
  1. 江淮分水岭自然经济系统的波动性、人类不合理利用自然资源与生态脆弱性三者之间在空间分布和成因上均有密切的联系。

    Nature and economy system fluctuations , improper utilization of natural resources and ecological frangibility in Jiang-huai Water-shed have close relations in space distribution and cause of formation .

  2. 城市是一个以人为主体的自然社会经济系统,为这个巨系统提供下垫面和基础的城市地貌环境对于城市的作用和意义是非常巨大的。

    The city that relies mainly on human beings is a nature - society - economy system . Urban geomorphic environment offering the cushion and foundation for this huge system is very important to a city .

  3. 从系统角度分析,支撑庞大人口的物质、能量基础不是来自自然社会经济复合系统(NSECS)之外,也不是通过提高系统效率,而是转嫁于生态。

    Based on the systematic analysis , we can find that the basic material and energy of sustaining the huge population are neither obtained from the exterior of the Nature Society Economy Complex System ( NSECS ), nor obtained by rising the system efficiency , but shifted upon the ecology .

  4. 基于自然经济社会复合系统的城市生态规划

    The City Ecological Planning Based on the Nature - economy - society Complex System

  5. 土地利用是典型的自然经济社会复合系统,区域土地利用系统的维生和演化,是各子系统协同作用的结果。

    Land use is a typical compound system , composed of natural , economical and social subsystems .

  6. 由自然系统、经济系统、社会系统构成的企业广义生存域是企业间接外部环境;

    The former is the indirect external environment consisting of natural system , economic system and social system ;

  7. 乡村旅游生态环境是一个自然文化经济复合系统,它由乡村旅游的宏观生态环境和微观生态环境两个部分构成,包括乡村自然生态环境和文化生态环境两个子系统。

    The rural tourism environment includes two layers : macroscopic environment and microcosmic environment . It is also classified into two subsystems .

  8. 长江生态系统由于地理和历史原因形成了当今富有特色的自然生态与经济系统相结合的格局,是一个可以人为调节与控制、预测与管理的人工生态系统。

    The Changjiang River Ecosystem was formed under the influence of geography and history . It can be regulated , controlled , forecasted and managed artificially .

  9. 这种管理模式的出现,使山区林业走上自然社会经济复合系统的可持续发展道路。

    The emergence of this model makes the mountain area forestry move to the sustainable development road which is the integrity of nature , society and economy .

  10. 城市土地集约利用系统作为一个典型的自然经济社会复合系统,其良性运行将推动城市土地利用方式从粗放型向集约型转变,节约和集约利用土地。

    Based on an introduction to the conception of urban land intensive use system , the paper analyzes the structure and goal and characters of urban land intensive use system .

  11. 吉林西部农业生态地质环境是一个典型的自然经济社会复合系统,生态地质环境脆弱性是人与自然相互作用、相互影响的结果。

    The agro-eco-geological environment in the west of Jilin Province is a typical compound system of nature , economy and society . The agro-eco-geological environment vulnerability is interactional result of human and nature .

  12. 作为国民经济基础产业的造纸行业,是自然社会经济复合系统中的一个组成部分,其生存和发展与所处的自然生态环境息息相关。

    As a basic industry of national economy , the paper industry is one part of the natural composite socio-economic system . Their survival and development is closely related to the natural ecological environment .

  13. 石漠化土地是自然社会经济的复合系统。

    Rocky desertification land is a multiple system composed by nature and economic society .

  14. 混沌和分形是自然系统和社会经济系统中广泛存在的一种非线性现象。

    Chaos and fractal are the nonlinear phenomena which widely exist in nature and socio-economic system .

  15. 基于相对简便的评价指标,构建了自然、社会和经济系统健康评价计量模型和标准,提出了自然-社会-经济系统健康的联合维育方法;

    A quantitive model and appraisal standards of the state of social and economic systems health based on simple indices are proposed .

  16. 提出旅游投资系统是指在区域特定的生态、社会、经济和文化背景下,各种投资要素有机结合在一起形成的自然经济社会的复合系统。

    It is presented that the tourism investment is a complicated nature-economy-society system based on a given background of zoology , society , economy and culture .

  17. 并且旅游景区的碳源利碳汇分析涉及到一个复杂系统,即各种自然系统和社会经济系统的复合系统,对于旅游景区碳源碳汇通量的计算鲜有涉及。

    And the analysis of carbon source in tourist attractions involves a complex system , namely , a combined system of natural systems and socio-economic systems which rarely involve the calculation of carbon sources of carbon flux amount in tourist attractions .

  18. 城市作为一个自然经济社会巨复杂系统,它的运行需要进行不断的描述、评价和解释,以供城市发展调控部门进行动态的有效的调控,从而保证城市的可持续发展。

    As a " natural-economic-social " mega-complex system , urban operation needs to be described , evaluated and interpreted continually to provide urban development control departments sufficient signal to control the development dynamically and effectively , and ensure the USD ( Urban Sustainable Development ) .

  19. 指出循环经济系统是由自然循环子系统和经济循环子系统相互耦合而成的自然&经济复合循环系统,并深入分析了系统的结构、功能、目标和特征。

    System of circular economy is a nature-economy compound cycle system composed of sub-system of nature-cycle and economy-cycle . Afterward , the structure , function , aims , character etc of system of circular economy are presented .

  20. 农业生产是自然再生产和经济再生产有机结合的过程,农业系统是高度耦合了自然生态、社会经济系统等的复杂大系统,具有非线性和耗散性特征。

    Agricultural production is a process uniting natural and economic reproductions , and the agro-system is a complex system coupling natural ecological system , and social economic system , which is nonlinear and dissipative .

  21. 自然保护区生态旅游必须从发展理论到经营管理方式进行深刻变革,自然保护区发展生态旅游的目标是实现自然生态系统、经济系统和文化系统相协调,进而达到可持续发展的目的。

    It is concluded that the eco - tourism of nature reserves must go through deep innovation in terms of development theories and management methods , and that nature ecological system , economic system and culture system should be well coordinated to reach the goal of sustainable development .