
  • 网络pythium;pythium sp;pythium spp;Pythiumspp
  1. 玉米根围土壤中腐霉菌的分离鉴定及核糖体DNA-ITS序列分析

    Isolation , identification , and sequence analysis of rDNA-ITS of Pythium species sampled from rhizosphere soil of corn

  2. 通过抗性及感性稳定的10个自交系完全双列杂交对腐霉菌(Pythiumsp)引起的茎腐病的抗性遗传进行研究。

    By the complete allel cross wit ten self ─ bred lines of maize that have the stable resistances and susceptibilities , the inheritance of the resistance of maize to stalk rot caused by Pythium sp . were studied .

  3. 本研究对2亲本1145和Y331、杂交F1以及F2群体进行玉米青枯病单一致病菌(肿囊腐霉菌)的接种鉴定,统计F2群体中抗病、感病植株分离情况,并作了初步统计分析。

    Resistance of 2 parents ( 1145 and Y331 ), their F 1 and F 2 populations was identified by inoculation of Pythium inflatum Mattews and analyzed genetically .

  4. 通过对降解产物的紫外可见光谱分析,发现腐霉菌F2能彻底降解染料,并优先降解简单结构。

    The products of azo dye degraded by F2 were determined by UV-visible spectra assay , and it was found that the dye was completely degraded by F2 and the simple parts were preferentially degraded .

  5. 卵菌(Oomycetes)包括疫霉菌、霜霉菌、腐霉菌等,大多都是重要的植物病原菌,在世界范围内,给许多农作物和花卉植物带来毁灭性危害。

    Oomycetes include Phytophthora , downy mildews and Pythium , most of which are well-known plant pathogens and cause devastating damages to many food and ornamental crops worldwide .

  6. 玉米抗腐霉菌茎腐病超微结构的研究

    Studies on the Ultrastructure Resistance to Pythium Stalk Rot in Maize

  7. 经致病性测定表明,这3种腐霉菌是造成新疆甜菜根腐病的主要病原。

    Pathogenicity tests show that all species can cause root rot symptom to sugar beet .

  8. 木霉对腐霉菌的拮抗机制及生防效果研究

    Studies on mechanism of antagonism of Trichoderma sp . against Rhizoctonia solani and its application in biological control

  9. 另外,还对枯草芽孢杆菌的作用机理以及重要植物病原菌如腐霉菌的生态学进行了研究。

    In addition , research was done on the mechanisms by which Bacillus subtilis stains control plant disease and on the ecology of important plant pathogens such as Pythium .

  10. 室内药剂筛选结果表明:在相同浓度下,百菌清对丝核菌的抑制作用最强,而甲霜灵对腐霉菌的抑制作用最强。

    The results of fungicide selection on the pharmaceutical products in laboratory indicated that on the same concentration , the inhibition of chlorothalonil to Rhizoctonia was strongest and to Pythium , was metalaxyl .

  11. 筛选用于防治大豆尖孢镰刀菌根腐病的木霉菌株

    Screening Trichoderma spp for biocontrol of root rot of soybean