
zì rán kē xué
  • natural science
自然科学 [zì rán kē xué]
  • [natural science] 研究自然现象和自然界各物质形态、结构、性质及其运动和发展的科学,广泛包括数、理、化、海洋、气象、生物等各分支学科

自然科学[zì rán kē xué]
  1. 自然科学包括许多学科。

    Natural science embraces many subjects .

  2. 密西西比自然科学博物馆

    The Pavilion Mississippi Museum of Natural Science

  3. 各自然科学学科可能都得不到任何拨款。

    Whole branches of science may not receive any grants .

  4. 他希望强化自然科学在一流大学里的地位。

    He hoped to strengthen the position of the sciences in the leading universities .

  5. 物理学是自然科学中发展出了强有力的抽象理论的最好例子。

    Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong , abstract theories .

  6. 为了便于青少年学习,他们编了一套《自然科学小丛书》。

    They have compiled a collection of Elementary Readings on the Natural Scieces to help young people in their studies .

  7. 谈到自然科学我就茫然。

    I 'm beyond my depth when it comes to natural sciences .

  8. 发表在《自然科学报告》上的研究显示了这种不公平达到了多深的地步。

    In a study published in Nature Scientific Reports , we reveal just how deep this injustice runs .

  9. 现代教育有三大内容-古典文学、现代历史和文学、以及自然科学

    There are three great constituents of modern education -- the classics , modern history and literature , and science .

  10. 但是就像我说过的,我的旅行并不仅仅是关于研究,也是关于我的梦想,当我都还不知道我在做什么的时候我如何制造机会,这就是灵感和决心以及从不放弃我对自然科学,学习,以及成长的兴趣。

    But like I said , my journey wasn 't just about the research , it was about finding my passion , and it was about making my own opportunities when I didn 't even know what I was doing . It was about inspiration and determination and never giving up on my interest for science and learning and growing .

  11. 把GIS技术应用到数字考古和文化遗址的保护中本研究得到陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目遗址GIS应用系统的研究与开发(编号:2009JM8008)的支持。

    This research is supported by Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shanxi " Research and Development of Sites GIS Application System "( ID : 60736008 ) .

  12. Ψ(2S)粒子及粲夸克偶素物理实验研究&2001年度国家自然科学奖获奖项目介绍

    Experimental studies on physics of the ψ( 2s ) particle and other charmonium States

  13. 本文的研究课题为国家自然科学基金课题,其主要目标就是SAR及极化SAR图像中的相干斑的抑制。

    The research project of the dissertation is the national natural science fund project . The main target of this project is to suppress the speckle of SAR or polarimetric SAR images .

  14. 本文的工作是结合国家自然科学基金重大项目电子商务安全支付协议的研究展开的,重点研究如何在不安全的Internet网络上实现一种离线电子现金支付系统的原型系统。

    The work in this thesis is based on the project of national natural science fund of Research on the secure payment protocol for electronic commerce , and focuses on how to implement an off-line electronic cash payment prototype system via the insecure Internet network .

  15. 作为国际三大检索系统之一,SCI是衡量一个机构的学术水平和科研能力的重要因素,尤其能反映自然科学基础研究的学术水平。

    As one of the three greatest retrieval systems of the world , SCI is an important factor which refers to the capabilities of academic and scientific research for an institution .

  16. 简要介绍了结合国家自然科学基金项目研究、设计并在江苏大学内建成了中国第一座高性能CFRP拉索独塔斜拉桥,桥长51.5m。

    Based on the National Natural Science Fund Project , we designed and constructed the first cable-stayed bridge with high performance CFRP cables in China , which has one tower and is 51.5 metres long .

  17. 自从Mandelbrot提出分形的概念以来,分形学已发展成为一门横跨自然科学和社会科学各研究领域的新兴学科。

    Since B.B Mandelbrot proposed the concept of fractal , the fractal had become a new interdisciplinary subject crossing the natural science and social science .

  18. 结合正承担的国家自然科学基金项目声空化的物理与化学效应研究,介绍了采用RC振荡器来实现电导率精确测量的设计思路和声空化效应的检测原理。

    Combining the natural science fund item " study sonic cavitation effect of physics and chemistry ", it introduces a design thought of adopting RC oscillation to realize the accurate measure of conductance and the examining theory of sonic cavitation effect .

  19. 今后,NSFC还将采取放宽女性申请青年科学基金年龄限制等切实措施,进一步加大对女性科研人员的支持力度,使女性科研人员在自然科学基础研究中发挥更大的作用。

    The National Natural Science Foundation of China ( NSFC ) is looking to develop such a policy , having said in2010 that women science researchers applying for funding should be prioritised .

  20. 数学不仅是研究自然科学的有力工具,而且在研究数学本身问题时创造了很多种方法,关系映射反演方法即RMI方法就是数学中一个极普遍的方法原则。

    Mathematics is not only a forceful tool of natural science , but when studying itself creates more methods . Relationship-Mapping-Inversion ( RMI ) is a universal mathematical principle and frequently applied to both elementary and advanced mathematics .

  21. 本文的工作得到了国家自然科学基金项目(50478037)和美国国家科学基金项目NSFAwardCMS-0220027-01的资助。

    The research of this thesis is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 50478037 , and by the National Science Foundation of USA ( NSF Award CMS-0220027-01 ) .

  22. 在研项目国家自然科学基金课题基于PAR方法的算法设计形式化和自动化研究涉及软件开发形式化和自动化、算法程序形式化推导和证明研究等内容。

    The actual project is the Nation 's Natural Science Fund Project " the research of designing algorithm formally and automatically based on PAR method " . It involves two aspects : developing software formally and automatically , deriving and testifying algorithmic program formally .

  23. 基于上述背景,在国家自然科学基金项目的资助下,结合课题组之前所做的工作,本文对碳纤维(CFRP)布改善高强混凝土柱的延性性能进行了试验研究和分析。

    Under the above-mentioned background and in support of the research programs of National Natural Science Foundation of China , the ductility of high strength concrete columns retrofitted with CFRP sheets were discussed in the thesis just based on the work done by team members before .

  24. 本课题是基于国家自然科学基金项目(51175349)及沈阳市科学技术计划资助项目(F12-277-1-70)提出的。

    Based on the project supported by national natural science fund project ( 51175349 ) and Shenyang science and technology plan fund projects ( F12-277-1-70 ) .

  25. 美国OCLC公司是世界最大的文献信息服务机构之一,其所提供的80个数据库内容覆盖社会科学、自然科学各学科领域,且一半有原文。

    American OCLC company is one of the worlds biggest constitutions of document information service and contents of eighty databases offered by the company cover every subject area from social sciences to natural science , furthermore , half of them have the original .

  26. 论文的研究课题来源于国家自然科学基金项目被动式与人合作机器人(Cobot)的关键技术研究。

    The research work comes from a project funded by NSFC ( National Natural Science Foundation of China ), which is " The research of key technology for passive collaborative robot ( cobot ) " .

  27. 本文得到以下基金资助:国家自然科学基金(60533040)、国家自然科学基金青年科技人才培养专项基金(60525202)、新世纪高校杰出人才计划(NCET-04-0545)。

    This work is supported by National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 60525202 , Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University NCET-04-0545 and Key Program of Natural Science Foundation of China 60533040 .

  28. 论文工作得到了国家自然科学基金项目(No.60572037)和北京交通大学优秀博士生科技创新基金项目(No.48013)的支持。

    The work of this dissertation is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 60572037 ) and the Innovation Foundation of Science and Technology for Excellent Doctorial Candidates of Beijing Jiaotong University under Grant No.48013 .

  29. 本论文依托国家重点自然科学基金项目:基于子波和分形理论的水文尺度分析新途径(NO.40271024);水文水资源子波分析新途径(No.50279023)开展研究。

    This paper gets the support of Chinese National Nature Science Fund : the analysis of many New methods in hydrology based on wavelet and fractal theory ( NO.40271024 ), and Wavelet method in water resources and hydrology ( NO.50279023 ) .

  30. 本论文完成的博士研究项目&制冷压缩机制冷量测控系统的若干理论问题与实践来源于浙江省自然科学基金(501080)和浙江省重点科研攻关项目(2004C21045)。

    The research item of the finished paper some theoretical problems and practice of the testing and controlling system of refrigerating capacity for refrigerant compressors comes from the Zhejiang Natural Science Fund ( 501080 ) and Zhejiang Scientific Research Item ( 2004C21045 ) .