
  1. 他身后坐着父亲亚瑟;他直着身子有些生气的样子;挑衅的挺腰站着。

    Behind him sat old man Arthur ; he was straight with something angry in his attitude ; stood defiantly with unbowed back .

  2. 讨论了临清坳陷内3个规模较大的调节构造带,即封丘左行传递带、马陵横向背斜调节带和夏津&腰站斜向背斜调节带的构造特征及成因机制。

    This paper discusses the structure features and mechanism of three larger accommodation zones in Linqing Depression , such as Fengqiu sinistral transfer zone , Malin transverse anticlinal accommodation zone and Xiajin & Yaozhan oblique anticlinal accommodation zone .

  3. 此章节描述了有效激活和唤醒腰肌的站立体式之间的协同作用。

    This chapter presents a synergistic combination of standing poses that effectively activates and re-awakens the psoas muscle .

  4. 锁腰式:站起身来,面对着他,让他把腿盘在你的腰间,后面顶着墙,桌子或者其他的什么东西。

    Bending over stand up , facing the same way , and the reciever bends over at the waist , using a wall , table , or other support .

  5. 德贝维尔开始为她采摘各种各样的草莓,弯着腰把草莓递给站在他后面的苔丝;

    ' D'Urberville began gathering specimens of the fruit for her , handing them back to her as he stooped ;

  6. 你们必须弯下腰来让别人站在你们的肩膀上,让他们看到更加灿烂的未来。

    You must bend down and let someone else stand on your shoulders so that they can see a brighter future .