
  • 网络biological degradation;biodeterioration
  1. 系统全面地论述了侵蚀土壤物理退化、化学退化和生物退化的具体内容和定量指标。

    Meanwhile , fully and systematically expounded the specific contents and quantitative indexes of physical degradation , chemical degradation and biological degradation of eroded soils .

  2. 过去的研究主要是针对土壤板结或缺水,以后应加强针对土壤生物退化方面的改良研究和控制各种改良剂负面影响的研究。

    In the future , researches of soil amendments on soil biological degradation should be enhanced , meanwhile , how to control shortage of different soil amendments should be further studied .

  3. 在气候干冷化趋势下,水土资源和生物资源退化,导致北方游牧民族南下侵扰,引起都城迁移。

    Under cold and dry climate , the biological resource and the water and land resources are degenerated . Those led to nomadic nationality in northern invaded to the farming nationality in southern .

  4. 结果证明,冬种绿肥处理条件下土壤抗物理退化、土壤养分供应和贮藏、抗生物化学退化和保持作物生产力的功能都明显强于冬闲处理。

    The soil ability to resist physical degradation , to supply plant nutrients and storage , to resist biochemical degradation and to sustain crop productivity of the winter green manure treatments is much stronger than the winter fallow treatment .

  5. 菌根生物技术在退化草地生态系统中的意义

    Significance of Mycorrhizas Biology Technique on Degenerating Grassland Ecosystem

  6. 地上生物量中度退化草地最大,轻度退化草地居中,重度退化草地最低。

    Aboveground biomass in medium degraded grassland ranked at the top , followed by light degraded grassland and severely degraded grassland .

  7. 洪江生态破坏一度比较严重,表现在森林质量下降、植被破坏导致水土流失加剧、生物多样性退化。

    Ecological destroy in Hongjiang is so bad that the forestry quality decrease , soil eroding speed up and biodiversity become less .

  8. 轻度退化草地地下生物量明显高于退化草地。

    Belowground biomass in light degraded grassland is higher than in severely degraded grassland .

  9. 随着人类科学的不断进步,人类正面临着生物机构和机能退化,文明疾病广泛蔓延和爆发,环境污染,生态失衡以及各种身体与心理健康问题的困扰,这些问题让人类付出了沉重的代价。

    With the advance of science , human beings are facing all kinds of physical and psychological problems which will cost them a lot .

  10. 生物腐植酸修复沙化退化土壤效果研究腐植酸生物饲料添加剂饲喂仔猪试验报告

    The Effect of the Biological Humic Acid on the Restoration of the Sandy and Degraded Soil Study report on feeding piglets with humic acid biological feed additive

  11. 对外来入侵植物的控制对策,入侵植物本身的生物学特性的研究、保护生物多样性和退化生态系统的恢复以及路域生态系统管理等几方面作了论述。

    The control strategies of the invasive plants in Honghe River Basin were also approached from the aspects of studying their biological characteristics , biodiversity protection , recovery of degraded ecosystem , and road-region ecosystem management .

  12. 从热带雨林砍伐到海洋渔业枯竭,从淡水日益紧缺到生物多样性迅速退化,再到世界许多地区空气和海洋污染日趋严重,我们感到了人类双手的重量。

    From tropical deforestation to depleted ocean fisheries , from growing freshwater shortages to the rapid decline of biodiversity and increasingly polluted skies and seas in many parts of the world , we see the heavy hand of humankind .

  13. 欧盟同世界其他地区一样经历着严重的生物多样性持续减少与生物栖息地退化和消失的问题。

    The European Union as well as the other parts of the world , has the same problems such as the decline of biodiversity continues , the degradation and disappear of habitats .