
zì zhuàn
  • rotation;revolution;autorotation;revolve on its own axis
自转 [zì zhuàn]
  • [rotation] 星体自己围绕本身的轴转动

  • 很多天体既公转又自转

自转[zì zhuàn]
  1. 并且讨论了地球自转速率变化在地震预报中可能作用的R值评分。

    And the application of the earth rotation rate variation of earthquake prediction is discussed .

  2. 大气对地球自转参数(ERP)的高频激发

    High frequency excitation of earth rotation parameters ( erp ) from atmosphere

  3. 火星自转一周的时间比地球长。

    Mars takes longer to revolve on its axis than the earth .

  4. 地球绕着地轴自转。

    The Earth spins on its own axis

  5. 地球既公转又自转。

    The earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis .

  6. 地球绕轴自转。

    The earth rotates on its axis .

  7. 地球的自转轴是一条贯穿北极和南极的假想轴。

    The axis of the earth is an imaginary line through the north pole and the South pole .

  8. 地球绕着地轴自转

    The Earth spins on its own axis .

  9. 在几个脉冲星中还看到了周期的另一种变化,即“自转突快”现象

    Another kind of period variation , \\ " Glitches , \\ " are seen in several pulsars .

  10. 双星X射线源与中子星的自转减速

    The X-ray source in binary stars and the spin down of neutron stars

  11. 地球每24小时下一次决心。(应为rotation自转)

    The earth makes a resolution every 24 hours .

  12. Li丰度-恒星自转关联很可能只是Li丰度-恒星活动性关联的一种反映。

    The Li abundance-rotation relation may be a reflection of Li abundance-stellar activity correlation .

  13. 地球自转与ELNino现象的相关分析

    Correlation analysis between El Nino and earth rotation variation

  14. VLBI单基线解算地球自转参数的秩亏性证明

    The Demonstration Of Rank Deficiency For One VLBI Baseline Estimation Earth Orientation Parameters

  15. 小行星(16)Psyche的自转

    The rotation of ( 16 ) Psyche

  16. 地球自转对分布式星载SAR-GMTI的影响

    The Earth Rotation Effects on Distributed Spaceborne SAR - GMTI

  17. 由PREM模型参数计算地球自转的周期变化

    Periodic variations of the earth rotation calculated with the Prem parameters

  18. 为了让旋翼飞行器飞得更快,人们想出了种种方案,包括复合式直升机、ABC旋翼式、倾转旋翼飞行器和自转旋翼飞行器等。

    Various schemes were put forward in order to make rotorcraft fly faster , such as compound helicopter , ABC-type helicopter , tilt-rotor aircraft , autogiro , and so on .

  19. 研究了星载SAR多普勒调频率随轨道高度的变化和地球自转对同步轨道SAR和低轨SAR调频率的影响;

    The change of spaceborne SAR Doppler frequency rate with the orbit altitude , as well as the influence of earth rotation on the Doppler frequency rate of LEO SAR and that of GEO SAR are studied .

  20. 来自同一杂交组合的不同F2姐妹系的转座频率有很大的差异,这种差异可能源自转座时间的不同;

    The germinal transposition frequency presented prodigious difference among different F2 siblings derived from the same cross combination , and this difference maybe resulted from difference of transposition timing .

  21. 分析了地球自转、大气角动量和太阳黑子相对数的年际变化与ELNino的关系。

    The relationship between variations in time scale of years of the Earth 's rotation ( Δ LOD 1 ), the atmospheric angular momentum , sunspot number and El Nino is studied in this paper .

  22. 利用最近3a逐月的地温、地球自转和地震资料,分析了地热涡的演变与我国降水场的关系。

    The relationship of the geothermal vortex evolution and precipitation are analyzed by the data of monthly ground temperature , earth rotation and earthquake during 1996 ~ 1998 over China .

  23. 多孔玻璃粉在蒸汽相中自转晶合成含硼CF-2沸石

    Synthesis of Boron-containing CF-2 Zeolite by Self-transformation of Porous Glass Granules in a Vapor Phase

  24. 研究自转方式与行星运转方式对Ni-Cr合金薄膜电阻阻值均匀性的影响。

    Explore different sputtering time recasts Ni-Cr alloy film resistor . 2 . On the way and the rotation of the planets on the Ni-Cr alloy thin film resistor uniformity . 3 .

  25. 由这些公式文章说明了SL9彗星的撞击,对木星的自转速率是没有影响的。

    Jovial rotation shall not be disturbed on the formula while impacted by comet SL9 .

  26. 以XRD为表征手段详细研究了408~453K温度范围、多孔玻璃粉在乙胺和水的蒸汽相中自转变为BAlMFI型沸石的自转变动力学。

    Self-transformation kinetics of porous glass granules into B-Al-MFI-type zeolite in a vapor phase of ethylamine and water was studied in the temperature range of 408 ~ 453 K. The products obtained in the transformation process were investigated with XRD .

  27. 如果Hale-Bopp彗星的自转周期为12h左右,根据27次测定得到喷流的平均速度为(599±34)m/s。

    As the rotation period of Comet Hale-Bopp is about 12 hours , the average velocity of jets was determined at ( 599 ± 34 ) m / s according to 27 measurements .

  28. 结果表明:当地球自转速率的年际变化由快向慢转变,即表示年际变化的ΔLOD1的数值由极小逐渐增加并转变为正值约半年后,ELNino的初期开始出现。

    The result showed that the beginning of El Nino generally appeared after the progress of variation from slow dawn to fast of the Earth rotation , that is the variation of Δ LOD 1 is from minimum to maximum , by about half year and more .

  29. 日长变化是表征地球自转运动的一个重要参数,它与极移、岁差和章动统称为地球定向参数(EOP)。

    Length of Day ( LOD ) change is an important parameter which reflects the earth rotation . LOD change 、 Polar Motion ( PM )、 Precession and Nutation are called Earth Orientation Parameters ( EOP ) .

  30. 根据上海天文台1.56米望远镜提供的HaleBopp彗星近核观测资料,利用两种不同的方法对该彗星的自转轴指向进行了测定。

    With the observed images provided by the 1.56m telescope of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory , two independent methods are used to orient the spin axis of comet Hale Bopp . The two sets of results thus obtained coincide with each other . The R.