
  • 网络natural retention
  1. 你跟自然保持和谐,便可以得到宁静,接著你便开始有美丽的梦想。

    Then when you are in harmony with nature you will have the tranquility to begin to dream beautiful dreams .

  2. 社会和谐关键在于平衡各种社会关系,使社会中人自身内心、人与人、人与自然保持和谐。

    Social harmony lies in the balancing of social relations , that is , keeping human being itself harmonious and keeping harmonious between people , between man and nature .

  3. 渔民们争先恐后地将鲜鱼运到市场,而在许多日本人看来,渔民一直与自然保持着微妙的平衡。

    They are racing to deliver fresh fish to market , and yet they remain , as far as many Japanese see it , in delicate balance with nature .

  4. 从原始社会到封建社会,发展生产力的人本主义性质得到了纯洁的体现,人和自然保持着原始的和谐统一。

    From primitive society to slave society to feudal society , the humanism nature was purely embodied and there was a kind of primitive and harmonious unity between human being and nature .

  5. 如果我们能与自然保持平衡,我们就能最好地满足自己的需求&这种平衡对于我们的健康和繁荣很重要,对蜂群也一样。

    We can best meet our own needs if we maintain a balance with nature & a balance that is as important to our health and prosperity as it is to the bees .

  6. 如果我们能与自然保持平衡,我们就能最好地满足自己的需求——这种平衡对于我们的健康和繁荣很重要,对蜂群也一样。

    We can best meet our own needs if we maintain a balance with nature - a balance that is as important to our health and prosperity as it is to the bees .

  7. 景观设计中的禅宗思想贯穿于园林景观设计的发展历程之中,并使一种健康、朴实、谦虚的形态成为一种现代意义上的禅境,让环境与自然保持和谐,传统和文化得以延续。

    The thought of Zen has been seeing the history of landscape design development , entrusts the modern Zen with a healthy , simple and modest form , harmonizes the environment and nature and heritage the tradition and cultural .

  8. 如果阴阳结合良好,自然就会保持平衡。

    Nature keeps balanced if yin and yang work well together .

  9. 没有感情可以永远自然地保持快乐。一旦一段新感情最初的激动消退,一些情侣就认为他们的关系已经结束了,而且放弃继续尝试。

    No relationship can be spontaneously joyful forever . Once the initial excitement of a new romance wears off , some couples think their relationship is over and give up trying .

  10. 重要的是,他们的自然比例保持在一种补充。

    It is important that their natural ratio is maintained in a supplement .

  11. 没有感情可以永远自然地保持快乐。

    No relationship can be spontaneously joyful forever .

  12. 黄土丘陵区近自然水土保持复式技术研究

    Study on Compound Techniques of Near Nature Soil and Water Conservation in Loess Hilly-gully Region

  13. 说谎的人会很不自然地保持双脚不动,以将人们的注意力从他们的谎话上转移开。

    Liars keep their feet unnaturally still to try to distract people away from their fibs .

  14. 保持注意力集中这样才能自然地保持眼神交流,微笑和展现自己。

    Pay attention so that you naturally hold eye contact , smile , and be yourself .

  15. 持续原则即人类与自然生态保持和谐发展的原则。

    The principle of continuousness is formed for a harmonious development of both human and nature .

  16. 亲近自然,保持运动不但能放松心情更能保持良好的精神状态缓解工作压力。

    Nature and sports are effective in relieving the tension accumulated in work and revitalizing you .

  17. 河岸设计新颖、自然,保持了原有河岸的自然景观。

    The bank is original and natural in design and maintains the natural landscape of the original bank .

  18. 有人认为,以信息为基础的经济自然会保持繁荣,现在必须修正这种观念,应认识到情况不太乐观。

    The notion that an information-based economy will be inherently prosperous must be revised for a less optimistic scenario .

  19. 他因为面试而异常紧张,我告诉他举止要自然并保持正常状态。

    He was very nervous about the interview , so I told him to act naturally and be himself .

  20. 麦尔维尔成功地塑造了亚哈这一悲剧英雄,揭示出人与自然必须保持和谐统一关系的真理。

    Melville successfully portrays Ahab , the tragic hero , to reveal that mankind and nature must be kept in harmony .

  21. 西部是我国目前自然风貌保持最完好的地区,旅游资源得天独厚。

    Natural appearances of the region are preserved best in China at present , so that it is rich in tourism resources .

  22. 从青年到老年,容颜仪态的变化应该和年龄的自然增长保持同步,和自然规律保持和谐。

    From youth to the old age , the change in appearance should keep pace with the natural increase of age and keep in harmony with the natural rules .

  23. 以实玛利这个海上的流浪汉,对自然一直保持着一种亲近与敬畏的态度,最终成为船上唯一的幸存者。

    Ishmael , the tramp on the sea , kept the close and awe-struck attitude to the nature , and he became the only survivor on the ' Pequod ' .

  24. 它是取于自然并保持自然结构和生物活性的纯天然物质,是确保饲料和动物性食品安全以及人体健康的理想添加剂。

    The natural herbal medicine fodder additive extracted from nature material was pure natural material and ideal additive . It insured safe food and health for both animal and human beings .

  25. 同时在其理论指导下的山水画创作流露出隐约的文人情怀,折射出颇具时代气息的人文精神,即人与自然应该保持真正的亲和、和谐的关系。

    Meanwhile , under this theoretical instruction , his landscape painting creation revealed the indistinct writer mood and the current relevance humane spirit , namely , the human and the nature should maintain real compatible and harmonious relation .

  26. 人类与自然界共同发展的历史表明,人类只有科学地对待和开发自然、保持人与自然的和谐关系、实现生态文明,才能使人类自身得到健康持续的发展。

    The developmental history of human and nature shows that the healthy and sustainable growth of our human being can be maintained only when we treat and develop the nature rationally and keep a harmonious relationship between human and nature so as to realize biological civilization .

  27. 外语教材编写者和外语教师在编写教材和教授语法时,要尽量与语法的自然习得规律保持一致。

    Following the natural rules in the course of textbook writing .

  28. 区内主要为自然生境,保持不受任何骚扰。

    This will be kept as an undisturbed , largely natural area .

  29. 遵循以下简单的步骤,以自然的方法保持牙刷清洁无菌。

    Follow these easy steps to naturally keep your toothbrush clean and bacteria free .

  30. 在低温条件下自然干燥能保持较高的纤溶活性。

    High fibrinolytic activity win be maintained under low temperature and natural dry condition .