
zì yóu jīnɡ jì
  • free economy
  1. 集权政治与自由经济&拉美国家政治发展与经济政策的变化

    Totalitarian politics and free economy

  2. 抗战时期经济思潮的演进&从计划经济、统制经济的兴盛到对自由经济的回归

    The Intellectual Trend of Economy in KMT-controlled Area During Anti-Japanese War : From Planned Economy and Controlled Economy to Free Economy

  3. 委内瑞拉就是一个例子。该国多年来利用其原油垄断地位诱使拉美国家反对华盛顿共识(Washingtonconsensus)提出的自由经济政策。

    Just look at Venezuela , which for many years used its oil monopoly to cajole Latin American states into defying the liberal economic prescriptions of the Washington Consensus .

  4. 希望欧盟采取自由经济政策的政界人士们必须行动起来。

    Politicians who want an economically liberal EU need to act .

  5. 竞争是自由经济与社会秩序的基石。

    Competition is the cornerstone of economic and social order .

  6. 奉行自由经济政策导致西欧发展的理论与实证;

    They are liberalism , reasonable man , the liberal economy policy and psychics teleology .

  7. 大海参崴自由经济区规划与图们江地区规划的衔接

    The Dovetail of Greater Vladivostok Free Economic Zone Development Plan and Tumen River Development Plan

  8. 对前者的研究涉及到自由经济中市场利率形成的真实机制问题;

    Studying the former comes down to the determination mechanism issue of market equilibrium interest rate ;

  9. 泰国有着很好的发展基础,自由经济政策并鼓励引进外国投资。

    Thailand has a well developed infrastructure , a free-enterprise economy , and welcomes foreign investment .

  10. 中国现代自由经济思想钩沉

    On Free-economy Concept in Modern China

  11. 开放性厦-金自由经济区:两岸经济一体化的一个现实选择

    Establishing An Open Amoy-Quemoy Free Economic Zone : A Feasible Way towards the Cross-straits Economic Integration

  12. 这股处于上升阶段的右翼势力信奉自由经济、传统价值观和对抗性的外交政策。

    The ascendant right was libertarian in economics , traditional in values and confrontational in foreign policy .

  13. 市场经济是自由经济,但也是法治经济,企业法人进入市场和退出市场都应遵守相应的规则,并承担相应的法律责任。

    Therefore , the legal persons must abide by rules concerning entering or exiting market , and must shoulder corresponding responsibilities .

  14. 自由经济区在国际物流中的地位与作用

    The Countermeasures of Vocational Education Free of Difficult Position THE POSITION AND FUNCTION OF FREE ECONOMIC ZONE IN THE INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS

  15. 从《平准书》和《货殖列传》看司马迁的自由经济思想

    A Probe into Sima Qian 's Free Economic Ideology Through his Two Works PING HUAI SHU and HUO ZHI LIE ZHUAN

  16. 尽管计划经济思想在现代中国居于主流地位,但自由经济思想也并未断绝。

    Although the thought of plan economy took main position in modern China , the thought of free economy did not disappear .

  17. 冷战后形成的一个传统政治常识是,自由经济体制具有优越性,然而中国的成功却对这种认识带来了挑战。

    Chinese success challenges the conventional political wisdom formed after the cold war about the superiority of democracy as an economic system .

  18. 因为英国有一个糟糕的危机趋向(不像德国,挪威和日本),极端自由经济模式,制度化不平等。

    Because the UK ( unlike Germany , Norway and Japan ) has a crappy crisis prone , ultra-liberal economic model that institutionalises inequality .

  19. 第二部分,阐述政府在自由经济中的角色。

    The second section depicts a general picture of the distinguished roles that governments play in the economy vis-a-vis liberalized economies or private enterprise .

  20. 这个一直以来一直推行自由经济政策的公司,还会采取更多的监管措施来防止进一步的挤兑行为吗?

    Will the firm , which so far has preferred a laissez-faire approach , introduce regulation , to avoid further bank runs , say ?

  21. 塔吉克斯坦在索格特州和哈特隆州的下喷赤成立的两个自由经济区将推动我国对外贸易额的增长。

    The two liberal economic zones established in Soget Prefecture and Shapench of Hartlon prefecture will boost the growth of foreign trade volume of our country .

  22. 陈庆炎的看法,反映了亚洲人的一种担忧:迄今一直作为国际自由经济秩序“监护人”的美国人和欧洲人,将会遁入贸易保护主义。

    His comments reflect anAsian concern : that the Americans and Europeans , hitherto the custodians of the liberal international economic order , willretreat into protectionism .

  23. 可以说,中国现代的自由经济思想也是当代中国经济改革的思想源泉之一。

    So we can say that the thoughts of free economy in modern China is one of the thinking headspring of economic reform in contemporary China .

  24. 出于反对重商主义和垄断的需要,自由经济理论建立了完全竞争范式,并把完全竞争奉为经济学的金科玉律。

    For the purpose of anti mercantilism and monopoly , liberal economists have established optimal model of perfect competition was treated as the highest doctrine of economics .

  25. 市场经济就其本质而言是一种自由经济。为了维护市场机制的正常有效运转,必须在一定范围或一定程度上加强市场规制。

    Market economy is of free economy which , in order to keep the market mechanism effective to work regularly , should be regulated to some degree .

  26. 美国,作为自由经济的老大,确实也应该能够同样做到,并让市场来解决航空业的亏损问题。

    America , the champion of free markets , surely ought to be able to do the same , and let the market take care of loss-making airlines .

  27. 华盛顿共识秉持当时流行的自由经济思维:固定或准固定汇率、财政纪律、自由贸易,以及一轮接一轮的私有化。

    The Washington Consensus espoused the then current liberal economic thinking – fixed or quasi-fixed exchange rates , fiscal discipline , free trade , and round after round of privatisations .

  28. 上世纪初期,在传统自由经济理论一直占主导地位的西方社会,私营大企业和大公司始终把追求利润最大化作为经营的指导思想和企业发展的最高目标。

    At the beginning of last century , private enterprises and companies regarded profit maximization as their guide and goal in western society where traditional free economy theory was dominance .

  29. 在市场经济条件下,个人收入分配出现一定的差距,是非常正常的,但是,市场经济是自由经济,不能够自动有效地调节个人之间的收入分配差距。

    In a market economy , the gaps of income distribution is very normal , but the market economy is the free economy can not be automatically and effectively adjusted income distribution .

  30. 该党正在推行自由经济改革,然而到目前为止,除了近年的经济增长有所反弹(2011年,增长率为7.2%),它并没有带动大多数人脱贫。

    The party is pursuing liberal economic reforms but despite bouncy growth in recent years ( 7.2 % in 2011 ) it has so far failed to lift many citizens out of poverty .