
  • 网络natural life;nature life;Bios
  1. 河流自然生命的概念及其意义

    The Concept and Significance of the River 's Natural Life

  2. 第二部分谈道家自然生命意识;

    Section II dealing with Taoist natural life consciousness ;

  3. 我们来此是因为度过我们那些非自然生命。

    We 're here for the rest of our unnatural lives .

  4. 这一切都表现在他对自然生命世界非人类中心主义的细腻描绘中。

    All of that are expressed in his non-anthropocentric depiction of natural world .

  5. 自然生命的抒情诗篇

    A Lyric Poem of Natural Life

  6. 事实上,行为分级是自然生命具有很高智慧的一个重要因素。

    In fact , behavior hierarchy is a very important factor that creatures have high intelligence .

  7. 在扫描参数优化的条件下才可得到细胞样品在其自然生命状态下的拉曼光谱。

    The Raman spectrum of cells in vivo can be achieved with optimization of scan parameters .

  8. 然而,20世纪的医学对健康人的自然生命周期的增长几乎无能为力。

    But 20th century medicine did little to increase the natural life span of healthy humans .

  9. 在渗透生命教育的时候,班主任不仅要让学生了解自然生命,还要让学生意识到社会生命和精神生命。

    Besides let students know natural life , class teachers must let students realize social life and spiritual life .

  10. 幼儿的生命是幼儿教育的基石,它包括自然生命、社会生命和精神生命。

    Life of children , the footstone of early childhood education , includes natural life , social life and spiritual life .

  11. 本论文指出人是自然生命、精神生命和社会生命的统一体。

    This paper points out that a person is a natural life , spiritual life and social life of the continuum .

  12. 对人工生命的研究有助于揭示构成自然生命的最本质特征以及生命演化的最基本规律。

    The study of alife is helpful to reveal the most essential characteristics of natural life and the fundamental rules of life evolution .

  13. 正是在这一意义上,路遥的悲剧是其个体自然生命的悲剧,却是作家个体精神生命一次真正的凯旋。

    In this sense , LU Yao 's tragedy is a tragedy of his life , but a victory of his spiritual pilgrimage .

  14. 对旺盛自然生命的赞美和对机械文明的批判是贯穿于劳伦斯中期诗歌创作的主题性线索。

    Praising the vigorous natural life and criticizing industrial civilization is the theme which runs through Lawrence 's poetry in his middle life .

  15. 人工生命的研究平台是用计算机软件产生自然生命的现象和特征的仿真系统。

    The platform in Artificial Life research is a simulation system which uses computer software to produce the phenomenon and characteristics of natural life .

  16. 人工生命研究展示自然生命系统特征的人工系统。人工生命的目标是探寻与特殊基质无关的生命系统的原理,在生命如其所能的广阔图景中,探索以碳为基础的现实生命的替代品。

    Artificial life is the man-made system that exhibits behaviors characteristic of natural living systems . It is a new kind of life form .

  17. 贾宝玉这一形象的塑造是人的生命与自然生命的对接与融合。

    Therefore , the creation of the image of Jia Bao-yu shows that the life of man blends well with the life of nature .

  18. 玄学的兴起,从某种意义上可以说是对这种状况的修正,同时亦是对自然生命的回归。

    The rising of metaphysics , to some extent , could be a reaction of this situation and also a return of original natural life .

  19. 相应地,原始、淳朴甚至是意象崇高的自然生命终于成为艺术审美的对象,在文学活动中占有了一席之地。

    Correspondingly , the original , simplicity , even lofty natural lives become the aesthetic object finally to occupy a place in the literature activity .

  20. 其本质是对河流认识上的观念革命,是恢复河流有机整体性,也是对河流自然生命的伦理提升。

    Its essence is an ideaistic revolution in understanding rivers , to renew the organic integrity of rivers , and an exaltation of river ethic .

  21. 美国国家航空航天局曾打算在2004年建造一座永久的空间站,但是还没有人曾经试验过自然生命维持系统。

    SOT : Bernd Zabel NASA had plans to have a permanent space station by2004 , but nobody really experimented with natural life support system .

  22. 人的自然生命形态代表着生命最原初的现实形态,是生命的本真;

    The first kind is the natural form , which represents the most primary and realistic shape of life as well as the nature of life .

  23. 第四章笔者则选取悲剧意识、自然生命意识、当代意识这三个审美范畴来思考农民形象自身审美特征的演绎。

    The fourth chapter author demonstrated the esthetic characteristic from these three esthetic categories such as the tragedy consciousness , natural life consciousness , current consciousness .

  24. 他一方面表现出天赋的文学才性,一方面将山水内化为自然生命的一部分。

    On one hand , he showed the talent of literature , on the other hand he absorbed the landscape into a part of natural life .

  25. 人工生命是指用计算机和精密机械等生成或构造表现自然生命系统行为特点的仿真系统或模型系统。

    Artificial life is a simulated or modeling system generated or constructed by using computer and precise mechanism , which behaves like a natural life system .

  26. 广义人工生命是自然生命的模拟、伸和扩展。在这些早期的研究中,我曾设法模拟自然的光线。

    Generalized artificial life is the study of modelling , extending and expanding of natural life . I tried to imitate natural lighting in these early studies .

  27. 而从白虎与幽莽关系的角度,这部小说又可挖掘出另一层文化意蕴,那幽深的林莽既是白虎的家园,也是生命的乐土,揭示出自然生命的同一性。

    There is another cultural meaning in this novel , which is the deep and serene forests is the White Tiger 's homeland and the living beings ' paradise .

  28. 采用类比和统计分析的方法,分析了信息理论应用在通信系统、自然生命系统和人工生命系统中的相似和不同点。

    The method of the comparison and statistical analysis are used to find the different applications of information theory among the communication system , natural life and artificial life .

  29. 狂欢源于丰收喜悦的刺激,更是个体与群体生命力的自由释放,也是人的肉体自然生命的充实、展开和实现。

    In some way , it is the condition that individual and colony discharge their natural life and broaden , set off or realize their natural life and flesh body .

  30. 此外,「南瀛」作为地方展现的是融合了人的自然生命与自然所代表的宇宙万物生命的「地方限定」表现。

    Besides ," Nan-Ying " as a place in The Beauty of Nan-Ying series shows up the " personalized " presentation which combines the lives of human beings and nature .