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  • 网络nature breathing;natural breathing
  1. 而腹式呼吸训练过程中RSA的均值较平静自然呼吸状态下明显增大(P<0.01);

    The respiratory sinus arrhythmia ( RSA ) of the patients in abdominal breathing training obviously increased as compared with that of the ones in calm and natural breathing ( P < 0.01 );

  2. 自然呼吸条件下α-受体阻断剂对猪缺血性心律失常的影响

    Effects of adrenergic alpha-blockaders on arrhythmia induced by acute myocardial ischemia in pigs under natural breathing

  3. 目的用超声心动图方法检测慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者自然呼吸过程中心脏各瓣口血流速度随呼吸的变化,探讨自然呼吸对COPD患者心功能影响的机制及临床意义。

    Objective To study the velocity variation of four cardiac valves during natural respiration to research the mechanism and clinical importance of natural respiration on cardiac function in the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) .

  4. 自然呼吸状态下R&R间期和呼吸频谱的分析

    Spectral Analyses of Respiration and R-R Interval under Spontaneous Respiration

  5. 保持这个体式30秒到一分钟,自然呼吸。

    Stay in the pose for30 seconds to1 minute , breathing easily .

  6. 或许你很难体会,但是对我而言,跑步就正如同很自然呼吸一般的轻松。

    It may sound hard to you , but for me running is as natural as breathing .

  7. 电针自然呼吸和窒息家兔耳尖穴对膈神经放电的影响

    Influence on Nervus Phrenicus Electric Potential of Rabbit under Normal Respiration or Asphyxiation with Electro-acupuncture in the Ear-top point

  8. 方法把猪开胸暴露心脏,但不损伤胸膜腔,仍维持自然呼吸。

    Methods The thorax was opened and the heart was exposed in pig , but natural breathing was maintained still .

  9. 目的研究在自然呼吸条件下α-肾上腺素受体阻断剂对猪的心肌缺血性心律失常的作用。

    Objective To study the effects of adrenergic alpha-blockade on arrhythmia induced by acute myocardial ischemia in pig under natural breathing .

  10. 如果通过嘴巴呼吸比较痛苦,一些防打鼾带可以帮助你通过鼻子自然呼吸。

    If breathing through your mouth is the culprit , a chin strip or a snore guard can help you breathe naturally through your nose .

  11. 腹式呼吸训练过程中第一阶段平均收缩压比平静自然呼吸第一阶段降低;

    The systolic pressure of the patients in first period of abdominal breathing training was obviously lower than that of the ones in calm and natural breathing ;

  12. 科学家发现最让人感到恶心的反应和自然呼吸节律息息相关,人们会自然的通过动作及时调整呼吸。

    Scientists knew the most sickening motions closely match the rate of natural breathing ; they also knew that people naturally tend to breathe in time with a motion .

  13. 在强迫振荡呼吸系统阻抗Zr8测定中,为去除自然呼吸干扰,我们设计了一种以振荡激发频率为中心的二级窄带通梳状数字滤波器。

    In the measurement of the forced oscillation respiratory impedance , we designed a narrow-band second-order bandpass comb filter which is centered at the forced oscillation frequencies for eliminating the interference of spontaneous breathing .

  14. 闭上眼睛,自然的呼吸。

    Breathe naturally and close your eyes .

  15. 自然地呼吸,不要深呼吸。

    Breathe naturally and not too deep .

  16. 性质温和,能有效洁净毛孔,排除皮肤毒素,让皮肤自然自由呼吸,不泛油光。

    Mild nature , effective clean pores , eliminate toxin and make skin naturally breathe without oily gloss .

  17. 闭上双眼,保持5——10分钟,除了自然地呼吸什么都不要注意。

    Close your eyes and , for 5 to 10 minutes , pay attention to nothing but your breathing .

  18. 那是小鸟的鸣唱,那是自然的呼吸,那是我们所向往的天堂。

    It was the song of birds , it is natural breathing , that is what we aspire to paradise .

  19. 他自然的呼吸模式将加快和加深,导致强度增加但是效率降低的呼吸方式。

    His natural breathing pattern will increase in tempo and depth , causing a greater but inefficient exchange of respiratory gasses .

  20. 保持这个体式同时保持深呼吸或者尽量保持这个体式同时自然的呼吸。

    You can either hold the posture while the breath is held or you can try holding the posture while breathing gently through the nostrils .

  21. 无论是传统工艺玻璃和新工艺玻璃,佳富豪从色彩、质感、神韵等方面都达到了“梦想自然,呼吸自然,展现自然”的境界。

    Regardless of traditional process glass and new craft glass , from color , texture to verve , every aspect has achieved the boundary of " dream nature , breath nature , development nature " .

  22. 自然在安排呼吸器官的运作上,是一时一刻都不休息的。

    Nature is uninterrupted to arrange the operation of breath organ .

  23. 能通过自然通风而呼吸,同时减少它的环境足迹?

    that could breathe through natural ventilation , and meanwhile reduce its environmental footprint ?

  24. 油桃花芽自然休眠期间呼吸机制的研究

    Study on Respiration of Dormancy Nectarine Flower Buds

  25. 人工呼吸:在自然停止或呼吸困难时,用某种手法诱导呼吸的医疗操作。

    Artificial respiration : Breathing induced by any of several techniques in a person who has stopped or is having difficulty breathing .

  26. 香蕉比一般水果成熟的快,因为在采摘之后它们并不自然地放慢呼吸,相反它们会加速呼吸,这就造成香蕉臭名昭著的短寿。

    Bananas ripen more quickly than most fruit because they don 't naturally slow the respiration after being picked , in fact it speeds up , giving bananas their notoriously short shelf life .

  27. 在此背后,掩藏着童星杰克逊时代《我将至此》和《摇滚罗宾》的惊人信心,每一个音符都高过天穹,每一次时间调节都自然有如呼吸。

    And behind it lay the astonishing confidence of child-star Michael in " I 'll Be There " or " Rockin'Robin ", with each note treble-true and each time-change as natural as taking breath .

  28. 欣赏自然之美,呼吸新鲜空气。

    Pay attention to its beauty . Breathe in the fresh air .

  29. 什么对你来说做起来最自然,就像在呼吸或者最自然地表露在你生命中的那些事情?

    What comes so naturally to you that when you are doing it , it feels like you 're just breathing and reveling in life on earth ?

  30. 现实生活中人都有羞恶之心、廉耻之心,一个优秀作家塑造出来的文学人物,自然是血肉丰满呼吸生动的,他们能行动、能思索,有欲望更有尊严和人格。

    Everyone in the real life has a sense of shame . The literature character created by a excellent author surely is flesh and vivid , they can move , think , they have not only lust but dignity and personality .