
  • 网络Natural Lighting;nature lighting;natural light;Daylight
  1. 该工厂使用地热能源,自然采光和自然通风。

    The factory uses geothermic energy , natural lighting and natural ventilation .

  2. 人性化医疗环境中自然采光和通风的设计

    Natural lighting and ventilation design in medical treatment environment bears human nature

  3. 光的渗透&对德国柏林GSW总部自然采光的简要分析

    The penetration of light : a short analysis of the use of daylight in GSW headquarters , berlin

  4. 自然采光在诺曼·福斯特建筑中的运用

    Natural Lighting applied in the buildings designed by Norman Foster

  5. 中小型建筑自然采光设计研究

    The Study of Daylighting Design on Medium and Small Building

  6. 建筑遮阳与自然采光、通风、太阳能利用的关系。

    Ralation with daylighting , aeration and solar energy .

  7. 建筑遮阳与自然采光的关系;

    The relationship between architectural shading and natural daylighting ;

  8. 博物馆陈列室自然采光技术应用研究

    The application study of the natural lighting technique in exhibition room of museum

  9. 大空间体育建筑自然采光问题探析

    On the Problem in Absorbing the Natural Light of the Large Space Public Building

  10. 有舒适的自然采光,您可感受放松自己的就餐经历。

    Have comfortable natural lighting , you can experience the repast experience that loosens your .

  11. 同时,窗户作为建筑外围护结构的开口部位,也直接影响到室内自然采光效果。

    As buildings open positions , outer windows can also directly impact on indoor daylight effects .

  12. 自然采光的室内恒温泳池配置涡流浴池,实为钢铁立方城市中的一方心灵绿洲。

    The indoor heated swimming pool with a Jacuzzi receives natural sunlight , is an oasis for relaxation .

  13. 本文首先介绍了自然采光技术在国内、外的研究状况,论文的研究方法与框架。

    This paper introduces the natural lighting in domestic and foreign research activities , research method and framework .

  14. 为了获得最大的发电量,在满足自然采光需求的情况下,较低的外层光伏发电玻璃透射率是被推荐的选择。

    Targeted at obtain the maximum electricity production , lower transmittance that can meet the daylighting demand was proposed .

  15. 在马来西亚的热带气候中,它也为建筑提供了充足的自然采光、阴影遮蔽和通风条件。

    It also provides for an abundance of natural light , shade and ventilation amidst the tropical weather of Malaysia .

  16. 场馆设计中充分利用自然采光、通风等技术手段。

    In the design of the venues , full consideration will be given to make use of natural light and ventilation .

  17. 大型连栋鸡舍自然采光的设计与测试海岛城市住宅自然采光卫生学调查

    Design and Test of Natural Lighting for Multi-section Poultry Housing Investigation on Natural Lighting in Houses Constructed in Different Times in Island City

  18. 从奥运场馆看建筑技术对其自然采光的影响在奥运场馆和其他城市建设中,注重形成与建筑相宜的雕塑景观。

    In the course of constructing the Olympic facilities and undertaking other urban development projects , importance will be attached to sculptures that compliment the buildings .

  19. 自然采光及人工照明良好、空间大、明亮有良好的隔断,保证员工的工作环境安静、舒适。

    Natural lighting and artificial illume is good , the space is large , bright , good partition , ensure employees working environment quiet and comfortable .

  20. 为了更好地研究自然采光技术在建筑中的应用,本文第二章对自然采光技术的发展历程及分类进行了介绍。

    In order to better study the natural lighting in building the application , the second chapter on the classification of natural lighting technology was introduced .

  21. 在岛上的这座豪宅中,可以欣赏到周边地区的全景,天花板镶板用的是最好的红木,并且配有可以充分自然采光的天窗。

    The home boasts panoramic views of the surrounding area , ceilings panelled with the finest mahogany and skylights that afford the property plenty of natural lighting .

  22. 尤其是在建筑体型相对简单、平面布局相对单一的中小型建筑中,可以利用各种自然采光手段和方法,做到在晴天的白天完全利用自然光照明。

    Especially , in medium and small buildings with simple shape and layout , some daylighting methods can be used to obtain enough daylight in sunny days .

  23. 论述了具有自然采光功能的自然通风装置研究现状,指出该装置的应用场合和进一步要研究的问题。

    Discussed the research status of natural ventilation device with the function of daylighting , point out the applications and the problems needed to be resolved in the future .

  24. 能耗和环境问题举世瞩目,建筑物如何充分利用自然采光,以节约能耗,引起国际建筑和照明界的高度重视。

    Worldwide attention was attracted to the energy consumption and environmental problems , so international architecture and lighting take making use of daylighting and building energy saving as emphasis .

  25. 建筑的窗口设计一直是建筑节能设计的重中之重,窗户面积关系到建筑自然采光效果和建筑能耗。

    The window design of a building is always given to in architecture design and the window area has an influence on the daylighting effect and building energy consumption .

  26. 良好的自然采光需要较大的窗口面积,但另一方面,大的窗口面积会增加太阳辐射得热,进而增加空调能耗。

    Big window area is required to get good natural lighting , on the other hand , big window area will increase the solar heat gain , then the cooling energy will be increased .

  27. 诸如,遮阳与自然采光的矛盾;自然通风与保温隔热的矛盾,而遮阳对自然通风、保温隔热都能产生影响等等。

    Such as shading and natural light of the contradictions ; natural ventilation and thermal insulation of the contradictions , and the shade of natural ventilation , thermal insulation , can have an impact .

  28. 住所的舒适度也跟季节有关:无论从自然采光还是观景的角度来看,均须小心对待冬季或夏季的舒适度以及住所与外部环境的关系。

    The comfort of accommodation is also apprehended in all seasons : winter or summer comfort and the relation to the external environment is treated with care both in terms of natural lighting and views .

  29. 从绿色建筑的概念着手,探讨了幕墙作为围护体系在调节室内环境品质、降低建筑能耗方面的作用,并重点介绍了幕墙在自然采光、通风和建筑节能等方面的技术措施。

    Based on the conception of green building , this paper discusses the effect of curtain wall in adjusting the interior environment quality , reducing building energy consumption , and emphasizes the curtain wall technology in natural lighting , natural ventilation , as well as building energy efficiency .

  30. 室内绿色设计的设计手段主要通过能源策略、通风设计、人工照明和自然采光、建筑装饰材料与构造技术、自然元素的适用等来实现。

    The techniques of the interior green designing focus on many ways , such as energy policy , ventilation , artificial lighting , natural lighting , building decoration materials , construction techniques , the application of natural elements , and the control of the quality of the indoor air .