- 网络auto-power spectrum;power spectrum;auto power spectrum

Auto-power spectrum , cross-power spectrum , frequency response function , coherence function , cepstrum analysis based on FFT ( Fast Fourier Transfer );
A note on stationary auto-power spectrum models for earthquake ground motion
So the target function of GA constructed by testing power spectrum and corresponding calculating FRF is presented , and used to identify the structures damage . In the example of benchmark structure , a good identification results is got .
The matrix of frequency response function is derived from the motion equation by Fourier transformation directly , then the matrices of self-power spectral density function of displacement and shear response are obtained . The variances of the matrices are computed by Simpson 's integral method .
Auto-power spectrum , cross-power spectrum .
Own power chart analysis ;
The auto power spectrum curves of the dry parallel reactor are obtained from the prototype dynamic test .
The vibration environment of aircraft during lift-off was obtained by concluding the auto-spectra of stationary random vibration .
Using frequency spectrum analysis of phase function to calculate its auto power spectrum can reflect its frequency structure .
This paper presents a new method of measuring phase differencc : sampling numerical and self-power-spectrum amplitude correction method .
The result of experimentation shows that its recognition of movement was much better than the method using traditional Power Spectrum Coefficient .
The two estimation methods were combined in one program and then used in processing magnetotelluric sounding data , some satisfactory results being made .
Decay signal is divided into various categories via auto power spectral density function , different ApEn methods are proposed according to different signal patterns .
The auto power spectrum of phase function commonly has two extreme frequencies , and the corresponding frequency components decide the peak characteristics of phase function .
Finally , the damping ratio of each mode is calculated by using the half-power point method on the basis of auto power spectrum and cross power spectrum .
The application of single access self-capacity factor spectrum analysis and amplitude value spectrum analysis is to confirm the natural frequency and size the response of the bow system .
Abstract : From the point of view of the auto-spectrum , the local characteristic and the acoustical energy of radiation on a vibrating surface are theoretically studied in this paper .
A study is made on the energy spectrum estimation approach based on Gaussian - chirplet-transform , which is superior to conventional power spectrum estimation in local fault diagnosis for gear .
Through collecting vibration signal and analyzing it in the frequency domain in the condition of changing parameter cutting , a single self power spectrum is hard to detect tool breakage effectively .
An approach for identifying the modal parameters of a civil engineering structure by means of the self power spectrum analysis of its output response under the random excitation of environments is presented .
When applied to damage identification , the similarities and differences between auto-power spectrum entropy and power spectrum entropy are comparatively studied ; the advantage of proposed method is demonstrated by experimental research .
The power spectrum density and variance of structural response was calculated . The random response of isolated system and that of non - isolated system was compared and the influence of translation-torsion coupling of eccentric structure was discussed .
The rhythm of the undulated forms of blood and oxygen in the early hepatocirrhosis was irregular . The main frequency peak of auto-power spectrum was found to move back to the rang 1.0 ~ 1.5 Hz and multi-peak was seen .
And can go on the frequency spectrum of the need to analyse , can select for use Fourier Transformation , power spectrum , auto-correlation function , cross-correlation function , etc. many kinds of signals analyse and process the method each other ;
The method in this thesis is confirmed basic on the experiment and measured data . Secondly , the self-power spectrum of different behaviors is calculated in this thesis with the spectrum analysis method and the resonance frequency of the model is confirmed .
Different signal processing methods including equivalent sound pressure level , coherence function and auto power spectrums were used to evaluated the vibration and noise signals . The effects of grooved surface texture on the vibration and noise properties of the friction system were studied .
This method with some empirical power spectrum density ( PSD ) models , coherency function models and the modles of apparent velocity can make it easy and directly to be done that generates the spatial varying ground motions be - cause of importing the concept of phase-difference .
In contrast with this result , the same analyses of both the theoretical series of tidal terms and the BIH series of UT demonstrate the notable power spectrum of the short-period terms .
Auto power spectrum of the periodic and quasi-periodic solution has been obtained .
The data of polar motion , rotation of the earth and atmospheric excitation func - tion are analysed by the Auto-Regression power spectrum method , and their spectra at low frequency band are obtained .