
  1. 对怀疑病例应尽早行腰穿检查,并行CTA、MRA、DSA等影像学检查以明确病因。

    We should make lumber puncture as early as possible when the suspensive cases were found , and CTA , MRA , DSA should be made for the pathogeny .

  2. 临床上一小部分FS患儿实际上可能存在中枢神经系统病毒感染,必要时应腰穿检查,以区别人为界定的热性惊厥与颅内感染。

    In clinical practices , there may be a small part of FS patients involved in CNS infections . It is essential to perform a lumber puncture and a CSF test to differentiate intracranial infections from FS when necessarily .

  3. 结果自发性蛛网膜下腔出血腰穿脑脊液检查阳性率为100%;

    Results The positive rate of CSF with the lumber puncture is100 % after coming on of primary SAH .

  4. 方法分析80例诊断为自发性蛛网膜下腔出血的临床表现、腰穿及CT检查。

    Methods Clinical data and lumbar puncture and CT of80 patients with primary SAH were analysed .

  5. 增强MRI扫描是首选的影像学检查方法,腰穿CSF细胞学检查为确诊的重要手段,受累区的放射治疗和鞘内化疗是其主要的治疗措施。

    Gd-MRI and CSF cytology should be considered firstly when LC been suspected , and patients most likely benefit from radiation therapy to symptomatic sites and intrathecal chemotherapy .