
zì xuán huí bō
  • spin echo
  1. [方法]用SIEMENS0.2TMagnetomOpenViva磁共振成像仪,对21例多发性硬化症病人进行自旋回波(SE)序列T1WI及T2WI,对4例行磁共振增强扫描。

    METHODS Using SIEMENS 0.2T Magnetom Open Viva , 21 cases of multiple sclerosis patients were scanned with T 1-WI and T 2-WI of spin echo series and 4 cases were performed magnetic resonance enhancement by using magnevist .

  2. 铁磁合金中核磁共振自旋回波的形状

    The shape of NMR spin echo in ferromagnetic alloy

  3. MR脊髓成像:单次激发快速自旋回波序列技术的应用

    MR Myelography : Single-shot TSE Sequence ′ s Technique Application

  4. 改良快速自旋回波在MR胰胆管成像中的应用

    Application of Modified FSE in MR Cholangiopancreatography

  5. 自导航快速自旋回波在低场MRI上的实现

    Implementation of Self-navigated Motion Correction Fast Spin Echo Technique at Low Field MRI System

  6. 所有病例均行常规自旋回波(SE)序列和心电门控MRI电影检查。

    Spin echo ( SE ) sequence and EGG-gated cine-MRI were adopted in all 22 cases .

  7. 用加脉冲梯度场的NMR自旋回波法测量高分子聚合过程中的自扩散系数

    Self-Diffusion Coefficients of Polymer in Polymerization Measured with Pulsed Field-Gradient NMR Spin Echo Methods

  8. 方法:对20例主动脉夹层进行了MRI检查,运用常规自旋回波(SE)技术及电影(cine)技术。

    Methods : Twenty patients underwent spin echo ( SE ) MRI and cine MRI examinations .

  9. 所有受试者都运用矢状T2和轴向T1加权自旋回波图像进行测量。

    All subjects were examined with sagittal T2 and axial T1-weighted spin-echo images .

  10. 目的探讨常规自旋回波(SE)结合电影MRI对先天性心脏大血管畸形的诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of conventional spin echo ( SE ) in combination with cine MRI in congenital heart disease .

  11. 用自旋回波SPIRAL测得柠檬的T2数值与用常规方法得到的数值完全相符。

    The T2 value measured using the spin-echo SPIRAL approach was exactly the same of that measured by usual method .

  12. MRCP及MRU采用单次激发快速自旋回波序列。

    MRCP and MRU were obtained by single shot FSE sequence .

  13. 运用自旋回波-回波平面成像(SE-EPI)技术行MR灌注成像。

    Perfusion MR images were obtained with spin-echo echo planar imaging ( SE-EPI ) techniques .

  14. 目的评价二维(2D)与三维(3D)快速自旋回波(TSE)序列磁共振胰胆仿造影(MRCP)对非扩张性胰胆管显示的优劣。

    Purpose To compare 3D TSE MR cholangiopancreatography ( MRCP ) with 2D for non-dilated pancreatic duct and biliary ducts .

  15. 本文对处理过程进行了详细的阐述。3.自导航快速自旋回波技术与弥散加权成像(DWI)技术相结合的研究。

    Study of diffusion weighted imaging combined with self-navigation motion correction fast spin echo sequence .

  16. 无障碍快速自旋回波序列(FSE),大大提高了MRI扫描膝关节的效率。

    The accessibility of fast spin-echo ( FSE ) sequences has greatly enhanced the time efficiency of knee MRI .

  17. 结论:胸腰椎后路脊柱钛合金内固定术后患者进行MRI检查时,应该尽量选择快速自旋回波序列进行扫描,当使用常规自旋回波序列扫描时,应尽量减少回波时间(echotime,TE)。

    Conclusion : Turbo spin echo sequence should be chosen for MRI scanning in patients implanted with posterior thoracic and lumbar titanium internal fixation system , with the echo time minimized .

  18. 本文对VMC患者19例和正常志愿者5例行MRI检查.心电门控、自旋回波技术。

    Materials and methods : MRI was performed in 19 patients and 5 normal volunteers by using ECG-gated , spin echo technique .

  19. 用~(13)C-NMR自旋回波技术研究减压渣油的平均结构

    Study on the average structure of vacuum residues with seft ~ ( 13 ) c-nmr

  20. 应用快速自旋回波(turbospin-echo,TSE)序列进行全盆腔扫描。

    The application of fast spin echo ( the turbo spin-echo TSE ) sequence of the whole pelvic scan .

  21. 方法采用快速自旋回波(FSE)重T2加权技术对221例患者进行了MRCP检查。

    Methods 221 patients with cholangiopancreatic diseases all underwent MRCP examination by heavy T2 weighted fast spinecho ( FSE ) sequence .

  22. 目的评价自旋回波平面成像(SEEPI)T2W序列对肝脏实性病变的检出能力。

    Objective To evaluate the role of SE EPI T 2W in the detection of hepatic solid lesions .

  23. 二维T2加权快速自旋回波序列与常规冠状动脉造影用于评估冠状动脉搭桥术远端吻合的比较

    Assessment of the distal anastomosis of coronary artery bypass grafts with a 2D T2-weighted turbo spin echo sequence and correlation to conventional coronary angiography

  24. 结果:扫描结果显示在自旋回波和梯度回波的T2加权序列中,肝实质呈明显负性强化。

    Results : The study shown that the hepatic parenchyma had a significantly negative enhancement in T 2 weight of SE and GRE sequence .

  25. 方法用MR1.5T超导型扫描机,采用T2WI快速自旋回波(FSE)序列、脂肪抑制技术和MR尿路造影(MRU)检查。

    Methods Heavily T_2-weighted fast spin echo pulse sequence , fat suppression pulse and MR urography ( MRU ) were performed .

  26. 方法应用三维自旋回波(3D-TSE)序列,结合常规MRI序列,分析了50例三叉神经痛(TN)患者和50名对照的MR表现及手术结果。

    Methods MR manifestations and operative results of 50 normal subjects and 50 patients with trigeminal neuralgia were reviewed retrospectively , using 3D-TSE combined with conventional MRI .

  27. MRCP成像方法有二维单层快速自旋回波(FSE)序列及半傅立叶单次激发快速自旋回波(HASTE)序列。

    MRCP was acquired using two-dimensional single slice fast spin-echo sequence and HASTE ( half-fourier acquisition single-shot fast spin echo ) sequence .

  28. 目的:比较8个发射的平面回波成像(EPI)与屏气快速自旋回波(FSE)对上腹部的T2加权MR成像。

    Objective : To compare eight-shot echo planar imaging ( EPI ) with breathhold T 2-weighted fast spin-echo ( FSE ) imaging for upper abdominal MR imaging .

  29. 检查所用设备为GEEchospeed1.5TMR扫描仪,每例均作自旋回波T1W序列、梯度回波电影序列和造影增强的MR血管成像(CE-MRA)序列。

    T1-weighted spin-echo sequence , gradient-echo cine sequence and contrast enhancement magnetic resonance angiography ( CE-MRA ) were performed in every case .

  30. 在自旋回波序列中,T2WI对多发性硬化症的敏感性高于T1WI。

    The sensitivity of T 2-WI was highter than that of T 1-WI in spin echo series .