
zì lǐ
  • Self care;take care of oneself;take care of or provide for oneself
自理 [zì lǐ]
  • [take care of or provide for oneself] 自我照管调理;自行解决

  • 经费自理

  • 生活自理

自理[zì lǐ]
  1. 你们也可以索取样品,但是费用需要自理。

    You also maydemand the sample , but the expense needs to take care of oneself .

  2. 他完全能够自理。

    He 's well able to take care of himself .

  3. 合伙住宿并自理膳食的全部费用按周计价。

    All prices are based on a week 's self-catering in shared accommodation .

  4. 您可以将自理膳食旅店升级为酒店。

    You can upgrade from self-catering accommodation to a hotel .

  5. 报名的教师完全出于自愿而且费用自理。

    Teachers who signed up did so out of personal choice and at their own expense .

  6. 从法律上来说,如果老人生活不能自理,他可以指定某人为其代理事务。

    It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them , should they become incapable of looking after themselves .

  7. 为了考试而用功过度的学生,也可能不吃、不睡、不玩,时间久了,成了无力自理的人,只好被送进医院。

    A student who studies too hard for exams may not eat , sleep or play , for so long that he becomes a basket case and must be sent to the hospital .

  8. 自由参观温莎城堡(门票自理)

    Free time to visit Windsor Castle ( entrance fees not included ) .

  9. 对于SCI患者提高其生活自理能力和质量具有重要意义。

    And it is important to improve the ability and quality of self - living .

  10. 目的比较针药结合治疗与单纯针刺治疗对阿尔茨海默病(AD)患者智能、认识能力及生活自理能力的影响。

    Purpose To compare the effects of acupuncture plus medicine and simple acupuncture on intelligence , gnosia and life self-care ability in AD patients .

  11. Orem自理理论在CO2激光辅助下人工镫骨植入术后护理中的应用

    Application of Orem self-care theory in postoperative nursing care of patients accepting artificial stapes implantation assisted by CO_2 laser

  12. 结果(1)患者24h所需直接、间接护理时间与患者的自理能力呈负相关关系;

    Results Average direct and indirect care time of the inpatients was negatively related to their capabilities of self care .

  13. 运用Orem自理理论提高社区老年患者的生命质量

    Improving old people 's living quality by Orem self care theory

  14. 自理查德尼克松(richardnixon)于上世纪70年代恢复美国与中国的外交关系以来,波音就一直处在中美关系的中心位置。

    Since Richard Nixon restored diplomatic ties with China in the 1970s , Boeing has been at the crux of US-China relations .

  15. Orem自理模式用于1例高血压性脑出血病人的护理

    Effectiveness of Orem Mode Applied in One Case of Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage

  16. 运用Orem自理模式指导产科护理工作初探

    Approach to Applying Orem Self-care Model to Guide Nursing Works

  17. 运用Orem自理学说指导精神分裂症病人自我护理

    Applying Orem Self-care Theory to Guide Schizophrenia Patients to Carry out Self-care

  18. 3个月后TIA-脑梗死组能自理82人,单纯脑梗死组能自理67人,前者预后明显好于后者(P<0.05)。

    Months later , 82 patients in prodromal TIA group and 67 patients in control group could live by themselves , and the prognosis was better in the former group than in the later ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 将Orem自理理论用于多发性骨髓瘤患者的护理

    Application of Orem 's Self-care Theory to Nursing of Patients with Multiple Myeloma

  20. Orem自理模式在精神分裂症患者临床护理中的应用

    Application of Orem nursing pattern for patients with schizophrenia

  21. 应用Orem自理理论指导颅骨牵引病人自我口腔护理

    Applying Orem self-care theory to guild self-mouth care for patients undergoing skull traction

  22. Orem自理模式应用于产程管理中的效果探讨

    Explore the effect of Orem self-care mode on the management of birth process

  23. Orem自理模式在老年糖尿病胰岛素治疗中的应用

    Application of Orem self-care mode to the insulin treatment of elderly patients with diabetes

  24. 回肠膀胱术后患者Orem自理模式的应用

    Application of Orem Self-care Nursing Model After Ileocystoplasty

  25. Orem自理模式在脑卒中主要照顾者评估中的应用

    Application of Orem self-care mode in evaluation of main caregivers of cerebral apoplexy patients

  26. 方法:运用Orem自理理论对社区老年患者进行护理。

    Method : Old people had been provided with nursing by Orem self care theory .

  27. Orem自理模式在人工髋关节置换术患者护理中的运用

    Clinical Application of Orem Self-care Model in the Nursing Care of Artificial Hip Joint Replacement

  28. 为了解影响糖尿病(DM)病人自理能力的因素,对78例2型糖尿病病人进行调查。

    To know the factors of affecting the ability of taking care of oneself in diabetes mellitus ( DM ) patients , 78 cases of Type 2 DM were investigated .

  29. 针刺头针组与单纯滋肝益肾、疏经通络针法组在运动功能水平、生活自理能力方面治疗前后均有明显改善(P<0.01),两组间比较无明显差异(P>0.05)。

    Both two groups can make significant improvement on the level of exercise function and the ability of daily life after treatment ( P < 0 . 01 ), but the two groups has no obvious difference ( P > . 05 ) .

  30. 方法回顾性分析142例蛛网膜下腔出血住院患者,按出院时生活自理能力分为良好预后、不良预后两组,进行多因素logistic回归分析。

    Methods Total 142 series cases of SAH were divided into two groups according to their daily living ability on discharge , and relevant prognostics factors were analyzed by retrospective analysis and multiple logistic regression .