
zì rán tǐ
  • normal posture
  1. 土壤是有生命的自然体。

    Soil is the natural presentation of life .

  2. 旅游景观可以是人工体或天、地、生的自然体亦或是人工或自然的综合体。

    Landscapes for tourism may be an artificial body or natural body of astronomy , geography and paleontology , or an artificial-natural combination .

  3. 自然体权利本质上属于道德权利,在法律的语境下自然体不能享有权利。

    In essentially , the rights of nature are a type of moral right , which can not enjoy rights in the law context .

  4. 随着环境法中对动植物权利的保护,要赋予自然体以法律地位的呼声越来越高。

    As for the rights of animals and plants in environmental protection , given the natural individual and system to legal status of growing calls .

  5. 学者试图从法律地位和法律权利两个方面来证明自然体享有环境权。

    Scholars from legal status and trying to prove legal rights in the two aspects of natural individual and system enjoy rights to the environment .

  6. 在环境危机面前,整个人类社会和自然体都是直接的受害者,但是自然体不能成为环境权的主体。

    In the environmental crisis , the whole human society and nature are the direct victims , but the nature can not be subjects of the right .

  7. 探讨新三峡旅游资源和环境的保护问题。包括三峡山水自然体保护、三峡文物保护及三峡民俗文化保护。

    Chapter IV discusses the protection of the tourist resources and environment of the area , including the protection of the landscape , the cultural relics and the folk-custom of the area .

  8. 对检察机关、环保非政府组织、环境管理机关、公民的原告资格予以肯定,对自然体及后代人的原告资格予以否定。

    To be sure the plaintiff qualification of procuratorial organs , environmental non-governmental organizations , environmental management organs , citizens . to deny the plaintiff qualification of natural body and future generations .

  9. 具体而言,我国应构建检察机关、政府部门、社会团体、公民、企事业单位五种原告类型,拒绝后代人和自然体两种原告类型。

    Specifically , we are supposed to construct five types of qualified plaintiffs which are procuratorate , government departments , social comity , citizen , enterprise and exclude two types of qualified plaintiffs which are future generations and natural body .

  10. 他的环境权学说,包括个人、单位、国家、人类和自然体的环境权,是他独树一帜的环境法学理论体系“调整论”的一个重要组成部分。

    His theory of environmental rights , which regards individuals , work units , the state , human beings and nature as subjects of environmental rights , constitutes an important part of the " adjustment thesis " in his unique theoretical system of environmental law .

  11. 土壤是一个独立的自然体,是一个能从物质组成、结构、功能上进行解释分析的物质实体,同时也是有机物和无机物、生物和非生物相结合的整体。

    Soil is an independent natural body , which can be analyzed and interpreted from the perspectives of substance composition , structure and functions . In the mean time , soil is also a combinative entirety of organic and inorganic substance , living things and non-living things .

  12. 湿地是处于水域和陆地过渡形态的自然体,由于其受力方式和强度,以及频繁的侵蚀和堆积而具有不稳定的特征,从而决定了湿地生态系统表现为典型的脆弱和不稳定特征。

    Wetland is the natural body in the transitional form between water and land , has the feature of instability because of its stress modes and intensity , as well as the frequent erosion and accumulation , and thereby makes the wetland ecological system present typical vulnerability and instability .

  13. 同时,在较高的相对过饱和度下,观察到了TGS自然结晶体的两种简单晶形。

    Two simple crystal forms of TGS spontaneous nucleation crystals were also observed .

  14. 通过在Script节点中嵌入JavaScript脚本程序,模拟自然型体的运动特点,给出了基于VRML的波浪起伏、水流前进和平面镜像等特殊显示效果的实现方法。

    Script node embedded JavaScript program can model the natural movement of an object . The paper , based on the VRML technique , introduces the method to display the special effects , such as water-waving , water-flowing and planar imaging and so on .

  15. 用时间数轴方法可以使学生们从感官上清晰直观的了解英语自然时体的空间意义。

    The students can understand the space meaning of the Tenses and Aspects from the time axis directly .

  16. 通过多年的教学实践我们发现数学法中的数轴法和错位相加法对辅助英语自然时体教学很有帮助。

    We found a new effective method & Mathematics Assistant Approach to the Teaching of English Tenses and Aspects .

  17. 本文提出一种联机识别自然手写体汉字的多分类器集成模型。

    In the paper , a new multiple classifiers integrated model of online recognizing natural handwritten Chinese character is presented .

  18. 对自然手写体汉字联机识别系统中笔画和字根提取问题作了深入研究,提出并改进了有关策略和算法实现。

    The problems of stroke extraction and character root recognition were studied , and the strategies and the algorithms related to the problems were proposed or developed .

  19. 人类因素的参与,造成自然地质体平衡状态的恶化、自然生态环境的破坏等加速了大区域范围内地质灾害的发生频率和规模。

    Human being is becoming the most severe factor which has caused the deterioration of environment and disturbed the geological balance , thus leading to the high frequency of geological hazard in large areas .

  20. 尽管人们可以通过克隆技术复制出具有大致相同遗传基因的人的自然生命体,却无法复制出人自身。

    The author argues in this paper that through the clone technology , albeit we can copy the nature body , similar to us humans that have the same hereditary gene , we cannot make the real person .

  21. 建筑物自然接地体设计常见问题与防雷设计

    Lightning Protection Design and Frequent Questions in Natural Grounding of Building

  22. 基于MATLAB6.1的煤自然发火煤体温度灰色预测研究

    Research on grey system theory in predicting coal temperature based on MATLAB 6.1

  23. 等电位联结也可不与人工或自然接地体连接的,成为不接地的等电位联结。

    Equipotential connection may not connect with the manual or natural earthing to become earth-free equipotential connection .

  24. 月亮,它也不是自然的存在体,对人类造成了影响,将会被移除。

    The moon , which does not belong to nature , and affects the human race , will be removed .

  25. 接地网利用塔楼基桩钢结构做自然接地体,并采取降阻措施。

    Use the steel structure in tower foundation for natural earthing electrode , and the measures to reduce earthing resistance is taken .

  26. 而影响自然边坡块体稳定性的主要因数可分为外因和内因两个方面。

    Affect the stability of the natural slope of the main block factor can be divided into two aspects of external and internal factors .

  27. 虽然自然硫烟囱体出现在海水环境,但是海水对其不存在铅的贡献,烟囱体内的元素铅主要是陆壳来源。

    Although the native sulfur chimney was from seawater , the seawater did not contribute the lead isotopics to the chimney-bearing lead but the continental crust did .

  28. 该系统是一种两轮左右平行布置的,像传统的倒立摆一样,本身是一个自然不稳定体,必须施加强有力的控制手段才能使之稳定。

    The system is a kind of two parallel arrangement , like a traditional inverted pendulum , itself is a natural unstable body , must exert a powerful means of control to stability .

  29. 公司作为现代社会经济生活中最主要、最活跃的民事主体,如同自然人生命体一样,有其产生、成长、衰老、直至终止的自然过程。

    Corporation , as the major and most active civil subject in this modern economic society , just like a lively natural person , has its own process of emerging , growing declining and finally disappearing .

  30. 将建筑物电气装置内外露的可导电部分、电气装置外的可导电部分、人工或自然接地体用导体连接起来,以达到减少电位差成为等电位联结。

    Connect the exposed conductive part of the electric device , the conductive part out of the electrical device , and the manual or natural earthing with conduc - tor to reduce the opportunity that the potential difference becomes potential connection .