerant systems .

  6. 本文提出了一个识别异步电动机的模型参考自适应系统(MRAS)。

    A model-reference adaptive system ( MRAS ) for the Identification of induction motor speed is proposed in the paper .

  7. 在多Agent协作的基础上设计出一种多级野战卫勤保障自适应系统,设计出多个种类的Agent构成各级野战卫勤保障系统,并对各Agent的功能特点进行了详细描述。

    On the basis of multi-agent cooperation , it designs an adaptive support system with multi-level field medicine . It designs several types of Agent to constitute field medical support systems at all levels . It describes the function characters of all kinds of agents in detail . 4 .

  8. 由PZT薄膜制得的微反射镜单元,具有体积小、精度高、响应快速等优点,能够满足微光学自适应系统小型化和实时性的需要。

    Micro-mirror based on PZT thin films has following advantages such as little capacity 、 high accuracy and quick response . This kind of mirror can meet the micro optics adaptive system 's miniaturized and real-time demands in many fields .

  9. 针对网络环境多变的情况,提出了一种动态自适应系统的理论模型。

    A self-healing system model for unstable network environment was presented .

  10. 稳定的分数维模型参考自适应系统的设计

    The design of the stable fractional model reference adaptive control system

  11. 具有匹配不确定自适应系统的鲁棒性分析

    Robust analysis of adaptive control systems with matching uncertainties

  12. 作战是典型的复杂自适应系统。

    Combat is a typical complex adaptive system .

  13. 自适应系统开发方法的研究

    Research on a Methodology for Adaptive Systems Development

  14. 最佳线性过滤器构成的一种自适应系统

    An Adaptive System Constituted by Optimum Linear Filter

  15. 自适应系统的体系结构模型与分析

    Model of Self-adaptation System and Analysis

  16. 在自适应系统中,最为关键的环节就是学习者模型的建立。

    In an adaptive system , the most critical aspect is the construction of learner model .

  17. 然后分析了基于模型参考自适应系统无速度传感器矢量控制的原理。

    Then speed-sensorless vector control system based on model reference adaptive system ( MRAS ) is discussed .

  18. 仿真结果表明,该系统比传统模型参考自适应系统具有更好的稳定性和更快的响应速度。

    The experiment result showed that the system has more stability than the normal model reference adaptive system .

  19. 本文介绍一种基于时域综合法的由最佳线性过滤器构成的自适应系统。

    According to the time domain synthetic method , this paper introduces an adaptive system constituted by the optimum linear filter .

  20. 我们还讨论了传统工程方法为什么不能支撑能支持动态业务的自适应系统的开发。

    We also discussed how traditional engineering approaches do not support the development of adaptive systems capable of supporting the dynamics of business .

  21. 讨论了带随机输出噪声的线性时不变对象的参考模型自适应系统。

    This paper discusses the adaptive control of a linear time-invariant plant when the measurement of the plant output is corrupted by a bounded stochastic noise .

  22. 其次,根据智能决策支持系统的一般框架,结合专家系统,进行了软件的整体架构设计,使得审计决策自适应系统具有智能性、通用性。

    It integrates a frame of intelligent decision supporting system and the expert system , which makes the adaptive auditing support system intelligent and applicable generally .

  23. 本文分析了非自适应系统和采用典型算法的自适应系统的信息传送的平均误码率。

    Explicit expressions are obtained for average probability of errors in information transfer intervals for the radio communication systems and the adaptive radio communication systems with representative arithmetic .

  24. 随着复杂自适应系统的理论和基于多智能体的建模方法被逐步用来研究经济系统中的问题之后,这一问题一定程度上得到了解决。

    With the development of system engineering , a new CAS ( Complex Adaptive System ) theory was advanced and agent-based financial markets are universally applied in economy study which is far from traditional notion of equilibrium .

  25. 在各种类型的自适应系统方案中,模型参考自适应控制系统是重要的,因为它们导致相对容易实现的系统且具有高的自适应速度,能够在多种情况中应用。

    The most well known method for controlling welter of adaptive system is model reference fuzzy adaptive control ( MRFAC ) because it can be used in many situations stemming from its easier system and faster adaptive speediness .

  26. 所以,企业不仅仅是环境中生存发展的生物有机体,而且具有自我调节、自我发展、消除矛盾、谋求发展的能力,是能动地适应环境的自适应系统。

    So , enterprise is not only the biological organic body of survival development in environment and has self regulation and self development to eliminate contradiction and the ability of seeking development , is to be able to move land acclimatization since meeting system .

  27. 实验结果表明,动态判断收敛方法对平稳和非平稳检测环境均适用,相应检测条件下的自适应系统参数辨识及时延估计的方差因此得到较大改善。

    The experiment results show that it is applicable to adaptive detection systems in nonstationary as well as stationary environments , and the estimation variances of the adaptive parameter identification and time delay estimation applications are significantly decreased because of the dynamic convergence determination .

  28. 基于DSP技术的导弹自适应控制系统样机设计

    Prototype Design of a DSP-Based Missile Adaptive Control System

  29. 简单空时编码发射机分集自适应OFDM系统

    Adaptive OFDM system with simple space-time coding transmit diversity

  30. 宽带自适应OFDM系统中可伸缩FFT处理器的设计和实现

    Design and implementation of a scaleable FFT processor for adaptive broadband OFDM system