
  • 网络Hard Disk;hard disk storage
  1. 浅谈RAID技术与硬盘存储技术的发展

    About RAID Technology and Developement of Storing Technology of Hard Disk

  2. 无论是全部或部分更换硬盘存储,SSD技术都是数据中心运营工具箱中的优秀工具之一。

    Whether total or partial replacement for hard disk storage , SSD technology is a good tool in the datacenter operations arsenal .

  3. 基于DSP的硬盘存储式数字媒体系统的研究

    Study of hard disc-storage digital media system based on DSP

  4. 由FPGA和DSP控制的高速IDE硬盘存储技术

    High Speed IDE Harddisk Storage Technology Controlled by FPGA and DSP

  5. 文中设计并实现了一个多硬盘存储系统,可同时挂接16个普通IDE接口的硬盘。

    This paper introduces a multi HDD system based on normal IDE interface is designed and implemented .

  6. 基于NiosⅡ的硬盘存储系统的硬件设计

    Hard-disk storage system design based on Nios ⅱ

  7. 为此简要介绍了RAID技术的发展以及如何解决硬盘存储和播出的安全和稳定问题。

    This article is about the development of RAID technology and how to solve the problem in the safty and stability of disk broadcasting .

  8. 介绍了基于MPEG-4压缩技术、SDH光纤传输技术和大容量硬盘存储技术的电视监控系统在城市轨道交通中的应用问题。

    Introduces the issues on application of CCTV system based on the MPEG-4 compression , SDH optical transmission and large capacity hard disc storage technologies in urban rail transportation .

  9. 磁头表面极尖沉降(PTR)是影响硬盘存储密度的关键因素之一。

    Pole tip recession ( PTR ) is one of the critical factors in improving the density of hard disk .

  10. 此网络硬盘存储系统基于FPGA完成,既具有SOC的特点又拥有现场可编程的优势,故其可移植性强,应用方便。

    This network hard disk storage system is completed based on FPGA , which has the characteristics of SOC and has advantage of field programmable , so its portability is strong and convenient for use .

  11. 由于硬盘存储和CDN服务器的加入,点播系统的节点资源暂存性较直播系统有所改善,但仍为其重要特征之一。

    As hard disk-storage and CDN servers are deployed in MoD systems , resources stay for a longer time than live system , but resource evanescence still is one of the most important characters .

  12. 你只需要1GHz的处理器、1GB的内存和16GB的硬盘存储空间。

    You just need a 1 GHz processor , 1 GB of RAM and 16 GB of hard drive storage .

  13. 该系统采用脱离PC机独立工作的设计,应用MJPEG压缩技术和硬盘存储技术比较好的实现了数字视频录像功能。

    The system can run independently without PC , and MJPEG technology and hard disk storage technology are used in this system .

  14. 首先对PCIExpress接口特性和NANDFlash的读写及擦除特性进行了必要分析,并以固态硬盘存储系统中的各功能模块为线索实现了控制功能模块和存储功能模块的设计。

    First , we make a necessary description and analysis for the characteristic of PCI Express interface and read , write and erase operation in NAND Flash . Second , we make the function modules as a clue to implement the control module and storage module .

  15. 该嵌入式视频服务器的主要特点是支持四路音视频压缩编码,带有IDE接口硬盘存储功能,客户端远程登陆查看实时流和查询回放历史视频文件。

    The primary character of the video server is four channels video / audio encoding supported , with the IDE local storage , clients can log in the video server to view the real time video stream or the history video storing file .

  16. 本身具有网络地址的硬盘存储设备。

    A hard-disk storage device with its own network address .

  17. 数据存储控制单元可实现2.4MB/s的数据硬盘存储速度。

    The data store control unit can realize 2.4MB/s store speed to hard disk .

  18. 新的数字经济同硬盘存储技术的持续发展紧密相连。

    The new digital economy is linked to the continued evolution of hard drive storage technology .

  19. 相应地,监控质量、硬盘存储时间长度、网络传输流畅性等指标都有很好的表现。

    Detecting quality , hard disk storage time and length , network transferring fluency process well representation .

  20. 新的视频监控技术将带来更好的易用性、更高的灵活性以及远程监控、硬盘存储等新功能。

    The new video surveillance technology will be used more easily and neatly , and it will bring the new functions including long-distance surveillance and hard disk storage .

  21. 由于设置虚拟化主机服务器的方式所限,添加更多内容或硬盘存储空间常常要支付看似高得离谱的费用。

    Because of how virtualized host servers are set up , adding more memory or hard disk storage often comes at what seems like a ridiculously high price .

  22. 计算机硬盘存储容量的发展要求不断降低磁头在硬盘表面的飞行高度,从而要求硬盘磁头的表面祖糙度值越来越小。

    The development of the capacity of the computer hard disk has put forward the requirements for a reduced flying distance between the magnetic head and a more smooth surface of the magnetic head .

  23. 软件设计包括数据采集控制模块、数据处理模块和数据存储控制模块,实现多通道A/D数据采集控制、数据压缩、数据的硬盘存储控制等功能。

    The software design includes three modules of data collecting 、 processing 、 storing , which complete the multi channel A / D control , data compression , data store control function in hard disk .

  24. 设计共分为三个单元:多通道采样控制单元、数据处理单元和数据存储控制单元,实现了多通道采样控制、数据压缩、数据的硬盘存储控制等功能。

    Design divided into three units : multi channel sampling control unit , data processing unit and data store control unit . Have realized that the multi channel sampling control , data compression , data store control function in hard disk .

  25. 最后,对道路图像的实时存储做了深入的研究,设计了硬盘存储模块,实现了道路图像的实时存储,为整个课题的下一步研究打下了坚实的基础。

    Finally , we made depth research in the path real-time image storage , design the hard disk drive storage module , and realize the real-time storage of the road images . At last , we establish a solid foundation for the research .

  26. 基于ARM的硬盘数据存储板的设计实现

    Design and implementation of hard disk data storage board based on ARM

  27. 图像的数据量相比较其他信号来说要大的多,要解决这种大量存储的问题,系统采用IDE硬盘作为存储介质。

    As the data amount of picture is larger the other signal , this system adopts IDE hard disk as storing medium to solve the capacity .

  28. 本课题所研制的灾难恢复系统支持设备包括IDE、SCSI、SATA接口硬盘、存储卡、镜像文件、以及MBR磁盘和GPT磁盘的灾难恢复。

    The system also designed some support equipments , including IDE , SCSI , SATA interface hard drive , memory card , image files and the disaster recovery of MBR disk and GPT disk .

  29. 在对FAST-40SCSI协议深入研究的基础上,建立了双并行SCSI四硬盘直接存储阵列系统模型,从而突破了传统存储方案中的PCI总线瓶颈、操作系统和文件系统的限制。

    Double parallel SCSI and four harddisks Direct Storing Array model is built on the basis of the researching on FAST-40 SCSI protocol , solving the problems in the traditional storage system , such as the PCI choke point , operating system and file system restriction .

  30. 计算机硬盘磁存储密度的倍增研究

    Research on Multiplication of Magnetic Storage 's Density of Computer HDD